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Valentina's Day community contest


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So many excellent entries here. This thread is inspiring if not intimidating. My favorite three in no particular order:

- TheRedCow (post#26) - Confident, feminine, cute; she's the Kerbal you want to see succeed

- cptdavep (post #93) - I love that he tried changing the Kerbal anatomy to make something distinctly different

- nothingSpecial (post #65) - this rendering shows that Val, like Jeb, has no fear

And in light of such awesomeness, I humbly present my own entry. Seems kind of lackluster now:


I was trying to go for something that was definitely feminine, yet distinctly Kerbal.

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Valentina does not play by the rules. As such, she's not subject to the societal conventions of "beauty" or "hotness". She's strong and independent, and most of all, beautiful on the inside. Here's my piece of artwork, made in fifteen minutes.


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May have taken some artistic liberties with kerbal anatomy (and Jool, and Laythe, and the colour of nerva rocket trails, and the possibility of phosphorescent plankton)... but let's be honest, would you trust an engineer with clean hands?


Digital painting in Manga Studio, with a dash of Photoshop to help with Jool's (new) rings. All our gas giants have rings to some degree, just most aren't visible at our range; I figure there might be some when closer up. Also dirty secret; I traced the planes from (my own) screenshots cos I'm a character artist, not a vehicle designer. The rest is freehand + rulers :)

Feedback welcome, still got time to make adjustments I think ^^

Higher res version available on my DA account for the interested.

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Edit: Yeah obviosly I'm not late. I kinda overestimated the time mods would take to approve my post and also got confused with dates somewhat. Anyway, in total this probably took about seven hours and I have to say I'm quite pleased with the result except for the ships' coloring, which was somewhat rushed.

For those wondering, RPDS stands for rapid planned disassembly system.

Edited by SpaceChocolate
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May have taken some artistic liberties with kerbal anatomy (and Jool, and Laythe, and the colour of nerva rocket trails, and the possibility of phosphorescent plankton)... but let's be honest, would you trust an engineer with clean hands?


Digital painting in Manga Studio, with a dash of Photoshop to help with Jool's (new) rings. All our gas giants have rings to some degree, just most aren't visible at our range; I figure there might be some when closer up. Also dirty secret; I traced the planes from (my own) screenshots cos I'm a character artist, not a vehicle designer. The rest is freehand + rulers :)

Feedback welcome, still got time to make adjustments I think ^^

Higher res version available on my DA account for the interested.

Woh I really like it :D the face is cute and she has got great hair style :3

and I just want to know yours DA account.

EDIT I got it XD

Edited by Kyasarinn
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My 8 year old daughter shouted "Finally!" when I told her that there were girl Kerbals coming to KSP. When I told her that there was an art contest, she said she had to enter a picture.

Valentina is on an asteroid rendezvous mission and has set up a bomb to blow the rock up.


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Kyasarinn, with those awesome concept sketches, I feel like you should start making a Kerbal webcomic. Those different styles and expressions are perfect for it!

Gosh Thank you :3 honestly I want to do it becouse I really like drawing Kerbals. But first I need to know better about rockets becouse it's my beginning in playing KSP. I need to know better this game.

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"Hi Jeb! From today we workin' together!"

This is my second entry :3 Valentina landed her command pod on Jeb's car.

Done by color pencils :)

Lol, the look on his face... he's finally found someone more recklessly destructive than himself :)

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