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Taking the "Kerbal way" a little too far in the real world.


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So, last night, a little over 24 hours ago, I channeled my inner-Jeb and managed to walk away nearly unscathed from a hard crash. The icy conditions appeared very quickly, and made the region a nasty death trap for a few hours.

Anyone else have some close-calls, getting away unharmed?

I took this picture of my pickup truck after I was pulled out of it:


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  AbhChallenger said:
Glad you got out okay! Is it totaled?

I won't know for a few days. Since it happened on a weekend, it's delaying things slightly. In the morning I'll go and sign the releases and pay the towing company, so that the insurance company can take over and evaluate it.

But my suspicion, just based on its age and value, is that it will be totaled.

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Glad you're ok. That's the important thing.

I 'parked' my first car in a ditch many years ago. It rolled over a couple if times before finishing on its roof. The most serious injury was mine - a few minor cuts on my hands from the screen shattering and a bruise on the head from a dent in the roof.

I found the whole event rather surreal, and the sounds it made were just awesome.

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  NecroBones said:
So, last night, a little over 24 hours ago, I channeled my inner-Jeb and managed to walk away nearly unscathed from a hard crash. The icy conditions appeared very quickly, and made the region a nasty death trap for a few hours.

Anyone else have some close-calls, getting away unharmed?

I took this picture of my pickup truck after I was pulled out of it:


I've learned a bit too much from Eugene and Werner Von Kerman. Caught my lab on fire with a jet, blew up an experimental hydraulic pump, exploded some really big capacitors, and blew up a side of ham in a centrifuge. I'm a happy guy.

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Damn. Glad you're alright.

I've lived through a couple of direct hits and a handful of near misses from hurricanes. We're perfectly fine kayaking down the street, but no one around here knows how to handle frozen roads. If there's a bit of ice out there, this town shuts down completely.

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Congrats on cheating death for sure - nice to see you are no worse for wear.

Only one question: Were you running FAR, NEAR or Stock on that mission? :-D

No close calls here except for deciding to get up a few minutes early on 7/7. The train after mine exploded 30 seconds after I sat at my desk - which I felt since my office building shared the foundation with Aldgate Underground Station. My buddy was on it - he was the only one who emerged unscathed from the bombed carriage. Talk about sureal. He keeps his shredded Sudoku puzzle from that morning as a reminder. He definitely had a close call.

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  NecroBones said:
So, last night, a little over 24 hours ago, I channeled my inner-Jeb and managed to walk away nearly unscathed from a hard crash. The icy conditions appeared very quickly, and made the region a nasty death trap for a few hours.

Ouch man! That's definitely an inner-Jeb moment. Glad you're unharmed.

  NecroBones said:
Anyone else have some close-calls, getting away unharmed?

I wouldn't say precisely "getting away unharmed", but I did have an even closer call. Back in the winter of '94, my old man came to me for a second opinion on what car to buy to replace the aging family station wagon. I'd been driving motorcycles pretty much exclusively until then, and only had an "M" class license (motorbike-only for non-Ontario peoples; it acts as a beginner's permit for any car (which was called a 365 at the time), but dealers aren't going to let an M-licensed/365 person drive a shiny car from their lot) . He wanted to buy a standard transmission car, and hadn't driven manual in years, so we generally took automatics out, or let the dealer drive.

Anyhow, while we were at a Ford dealership, they had a new, 1995 Ford Probe GT in - an inexpensive, rather sharp looking sports coupe (three liter, six banger, if I recall correctly). The sales guy took the car out and started pushing it through it's paces. Dad was up front in the passenger seat, and I was in the rear seat, feeling a bit cramped. We were heading up a hill, and the last thing I remember is the sales guy saying, "let's see what this baby can do". Apparently we hit a patch of ice and spun into oncoming traffic and hit an old boxy Oldsmobile, which completely crushed the rear end of the Probe. The sales guy was pretty badly hurt and I was rushed to the hospital, unconscious. I'd taken a pretty heavy blow, and to this day can't recall what happened between those last words and about a week later. Took a good deal of dental work to get the teeth on the right side of my mouth back in shape, but fortunately the dealership had insurance which paid for everything (dental isn't covered under OHIP, never was).

Dad decided to buy a different car. The sales guy was charged with driving on the wrong side of the road. The Probe GT was a write-off (there's a photo of it somewhere), although I bet the dealership got a good number of parts out of it, the front end was undamaged. I always watch like a hawk when other people are driving me. Never lost my taste for the skidpad though ;)


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Glad you are ok! That looks to have been a bit harrowing.

I've never been in a car crash but I did fall down a mountain once. I did not walk away from that unscathed, although I was fortunate enough walk away. Took a couple of years to fully recover. After about a 40-50 meter tumbling fall I landed on a tree that was about six inches in diameter and it stopped me from going over a much larger rockfall. It was the only tree in any direction for about 30 meters.

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