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Satelite placement contracts buged?

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I got continous problem with satelites contracts.

It simply does not complete the task after orbit is achieved. I was struggling for 3 hours with 0,2 m/s manouvers and it gave nothing. Then I decided to abandom mission and launch completely new ship for it - orbit was accepted instantly, even that my orbit wasn't even close that accurate like first time.

Next satelite, and the same story - 0,1 m/s manouvers to match orbits perfectly and nothing...

What may be the reason for that?

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I got continous problem with satelites contracts.

It simply does not complete the task after orbit is achieved. I was struggling for 3 hours with 0,2 m/s manouvers and it gave nothing. Then I decided to abandom mission and launch completely new ship for it - orbit was accepted instantly, even that my orbit wasn't even close that accurate like first time.

Next satelite, and the same story - 0,1 m/s manouvers to match orbits perfectly and nothing...

What may be the reason for that?

You are heading in 180degrees the wrong direction.

Edited by Red Iron Crown
Now more friendly.
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Could you give us a couple of screenshots? One showing your ship and one in orbital view with the satellite contract open in the upper righthand corner showing all the conditions for completion?

BTW, if your AN/DN nodes are near 180 degrees, it mean's you're orbiting in the wrong direction. You want your AN/DN to be near 0 degrees (or if it says NaN then it means you're exactly 0 degrees).

EDIT: The connection between AN/DN and orbital direction is that the nodes show you how far off of the correct orbital inclination you are. If you're 10 degrees off, it means you're close but not going exactly in the right direction. If AN/DN are 90 degrees, it means you're going perpendicular to the correct direction -- For example if I said "Go North!" and you started going East, you'd be 90 degrees off. 180 degrees off means you're going in the opposite direction. For example, if I said "Go West!" and you started going East.

Edited by Red Iron Crown
Removed quote of unfriendly post.
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In the original contract are the orbit specifications. If the inclination value is between 0 and 89 degrees that orbit is counterclockwise when seen from the top. This is the normal orbit players will usually use and is commonly called a prograde orbit. If the inclination is between 91 and 180 degrees, the orbit will be clockwise when seen from the top. This is usually called a retrograde orbit.

When you look it the orbit in the map view, there are small beads of light moving around. This is a visual cue showing you which way you need to orbit.

When you are trying to match the orbit, the AN and DN values will show you how far your inclination is from the required orbit. 1 or 2 degrees is quite close. 180 degrees means you are traveling the wrong way.

Hope this helps.

Happy landings!

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OK, What is connection between AN/DN and orbiting direction (what values are proper)?

AN/DN (Ascending Node and Descending Node respectively) are the points at which two orbits cross. If they are at 180 degrees then you are going the opposite direction of the orbit you are trying to reach, if they read 0 degrees your inclinations have matched and you can fine tune your Apsis.

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It also helps to know that the contract orbit will show a string of lights moving in the direction the satellite is supposed to go. If your satellite is moving against the direction of the string of lights, you're going the wrong way.

Also, I'm less sure about this, but I think the contract language is usually a good indicator of the direction you need to go. I've noticed that when it says "put a satellite in orbit...," then you are dealing with a standard eastbound orbit. When it says "put a satellite in a *specific* orbit...," usually there is something funky going on with the orbit (such as it being westbound).

Edited by Red Iron Crown
Let the moderators moderate, please.
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