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Qs and As from my log book:


You: 'Do you have a boyfriend ..?'

Her: 'No..'

You: 'Yes you do...'

Her: 'No I don't..

You: 'Yes.. It's me'

Her: 'What makes you so sure ?'

You: 'I'm so handsome and irresistible...'

She roared with laughter.. calling me Bugly - I only found out a year later what she meant :wink:

Well that sealed the first date for me.. it's been 34 years now.


She: 'You don't understand me...'

You: 'I never intend too ...'


She: 'What's wrong with you men ..?'

You: 'We're from Mars.. you know..'

She: 'Tell me about it....'

You: 'Well, it goes like this.....'

She: 'No stop.. I've had enough already...'



She: 'You treat me like an object..'

You: '.. and a mighty fine object you are.. I do not want any other object but you..'


You: 'You treat me like an object.. '

She: 'No I don't...'

You: 'Why not ??'

It's been a long hard road... but it's great fun..

She was quite a feminist when I met her... and after having two more handsome ' mini-me's '.. she gave up on silly ideas and became more practical.


Edited by ColKlonk
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  ColKlonk said:

100,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 % *snip*

yes, it's just a 101% total snip as you don't even understand what's your talking a boot but if;,; if you need a , , , just ask me ; ) ; ) ; )

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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Short of total rejection.. if you've decided on the girl.. never give up on the 'chase'

A bit of playful 'arrogance' and confidence works like a charm.. but there is a limit, which you must discover.

Never be too proud to apologise if you're wrong, or right... sounds nuts but it helps.


- - - Updated - - -

  WinkAllKerb said:
yes' date=' it's just a 101% total snip as you don't even understand what's your talking a boot but if;,; if you need a , , , just ask me ; ) ; ) ; )[/quote']

I think maybe you misquoted me..or was that your edit ?


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i just bless ya that you never had any idea at all of what i m speakin' a boot "BB" ; )

(n.a.: keep it 4 what it worth but be warne dtaht if you don't you will remind 4 ever & ever &&& even more & more ; ) that's just a WiNk never forgot . . . .)

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
>\<: | = : : ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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Ok, so quick update, because why not? There have been a couple more dates. We are getting along grandly. :)

I haven't taken pictures of us yet, but I'll post one at some point. When we're together, I've been keeping the phone in the pocket and turned off. She gets my full attention when she's around.

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  Whackjob said:
Ok, so quick update, because why not? There have been a couple more dates. We are getting along grandly. :)

I haven't taken pictures of us yet, but I'll post one at some point. When we're together, I've been keeping the phone in the pocket and turned off. She gets my full attention when she's around.

Bravo man, bravo. You're very dedicated. :D

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Hey Mister Whackjob,

Be aware that some of the "refusing" Women tend to be quit jealous after realizing that you might have other "objectives",

and suddenly appear from "nowhere", just to give you another "sublime" presentation of themselves... its allover the same on this planet. Do not overshoot this task...:wink:.

I wish you all the best with new partnering up with a respectfull and loving "better" half :wink:!

"Whackjob" is truly a pleasant nickname for a real nice guy as you definetly are! You can be proud of being the one and only true "Whackjob" in this community.

All the best, (from safe distance :)), Mikki, and greetings!

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Thank you, Mikki, and counter-greetings!

I suspect no nefarious intent from my current date. She's a peach. Kind, generous, loving, honest. Her only personality quirk I can detect is a very curious giggle. With most women, a giggle comes off as silly, or vacuous, or stupid. Hers emphatically does not. And I don't know why. It's a complete enigma to me, and I look forward to hearing it every time.

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  Whackjob said:
Thank you, Mikki, and counter-greetings!

I suspect no nefarious intent from my current date. She's a peach. Kind, generous, loving, honest. Her only personality quirk I can detect is a very curious giggle. With most women, a giggle comes off as silly, or vacuous, or stupid. Hers emphatically does not. And I don't know why. It's a complete enigma to me, and I look forward to hearing it every time.

Its the little things. :D

My girlfriend doesn't laugh out loud, she does the quiet shaking kind of thing. Same with screaming. When she gets hurt, she screams silently.

I on the other hand, I either try to laugh quietly and then go "huep" sucking in air, or I go complete belly laugh and get told to quiet down. :sticktongue:

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The Lady likes gardening. So I'm planning a surprise afternoon event. I've told her nothing except a simple request for X number of hours for something fun. We'll take a moderately far drive for reasons. We'll stop at a nice lunch, and then the point behind the exercise. I found a place that has exceptionally beautiful gardens. I'll take her a walk through those. I also intend on giving her some small token of affection. Nothing crazy or ostentatious, but something. And then, when the moment is just right, I trigger my phone to play Lou Reed's "Perfect Day." And ask her to dance.

I am terrible at dancing. I will not perform well at all. And I don't care. I think she'll be very happy, and that's what matters.

Anyone got thoughts, ideas, ways I can improve this? The goal of the exercise is to make her feel at least part of how special she actually is.

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Congratulations on finding someone, I hope it works out for you in the long run. I would be a bit weary of her considering your first date sounded like it didn't go so well. Unfortunately some of us are on the polar opposite side of the spectrum... :( beings you got a post talking about this stuff on a KSP forum lol...

I've had an extremely traumatic past in regards to women. I've been dumped, stepped on, and cheated on more than once. And once I found someone very special that I got very serious with, or so I thought, and she ended up leaving me for a woman out of the blue... (that particular incident was several years ago but it has given me severe depression for my whole life and it will always haunt me).

This year after years of being alone I thought I found someone again. She seems very special, but to make a long story short she is stalling ever going on a single date with me because she is stuck living with a freaking guy she supposedly doesn't want to be with. She swears she wants to leave him for me "sometime this year", she has to move out and it sounds like he may be abusive. But I'm not holding my breath. It's a long story... I've also tried the online crap to find someone as well. I would say between match and a few other site I have probably messaged over 200 women and don't have a single reply.

Everyone says I'm good looking, I have an athletic body, I have a career, I even work for Hollywood in the movie industry. But no woman seems to want anything to do with me, or if they do they end up stabbing me in the back somehow. I'm also getting older now and it's getting harder to put one foot in front of the other anymore regarding this subject. I'm an agnostic, borderline atheist, I don't believe spiritualistic bullcrap and love cliches where everyone is destined to find someone. I have a statistically terrible track record for being rejected by women both online and in person, and the only direction I think it's going is down deeper into the hole.

After a while it starts to suck the life out of you and make you feel worthless. I have a good career and money and things but material goods and wealth don't always make you happy after a while. I sincerely hope you "Whackjob" and others on here never, ever have to go through or be put through what I have with your feeling and emotions. Besides KSP and a few other hobbies of mine off the computer, I don't feel like I have much of a life worth living anymore. But that is the game of life, and like everything else someone has to lose for others to win. Good luck.

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With the first date of the Tall Lady? Hindsight is 20/20, and I know now the context behind the awkwardness of that date. On my end, it was because it was date number one. No reason more required. On HER end, she was nervous of ME, because from that dating site, up until now, she'd only met real jerks, and tall lady fetishists. She was very worried I might be another one of "those". But I'm not, which is nice.

I can give you seriously good advice on the dating sites bit. Make sure you fill out your profile. Make it VERBOSE. No "under construction" or "add more later". If you find a lady you like, READ the profile! All of it! And when you message a lady, don't send a "'sup?". Give her a long and detailed message. To make it easier for her to respond to you, ask one or two questions specific to her profile. Remember, women get bombarded with messages on those places, and you need to do something to stand out from the usual chaff. A nice, thoughtful, thorough message is sufficient. Remember to ask a question or two, but no more! And even if you don't get an immediate reply, send another in a few days. Just one more. Just a quick, "Hey, I hadn't heard from you, so I thought I'd pipe up again. How are things?" If she doesn't reply a second time, she's not interested. Move on.

For what it's worth, I probably messaged about five HUNDRED women in the time I actively used that site. And the lady I date now? One of the earlier ladies I'd messaged. But I'd send a message, and then get a reply five days later. It was only after a few weeks of that that she suddenly gave me her direct phone number out of the blue. So, be persistent, but don't bury them under messages either!

And you're wrong, you know. You do have a life worth living. Everybody does. Brother, I'm 36, and dating seriously again for the first time in fifteen years. I doubt your track record is nearly as bad as mine. And if there's hope for me, then there's hope for you. Keep at it. And be CONFIDENT. Even if you aren't, fake it 'till ya make it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Micro update. Not that anyone I expect particularly cares, haha. I officially made a girlfriend of the lady. :)

My calendar's most important note every time is the next day I get to spend time with her.

... so if I'm less present then usual, that's why.

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  Whackjob said:
Micro update. Not that anyone I expect particularly cares, haha. I officially made a girlfriend of the lady. :)

My calendar's most important note every time is the next day I get to spend time with her.

... so if I'm less present then usual, that's why.

You're not really present at all. The last time you posted was from your assistant. But who cares, congrats!

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  Whackjob said:
Hrm? When?

Uhhh... never! Your assistant never posted on your account, and would never tell us not to tell you he was posting on your account, especially not while laughing at how puny the largest rockets other people have built are.

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