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    Sr. Spacecraft Engineer
  1. I think i geting what are u saing on kerbin atmospher will have less heigth but will be thicker on duna cause it has low gravity it will be much higher but lov density on eve probably even smaller but even more dense
  2. Now its won with deadly reentery for me nice good mod for RO mods probably
  3. low part station would be nice but one part is insane
  4. i have a Q could be added some things that was in .90? i know its a lot of work but clouds moving with wind was awesome:3 i mean just to make waiting more acceptable
  5. Its big piece of metal so kerbal may use haul think as antena and have inside deployable antena why not? and in RT only u can set wathever delay u want for thinks u do so its posible to set impackt course set delayed opening of antena and will be ok maby is some way to make it autoopen anten a when its hit ground? and yeah i love idea will test it shourley
  6. Could be some things a litle bit earilier in tech tree? cause for career most of them are in last thier of science-bulding so its laaate game some small tracks or something
  7. Next time maby attach to it litlle drone with cammera to scan realy hard terrain visualy? and great idea with that voiage maby i will do something simmilar in my career to visit every biome on mun for Science ofc and finaly if u wana modded lith Bahamuto Dynamicks has beatiful spotlite wich follow cursor so riding in FP u can lith up what u like see better
  8. U can do your own sliders or use somerhing from other mods (B9 procedural parts had same isue and the done its own GUI? i think)
  9. Beautyfull i will mess aropud probably maby add to it USI modules (cause for now using TAC life support) its look Avesome
  10. Foun d problem as other more than one KSPAPIE My one was within Tweakable everythink
  11. maby that ? looks cool http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67450-WIP-IVA-PLUGIN-ProbeControlRoom-1-0-beta8a-IVA-All-the-things%21-new-3D-RPM-17
  12. Maby add option to swich control of camera to WSAD and control of "joystick" fully to mouse? i love FAR so it will be avesomness flying with that
  13. Nerva-rapier hybrid is nice (probably u can done it using turbojets-any-quite-efficjent-engine SSTO or ion for transfer only
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