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What do you have in space right now?


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I have a space station at 320km, with science lab, power, fuel (rocket and rcs) and comms.

I have a probe orbiting just below awaiting launch to another planet when able (may not do so as it only has thermometer onboard).

I have Phil Kerbin stuck on the mun awaiting rescue or a ship (one currently docked at Kerbal Station One, the other in orbit around minimus) with a two man rover.

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The Smith 1 and Smith 2, cheap little probes, are on their way to Eve, and hopefully onwards to Moho.

The Tycho 1, with Jeb, Bob, and Bill onboard, is landed on the asteroid 1 Jebediah. It will return when the asteroid passes close by Kerbin.

The Macbeth 1, with Genery and Ronzer onboard, is on its way to rendezvous with asteroid 2 Bill.

The Z-MAP 1 probe is on a Mun free return course, while its insertion stage is on a Mun impact course. I just wanted to check out the delta-V needed for a Mun free return and figured throwing up a stock rocket was the easiest way. Surprised and impressed it could actually make the burn, I guess Squad put a big margin for error in the stock craft.

The Von Braun 2 interstage is in an elliptical Kerbin orbit. The test launch it was on went rather wrong, but I took fuel from the test payload to go straight up for a high apoapsis, and used the interstage's RCS (which give it quite a bit of dV) to make orbit. Now I can use it to make some gravity measurements.

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In my old sandbox game I have kethane probes orbiting every major body in the solar system system, a refueling station in Kerbin orbit, another refueling station in Joolian orbit, and a nuke driven interplanetary ship taking Jeb and company on an exploratory tour of the moons of Jool.

In my new 0.23.5 career game, I have a dinky science station with attached lander orbiting Mun... and that's about it ;.;

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Let's see...

First, I have my RemoteTech 2 network, a smaller one compared to previous editions. 4 satellites in Kerbin, 4 in Eve, 4 in Laythe and 2 in Mün.

Wich are coincidently, the inhabited places in my game. I have modular bases on the surface of Eve, Laythe (with RT2 command capacity due to the crew size) and Mün (this is currently empty, due to a failure to resupply in time... they died like heroes).

Also, a space station in Kerbin's low orbit, a smaller station clawed into an asteroid in Kerbin's high orbit, and an abandoned third one from an asteroid I got to land.

And a scaring amount of space debris from launches and wreckages mostly (but not limited to) around Kerbin.

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I have about 30 active flights including stations, ships, probes, rovers, beacons, fuel depots and more. Most of them are part of my SSTO infrastructure - refuelling stations with crew quaters, and laboratory on nearly every major body.

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I have a lot of space stations and interplanetary missions going on in different saves, including a half-finished Laythe colonization project. I haven't done much with them recently, as large-scale projects became tedious when MechJeb developed problems after the 0.23.5 update. With the stock maneuver node interface, it's more enjoyable to do simple things, such as flying single-launch missions with a command module and a lander to different planets.

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I started a new save in .23.5 and haven't done a lot, just been too busy. I've got a rover and delivery vehicle on Minmus. And some debris on the Mun, because it didn't explode after I dropped it. So far I've just been getting science, and haven't left Kerbin SOI, except once to get high over the sun science before going straight back.

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I have a lot of space stations and interplanetary missions going on in different saves, including a half-finished Laythe colonization project. I haven't done much with them recently, as large-scale projects became tedious when MechJeb developed problems after the 0.23.5 update. With the stock maneuver node interface, it's more enjoyable to do simple things, such as flying single-launch missions with a command module and a lander to different planets.
If you just need a node editor, there's always Precise Node. It won't burn them for you like MechJeb mind.
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Three captured asteroids, two or three interplanetary probes that have served their purpose and run out of fuel, an obsolete space station I'm on the fence about deorbiting or upgrading, and an upgraded asteroid tug on course for a juicy class D I just spotted.

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Ooo what have I got...

Some scouting probes around Eve and Gilly.

A wrecked RRS (Resupply and Research Station), a couple o' scan sats and a mess of about 20+ cruiser and corvette hulks floating about Kerbin, and an abandoned RRS around Minmus.

A large Shipyard, a couple of defense fleets, a load of scan sats and a a couple of RRS spread around Duna and Ike. And some 'colony ships' too.

Inter munar shuttles, scan sats, a RSS, a Cruiser and some IP vessels about to leave for Dres in the Jool system, mainly about Vall.

I also have a Kerbol station. Cos I can.

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In Kerbin orbit:

the Low Kerbin Orbit Space Station (LKOSS) with a Juno MPCV docked to it, a asteroid redirect probe awaiting an impacter, and a butt load of debris.

In solar orbit is my experimental K-drive ship, Bob Kerman on EVA, and a crap load of asteroids.

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The Olympus asteroid with an Atlas I spacecraft attached to it in a highly inclined ~160 km Kerbin orbit (those class D asteroids are really heavy!), a bunch of ARGUS mapping satellites around Kerbin, the Mun and Minmus, the Surveyor One orbital telescope in a ~270 km equatorial orbit around Kerbin and the Space Ball One probe from my early carrier that was originally supposed to go to Minmus and has just completed a Duna flyby.

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In my new career game I have flags everywhere except tylo and eve (working on it though).

I have a mothership in Laythe orbit with a docked ssto spaceplane.

A captured asteroid.

And 2 Kerbals orbitting Eeloo waiting for a refueling tanker.

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I tend to end up with a fair number of stations scattered around orbiting various bodies. My current save has a station with attached fuel depot and shipyard facilities (extraplanetary launchpads mod) around kerbin minmus and Mun with another one being shiped out to jool. I generaly dont do elaborate ground bases. At most I land a kethane refinery ship and sometimes a dedicated tanker if the refueling needs at that location warent more than the refinery makeing a couple fill up and return loads to orbit. All sorts of probes and various mission ships get scattered about the system

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So far, I have:

a refuel station at 140 km,

a mapping probe that is going to Eve,

my Janus 0 probe in keostationnary orbit,

my Janus 1 probe in Kerbol orbit between Moho and Eve,

my Janus 2 probe in direction of Jool to place a hyperspace endpoint and

a manned mission to Dres (finally :P ),

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Right now? mostly just this. Putting together a grand tour mission 2 more components left.


EVE, Tylo, & Duna landers installed, transfer stage installed. Just need to add Laythe jet, and a universal airless lander. Send up some xtra fuel and I'm g2g

Edited by BMBender
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May as well plop a list here:

- the Spinel, my latest LKO space station. It isn't getting a ton of use just yet, as I don't have any major projects underway that'd need it (e.g. building a mothership in orbit)

- the Practiceteroid (an artificial asteroid I made out of Hubmaxes and panels to "train Kerbals" with)

- Roidirector Practice Edition, currently klawed onto the Practiceteroid

- Mun Station

- Science Shlepper, on its way back from Mun with a load of Science (It's basically a blob of empty pods with an engine for recovering lots of Science at once)

- an Eve probe waiting around for the transfer window to happen

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SCANSats around Kerbin, just being placed into orbit around Mun, still en-route to Minmus. 'First' landings on Mun and Minmus plus ARM-part Apollo sort-of replica also en-route. Moho SCANSat transfer vehicle in orbit awaiting window. Meanwhile, back at home, 4 Kerbin 'anomalies' found by SCANSat, visited and identified by Bob-who-doesn't-jump-straight-in-the-first-rocket-and-does-all-the-interesting-local-stuff. Stations, tractors and landers standing-by.

It's day 2 of my Mapping The System misson, 24 vehicles re-designed for ARM.

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Satellites mapping Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Duna - CommSat relay of four satellites at Kerbin - ComStation for systemwide longrange communication between Mun's and Minmus' orbits, to be built out as an emergency control center to be manned should KSC be compromised (RT2 stuff - large probe core only recently unlocked though) - KSS station 300km above Kerbin - Kethane bases on Mun and Minmus (en route) - Eve probe on standby in LKO - two ARM vessels waiting in (hopefully) correctly inclined orbits for the right moment to strike down their prey - several abandoned landers, mostly around Mun, and a few other pieces of debris both orbiting or landed.

And some flags.

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Currently, I have Jeb in a polar orbit 6km above Minmus ready for more SCIENCE!, two failed probes, one rocketing into deep space, the other on a looped Kerbol orbit that cover the SOI of about four planets.

There is also an early orbiter, vacant on a low Kerbin polar orbit. It is out of fuel, and left vacant as a memorial to Bill, my first and so far only casualty of my space program. He died trying to get out and push to deorbit when fuel ran out. He missed, and couldn't reach the capsule. Rather than orbit endlessly awaiting a rescue I had no hope of sending, he used his remaining EVA fuel to push his Pe below 70km, and re-enter Atmo on his own terms.

He grinned.

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