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  • Kerbal Space Program patch 1.1.1 is now live!


    1.1 Turbo Charged


    Hello everyone!


    The 1.1.1 patch is now available! This patch will bring high priority fixes to the game. Although last week’s release of 1.1 went smoothly, there were still a few bugs left to fix. Considering we updated the game’s engine we’re all very pleased with the overall state of the game. Those of you who were around for the switch from Unity 3 to Unity 4 in version 0.18.4 will certainly remember how much impact changing the game engine can have on the game’s stability.


    Here's the complete changelog:

    =================================== v1.1.1 ============================================================
    * Added FlightUI Element Scaling and Navball Position Slider.
    * Added auto-struts to every wheel, similar to fairing payload struts. They attach to the most massive part on the vessel. This prevents wheel suspensions from becoming unstable when the wheel is attached to a weaker part. (Attaching legs to pylons no longer causes vessels to bounce and/or break dance.)
    * Fix suspension distance and offset being inversely proportional to the rescaleFactor of a wheel. Fixes LT-1 and LT-2 leg suspensions actually getting smaller despite scale being larger, causing them to visually sink into the ground, and have shorter useful suspensions.
    * Some configuration tweaks suggested by GoSlash27 for the free and fixed landing gears have been integrated, which dramatically improve issues with instability on those gears. Thank you GoSlash27!
    * Fixed some model hierarchy issues with small and medium retractable landing gears, which fixes some odd suspension forces, an animation issue, and the inability to lock the suspension on these gears.
    * Raise the default integration substeps on wheels from 4 to 8, which should dramatically improve the accuracy of the wheel simulation without affecting performance too much.
    * Added separate settings for wheel integrator substep accuracy for active and inactive vessels, which can be tweaked in each wheel's part configuration, or globally from settings.cfg. Inactive vessels get slightly less accuracy to improve performance.
    * "No crash damage" cheat now prevents wheels from blowing up their parts due to gratuitously large impacts. It does not, however, prevent the wheel from entering the damaged state.
    * Halved the deflection magnitude of free and fixed gears, as they are technically much more rigid than other gears, but their lack of suspension travel makes them much more vulnerable to deflection stress, making them twice as tough.
    * Performed significant optimisation of performance intensive areas such as part attaching and dettaching. 
    * Implemented general optimisation throughout editor.
    * Implemented automatic temporary symmetry when the logic expects the symmetry mode or method to be different. I.e when placing engines on tri-couplers in SPH using mirror mode. Fixes part initialization issues. 
    Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
    * Made Kerbal Portrait and ScreenMessage lists public.
    * Show complete cost (base cost + module cost) in part tooltips in editor.
    * Add optional PQS shader using all mappings (for modders).
    * Tweak skin<->internal conduction, slightly increase internal max temps of Mk1 cockpits.
    * No longer spam the log when parsing plugin data.
    * Tweak default exhaust heating upwards slightly.
    * Change building impact damage to be based on kinetic energy by default, not momentum. Make damage configurable in Physics.cfg. Fixes an issue with building damage and wheels.
    * Improve orbit calculation when in 1x warp. Orbit info no longer flickers.
    * Show specified rather than calculated sea level temperature when viewing a planet's page in the knowledge base window in map view.
    * Add more checks (flameout or port disabled) to RCS's Torque Provider.
    * Optimizations to vessel stat-finding and orbital force calculations.
    * Add the missing extension method, uncomment the bits that needed it
    * Admin facility now with vertical scrolling.
    * Adjusted Career Widget Z Pos for higher scaling.
    * Restore part delete sound when deleting parts in editor.
    * Considerable tweaks to building damage to avoid wheels insta-popping them.
    * Renamed the editor filter for Surface Attach to Surface Attach Only to avoid confusion.
    * Optimized getGeeForceAtPosition to not recalculate things it shouldn't.
    * Increased stability in orbital calculation when off rails.
    * Added UI Element scaling for all in-flight UI elements.
    * Removed a fix for a 5.1.1 unity bug which had a unefficient complexity.
    * Check if the body has an ocean before checking if we're under water!
    * Removed text length on input device name.
    * Fixed NRE from Underwater Fog.
    * Fixed gigantor solar panel showing through the main craft.
    * Fixed a bug with science lab science/day display.
    * Fixed where the target could be unset in tutorials.
    * Fixed latitude not displaying in AeroGUI.
    * Fixed an issue where missing directories could break save/load.
    * Fixed an exception in Procedural Fairing interstages.
    * Fixed inability to timewarp near Jool.
    * Fixed some miscellaneous tutorial bugs.
    * Fixed an issue with RequestResource on EVA kerbals.
    * Fixed an issue with the underwater FX applying even if the body does not have an ocean.
    * Fixed issue with decouple action firing jettison in ModuleJettison.
    * Fixed lab display rate to count scientist multiplier.
    * Fixed memory leak in part highlighter and attach node icon destruction.
    * Fixed inability to target things by using map context menu.
    * Fixed targeting being improperly locked in map view.
    * Fixed typo in science tutorial.
    * Fixed an oversight when computing duration/deadline text.
    * Fixed for NRE in UIPartActionController
    * Fixed colour tint on some parts.
    * Fixed multiple docking port joint weakness.
    * Fixed KSPedia page corruption from switching scenes.
    * Fixed issue with decouple action on jettison.
    * Fixed Ap/Pe flickering.
    * Fixed an issue where scientist bonus was counted twice in labs.



    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

      On 4/29/2016 at 2:24 AM, hendrack said:

    I beg to differ too, since Cities Skylines has some serious performance issues under Linux, which is most likely to be a unity issue as well. The difference is that the CS:Skylines developers don't give a single **** about that. :D


    ... and I wasn't talking about Linux vs Windows performance issues, something that KSP also has anyway.

    Edited by m4v
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    I dont know if 1.1.1250 is more or less broke, I haven't had time to play much but I can say at least the landing legs are not under the ground any more, and are looking good.  Thank you for the fix!

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      On 4/29/2016 at 2:35 AM, m4v said:

    ... and I wasn't talking Linux vs Windows performance issues, something that KSP also has anyway.


    Me neither. My point was comparing two games with Unity engine issues. One company has not considered this performance issue to be a problem at all for two years, while Squad is rolling out patches.

    Edited by hendrack
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    Anyone have an issue where a previously working space craft now starts falling apart on the launchpad?  Unfortunately I just finished a 3 day refinement of mine, and after the patch it starts wobbling and exploding on the launchpad...even the nose cones slide off.  Not looking forward to re-piecing this one :) I don't have any mods installed and tried both 32 and 64 bit.  Running through Steam on Win8.1.  Anyways, thanks for an awesome game.  I love it :) 

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    OK so further testing of landing legs.  @SQUAD a PSA warning players to retract landed craft's landing legs before upgrading to 1.1.1 would probably be a good idea.  The foot deployment animation is still a bit wonky but work fine otherwise.

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      On 4/29/2016 at 2:39 AM, hendrack said:

    Me neither. My point was comparing two games with Unity engine issues. One company has not acknowledged there even is a problem for two years, while Squad is rolling out patches.


    Squad's patches won't address the issue. We have a broken game in Linux, and will remain broken until dunno how much time because the fix has to come from Unity, all because Squad decided to go ahead with release that was known to be broken in the first day of the pre-release. You call that acknowledgement? Squad pretty much ignored Linux on this.

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      On 4/29/2016 at 2:24 AM, GoSlash27 said:


     I still have a copy of the original .cfg settings. If you're *very* nice to me, I might give them to you. Whether or not they actually *work* is your problem :wink:




    Thanks, but I still have two copies of 1.1.

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      On 4/29/2016 at 3:05 AM, m4v said:


    Squad's patches won't address the issue. We have a broken game in Linux, and will remain broken until dunno how much time because the fix has to come from Unity, all because Squad decided to go ahead with release that was known to be broken in the first day of the pre-release. You call that acknowledgement? Squad pretty much ignored Linux on this.


    My game is not broken in Linux, I am enjoying 1.1 quite well. There are bugtracker tickets for some linux issues, so that's hardly ignoring when they did not fix it in the first patch or have to work out some other way if its an Unity issue. They had to make an engine update some time, and everyone who believed this would be without issues or bugs is simply naive and should have kept a 1.0.5 backup, which runs perfectly fine with zero crashes in linux. Given that I got something like 1000 of hours of fantastic gameplay for 40 bucks I am grateful Squad is actively developing this game further. If KSP had been a Paradox game they would have called something like 0.90 final release and moved on to the next game, with no patches at all.

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    I must be losing it, but I go to my account and I can only download the full installer or full version. I tried running the Launcher and it just sits there saying 'Checking for updates.' So how do I download just the patch? I am on a Windows 10 machine and a slow internet connection so I would like to keep the download on the down low. I am also not playing through Steam.


    Edit: I think I got it working. I went into the base install subdir and Patcher.zip was not completely downloaded. I renamed it, and restarted the Launcher and it's now downloading the Patcher. I am guessing I stopped the Launcher at some point.

    Edited by Stranded
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      On 4/29/2016 at 3:28 AM, hendrack said:

    "They had to make an engine update some time, and everyone who believed this would be without issues or bugs is simply naive and should have kept a 1.0.5 backup, which runs perfectly fine with zero crashes in linux."


    I was sending off crash report fairly frequently.

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    Version 1.1 still crashes too much for me to consider it playable. CTD when I staged in orbit to drop the Mainsail at 100% throttle using the stock Kerbal X rocket after only a few minutes of play. Aircraft tended to spin wildly out of control when attempting even mild steering on the runway during takeoff, even at speeds around 30-40 m/s.

    Edited by AdamMil
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      On 4/29/2016 at 2:35 AM, Thometheious said:

    I'm new to this forum, but have a concern. Is it just me or does It seem that the new patch has screwed with the rigidity of the stacks?  i played before the update today and everything was fine, but just a few minutes ago i got on and the rockets I've been using for the past few weeks without problems can't fly in a straight line anymore and wobble around like a snake. I even shorten them and still have the same problem.


    I have the exact same problem.

    I'm playing a modded game though, do people playing stock have the same issue?


    related to this:

    bug 9583



    Edited by Terensky
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    I've found a bug with the editor tools in the top left. When you click on the "move" button and then click on the part you want to move, it automatically switches over to the rotate tool. I have been trouble shooting for about 20 minutes and have determined that it must be part of the 1.1.1 patch so I just went back to 1.1.0 so I could move parts around. :P Hope the devs find this helpful.

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      On 4/29/2016 at 5:14 AM, Gman_builder said:

    I've found a bug with the editor tools in the top left. When you click on the "move" button and then click on the part you want to move, it automatically switches over to the rotate tool. I have been trouble shooting for about 20 minutes and have determined that it must be part of the 1.1.1 patch so I just went back to 1.1.0 so I could move parts around. :P Hope the devs find this helpful.


    If you can reproduce it on a unmodded install then you should report it to the bug tracker.

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      On 4/28/2016 at 11:11 PM, Shadowsteps said:

    For anyone wondering, you have to actually be in flight to edit the FlightUI elements, it can't be done from any of the other settings menus.


    My bad, should have put that in the changelog - in writing and testing it became apparent it was sorta hard to guess the size when you couldnt see it, and is why the size/slide changes as you go then you can cancel or apply

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      On 4/29/2016 at 5:35 AM, CaLVin-K said:

    If you can reproduce it on a unmodded install then you should report it to the bug tracker.


    I am unmodded and I have already reported it. Just thought it would be good to let everyone else no of the dangers of editor tools

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      On 4/29/2016 at 2:35 AM, Thometheious said:

    I'm new to this forum, but have a concern. Is it just me or does It seem that the new patch has screwed with the rigidity of the stacks?  i played before the update today and everything was fine, but just a few minutes ago i got on and the rockets I've been using for the past few weeks without problems can't fly in a straight line anymore and wobble around like a snake. I even shorten them and still have the same problem.



      On 4/29/2016 at 4:18 AM, Terensky said:

    I have the exact same problem.

    I'm playing a modded game though, do people playing stock have the same issue?


    related to this:

    bug 9583




    Tried reinstalling the game, deleting previous folders, stock:

    The issue is less pronounced building the ship anew, still the engine wobbles like crazy with SAS on.

    Thometheious, see if setting SAS on 'Pilot only' mitigates the problem: it does for me.


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      On 4/29/2016 at 3:58 AM, AdamMil said:

    Version 1.1 still crashes too much for me to consider it playable. CTD when I staged in orbit to drop the Mainsail at 100% throttle using the stock Kerbal X rocket after only a few minutes of play. Aircraft tended to spin wildly out of control when attempting even mild steering on the runway during takeoff, even at speeds around 30-40 m/s.


    Well 30-40 m/s is between 67 and 90mph so that might not be all that unrealistic.

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    Luuuurvin this patch. For me anyways it has not CTD in the last 2 hours (it did quite often before) and it just feels more stable. Will sink my teeth into this properly later on today :) Thanks @SQUAD

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