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Red Iron Crown

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Everything posted by Red Iron Crown

  1. @Enceos That particular solution is sync issues rather than waiting. Consider the examples here:
  2. Multiplayer with timewarp means you must choose at least one of the following: 1. Sync issues 2. Waiting OP's suggestion chooses sync issues.
  3. I've never understood why this wasn't done from the beginning. You need to use units in the game anyway, why not use real ones? @klgraham1013 has the right idea though: At this point the effort:reward ratio is likely way too high for this to be worthwhile. Maybe if there's a KSP2?
  4. Horizon relative SAS is not a thing in stock. Picture shows Mechjeb's Smartass being used in lieu of stock SAS. It would be very useful for planes to have a "maintain angle of attack" button for SAS. Would make long flights way less tedious.
  5. Why would they want to pretend that? And why are you proud of it to the point of posting publicly about it?
  6. There's also the phenomenon of spite downvoting, when a user gets upset with another user for whatever reason and systematically goes through every post of their history and downvotes all of them out of pure malice. An active poster can lose a thousand Internet points just by setting off the wrong person, whether legit or not. While I'm not a big believer in the value or importance of internet points, this sort of thing does make for hard feelings.
  7. I cannot imagine a single use for a dislike button that isn't some form of "make the person feel bad about their post". I also cannot imagine that the forum would be improved by making people feel bad about posting.
  8. If you use mods then don't update your game until your mods have caught up. Problem solved, as it has been since modding became possible.
  9. Good luck to you, Badie. I am sure your enthusiasm and positivity will serve you well in your next endeavor.
  10. Thankfully. But for a week or two it was gloriously on point, which is about as much as one can ask from a meme.
  11. The best implementation of a visualization for transfer windows I've seen is in the Android game Spaceflight Simulator. Select a target body and it highlights a segment of that body's orbit, a segment that moves along that orbit as the origin body moves. Warp until the target is in the segment and you're good to go. A similar thing is done on the spacecraft's orbit to indicate the proper ejection angle. My description here is not that great, but it's such a good implementation that after seeing it I immediately thought "KSP needs this". Simple and intuitive, with zero information overload. Worth a look if you get a chance.
  12. You literally have all the information to calculate dV by hand from day one, locking the automatic calculation of it behind career unlocks is a terrible idea as it just pushes people back to mods or external tools.
  13. Other good topics: - The superiority of the metric system over Imperial measurement. - SpaceX vs NASA, because they're totally competitors. - The fact that both the USS Intrepid and Kennedy Space Center are better tours for aerospace nerds than the NMUSAF in Dayton. They both have shuttles.
  14. I disagree. The developers haven't been overly shy about breaking saves when it comes to adding features to the game, even post 1.0. Even the cosmetic part revamp is doing it do a small degree. Neither is life support. Literally everyone with the mildest interest in spaceflight knows that you need to bring air, food and water with you to survive in space. It's is unintuitive that it's ignored in KSP, and would be even more counterintuitive if we needed to worry about psychological well-being while ignoring physical. If what you propose doesn't change the game or add a new system, then what does it do, exactly? If we have to make accommodations on craft to keep the crew happy, won't that mean that craft already in flight will not be able to do so? How is that any less save breaking than adding LS? Can't have life support in the thread title and then say it had nothing to do with life support. One could certainly argue that morale is a part of crew support, indeed several of the LS mods implement some variation of it. Not everyone is willing or able to mod their game. This has never been a valid excuse to not include a feature, or to dismiss someone's suggestion.
  15. There are a few draw backs to implementing a telemetry system. They interfere with current save games, it's punishing for casuals, require adding multiple commsats to keep track of, and there is already a very robust telemetry mod community. There are a few draw backs to implementing a better aero system. They interfere with current save games, it's punishing for casuals, require adding multiple stats to keep track of, and there is already a very robust aerodynamics mod community. There are a few draw backs to implementing a spaceplane parts system. They interfere with current save games, it's punishing for casuals, require adding dozens of parts to keep track of, and there is already a very robust spaceplane parts mod community. I think you see where I'm going with this. Nearly every new or improved feature added to the game has these effects, and I don't think the game is the worse for adding them. Further, a space game that makes any claim about realism (and KSP does) is incomplete without life support, full stop. It is the big challenge to making crewed missions in real life, it's baffling that this is omitted after all this time and development. Don't like it? I'm sure you'll be able to turn it off in the settings like the telemetry stuff. Or just run uncrewed stuff.
  16. Tell them that "GIF" is pronounced with a soft G.
  17. Links broke when Dropbox killed public folders. All my memes in one convenient imgur album: https://imgur.com/a/qSex5Hz Two new ones:
  18. Oddly enough, that makes you more qualified for the job. Perhaps I'm not understanding, but isn't this something that the bookmark feature of your browser handles nicely? Most browsers support synced bookmarks across devices already.
  19. That's not what Persistent Rotation does, to my understanding. It closes the loophole of rotation stopping during timewarp, but doesn't change reference frames or anything. It doesn't do anything with SAS as far as I know. That said, I haven't used it in a while, maybe the scope of the mod has changed.
  20. That does just about nothing for the primary use case for this idea: atmospheric craft. (Also, I believe Persistent Rotation keeps rotation constant in the inertial reference frame rather than the rotating reference frame.)
  21. "Air augmented rocket" is the concept being described. Atmosphere is used as reaction mass but not combusted, which increases specific impulse.
  22. 6DOF controls have been supported in KSP for a long time, both for camera control and for attitude/translation. It takes some getting used to but is great once you do. Would be hard to justify $260 when a SpaceNavigator is about $100. I suppose bit of a premium for combining it with a conventional mouse is OK, but personally I prefer the devices to be separate.
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