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Everything posted by KerBlam

  1. Zero. Time for a fresh start now I'm back.
  2. Hi guys. I had a really long hiatus from kerbal-ing, due to a long list of life getting in the way. When I left I was playing .90 and the hype and negativity surrounding 1.0 was painful and I felt it best to just give it a rest and come back with a fresh outlook, and here I am! Unfortunately my Linux box had a major melt down, and I'm playing on win7 for now but I have to say it's not too bad. except... I can't play! The new aero system in 1.0.5 is very very different to the souposhere! Even the FAR and deadly reentry mods I used to use were more forgiving. So I'm pretty much a Noob again. Good to be back though.
  3. 28 I declare the next person to make a negative motion to be a hater of all things good in the world. Negoids.
  4. It would be fun if they were on different planets.. You know, a spin on the old 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' thing. They have to get to the other planet to find a mate. Something. I don't know. Considering the usual function of sexuality is reproduction, are we going to see Kerblings? Can we colonise planets and breed? What is the purpose?
  5. For the love of sweet Jebediah! 0.0
  6. I can't really see the logic in this thread.. I don't think 32bit is going to be the 'death' of anything. It's outdated sure. It's limiting potential without a doubt. The most awesome thing about it is that it's driving some to try linux, because 64 bit linux KSP works great. That's a huge win for the linux community.
  7. If I'm not mistaken, the orbits would have to be exactly the same size, around bodies the same size (unless the orbit is perfectly circular, which I imagine defeats the purpose) and travel in the opposite direction from each other, the apoapsis would have to line up exactly or it would drift.
  8. I'm going to add that the Title of this thread is completely subjective and entirely YOUR opinion. Plenty of people enjoy 0.90, sounds like you're having a bit of difficulty
  9. The planet I tend to forget about most when I play KSP:
  10. That does sound amazingly similar to what happens when you get further away from the Mun.
  11. 124: When some nutter in the forums declares it.
  12. Which people are you referring to? The people who find NEAR/FAR hardest, are the ones who got used to designing and flying Stock Aero... I was one. Now I use FAR and I barely have to think about it anymore, but it was a pretty big adjustment to begin with.
  13. That's quite interesting the way it works with the sync button. I could see that getting quite convoluted if there were a few people on the server. I'm interested to see how they will implement this into the stock game in a way that can be interesting and intuitive. Yeah I know trolls are everywhere too. I just don't like the idea of them in KSP. Watching your video Alshain, I can see that it could be quite fun as a co-op game, provided everyone is playing nice and it's working properly
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