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Everything posted by KerBlam

  1. If I had to guess, I'd say initially it was the price point and accessibility of C#. Just a guess though.
  2. KerBlam

    OS Poll

    I've heard 8.1 isn't bad, performance wise.. Can't speak from experience though.
  3. He didn't say deductive reasoning, that's different. Anyway, not interested in playing wiki-word games.
  4. I'm a ghost driving a meat skeleton. What are you?
  5. KerBlam

    OS Poll

    Bloody nerds. Everyone knows what you mean when you say Mac/PC. It's been that way for years. They even label software using those terms. /me waits for the buttsore apple fanatic to get jumpy. There's always at least one. edit: No, I'm sorry, I'll be nice.. it's not your fault if you're a victim of pro marketing. It's your money, you can waste it however you like.
  6. What if you were flying at more than double the speed of the rotation of the earth, and you fly over the international dateline twice or more in one day?
  7. KerBlam

    OS Poll

    Mac isn't an operating system, Linux either (it was, but now its is the Kernel of a distribution Operating system i.e. gentoo or ubuntu). They're just generic terms that people are familiar with.
  8. I'm an engineer for sure, but I also love crashing. Here's everything you need to know:
  9. KerBlam

    OS Poll

    Ok I'll start it then
  10. This would be awesome, I didn't realise I was a few versions old.
  11. Ah ok.. But that's kind of the gist of what you're trying to do? Cool. I thought it had already started, but I guess when the actual forum starts it will be more clear how this works.
  12. So how does this work man? We're just piecing together a universe? I'm going to throw in. The Fall of the Twelve Colonies of Kerbol. (also known as The Fall, the Kylon attack, Kylon holocaust or Second Kylon War) is a devastating, genocidal attack by the Kylons, designed by John Kavil to provide the Kerbol race with snacks, and seek revenge on the 'Big 3' for creating the Kerbaloid Kylons in their image. The events leading up to the attacks go back at least a few years, when the Kylons (Now in Skin-job form) begin infiltrating Kolonial society. One such Kylon, a Number V, is involved with Dr. Bob Kerbin, a famed computer scientist living on Kerbin. Together, they develop new parts for the Kolonial Fleet, which gives Number V access to the Kolonial Snacks Mainframe. There she is able to covertly install backdoors into the new software which the Kylons will later use to shut down Kolonial Breakfast.
  13. That sword was originally for buttering the toast. So are they Kylons?
  14. I like this idea... Did Kerbals accidentally create toasters, when they were trying to automate the snacks dispenser?
  15. I will agree that the ingame tutorials are not comprehensive, with nothing as far as science gathering. They even skipped Mun-landing, which has to be one of the harder things to do in the early game. However the tutorial system as I remember it (I did it the first day I played) was quite good so far as user experience and comprehension goes. I imagine it's because the game is still being fleshed out, and as we start to see features being finally implemented and issues like science gathering being refined, we will see more tutorials added. The wiki is great for in the meantime, as it can be updated with new information as the game changes, or that's how it's supposed to work anyway. I think a lot of info in there is in relation to older versions. BUT it would be much harder to do that with an ingame wiki. I agree that the graphics could use an overhaul, they look quite dated in stock. I definitely cannot see that happening for the 1.0 launch but I imagine it would be high on the devs list of stuff to do.
  16. So I have a large, vital piece of my space program en-route to minmus. Everything has gone to plan so far but the conics are jumping around so much that I can't place a node on the intercept burn reliably. I've tried a couple of burns in a few directions to see if it will lock in, but to no avail, and I'm on a bit of a shoestring dV budget. Does anyone know how to stop this?
  17. Deductive problem solving = Trial and error.... Isn't it? I see where you're coming from with the career grind, but that's definitely not what the OP was implying. More data in the stock game will definitely be welcome. I play heavily modded so Engineer, FAR and Mechjeb provide plenty of data. It's easy to forget that's not there in stock, but I don't think that's what the OP is suggesting either. IMO the thrust weight ratio is where the challenge is at in this game, as in the real world. You can't just cart more fuel into space, because the energy required to get the extra weight of it out of the atmosphere ends up making it redundant. You can add more boosters, but they also will require more fuel. It's a delicate balancing act, and to get a payload up on top of that SHOULD be very difficult. If you make it easy to get stupidly large payloads into orbit, then you might as well forget about the game, because that is half of the game.
  18. I'm pretty sure the in-game tutorial teaches orbiting basics as well. Seems to me like most games these days have an online manual of some sort. What's the other option? Put the entire wiki in the pause menu? I think Alt-Tabbing to the web-browser is not that difficult.
  19. Not a bad idea at all, I have also borked missions due to this. (also putting clampo sr's on backwards :\ )
  20. 1. A document like the wiki, or a dozen threads in the forum? 2. Tooltips... for what? 3. Imperial measurement is stupid and should not be accommodated, anywhere, ever.
  21. Alright, seriously this time. I think this is a good place to share this, as it's perfect KSP music. Alice Spacedoll is a friend of mine, she has an amazing voice. Check it.
  22. Banned for less than 100 posts a year.
  23. Looks fine to me. I think people should learn to dock. One of the first things you should be encouraged to learn to do, after achieving LKO is undock, intercept and dock your vessel. Another thing is not to get too used to excessive amounts of dV especially when going interplanetary. This looks like a great learner craft.
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