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Everything posted by transitbiker

  1. Yep. They are trying to exit the locomotive business. Bad move in my opinion. I mean, how are we supposed to model a proper hype train in ksp with no legacy locomotive on point?! - Andy
  2. Here's the livestream link. https://gaming.youtube.com/user/ibook133/live - Andy
  3. Hey guys, long time no post. Been doing livestreams of KSP and MC. I will likely feature the ksp world save that i have here for single player. Anything i should highlight? Please let me know. - Andy
  4. Next live stream will be tomorrow (monday). - Andy
  5. You know..... do you have a mod that changes the terrain on bodies, like different physical textures? Looks like he keeps falling and standing up very quickly, as if the ground is having trouble translating the kerbal's proper standing height.... - Andy
  6. I call it the Multilevel Oceanic Agricultural Resource farm, or MOAR, because we always need moar food. Built off the jagged spires near my dug out island (sandy ring with boat dock, torches etc). Took some hours of flattening areas to make it cubic, and unfortunately there is a mineshaft directly below so i hear all the creepy noises from the mobs down there while i'm working on it hehehe. Had to fill in the top section of a small cave and some other stuff, but the biggest challenge is just building the whole thing. It's not even done yet. It's probably the biggest project i've ever undertaken in minecraft, on par or bigger than the desert/tree farm rail line - Andy
  7. Literally anything not from a super known/reliable source/developer is not allowed on the computer. It's not up to me, as it is not my computer. I have a macbook from 2008 and a mac pro from 2007 that i got as a gift and for free respectively, and they cannot run anything past 10.7.5 which won't run minecraft 1.11 so i can't use them at all for getting on the server either let alone minecraft at all really. Just glad i can give you guys some ideas to work with at this point. - Andy
  8. The bumper cars area and monorail overview are also shown as well as where the new port town line and desert/tree farm line could get a junction so you could go from tree farm or desert to port town bypassing both paradise and sanctuary saving loads of time. Sorry for not listing them. - Andy Derp, the hospital roof, i removed the remnants of the damaged roof. I think it looks better now, actually. Will continue to tinker and whatnot and share with you guise. - Andy
  9. Sorry some of the images are out of sequence. The hiker area with camper cabins and supply cabin are shown how to build. Mid-mountain station stop is shown. Rebuild of the small river bridge between tunnel and tree farm station is shown. Re-design of iron dome is shown. Highlights of reworked tunnel sections are shown. Bridge past tree farm to far east ocean terminal is shown. Rework of spillway area by iron dome dam is shown. New damn by tree farm station/small river bridge is shown with cross sections for instructional use. Dock rail line reworked with redstone tucked out of the way is shown. Switch that allows both port town lines to be used at the same time is shown. Completed mob spawner is shown. New mushroom stew cafe shown. Super Cooker i made near my island at the redstone testing area) is shown. Hoppers can collect items on top of blocks placed on the hopper, so you could in theory set this up to be secure for use by anyone and you can add a payment system. http://imgur.com/a/qTIaT - Andy
  10. Thanks. Kinda sad roaming around in a world with no other players Girlfriend's computer is kinda mission critical for her job so anything of any questionable or unknown effects etc can not be put onto it. The only two games are minecraft and ksp. Will get the screenshots up tomorrow. Tonight won't happen because the kids are here and it's late. - Andy
  11. I have just redesigned the iron dome, laid out my ideal rail line using the intercity line as a test bed, and completed the big mob spawner. That with the hiking cabins will be put up sometime today or tomorrow. - Andy
  12. I will be uploading screenshots of build ideas for you folks. First up will be the mid-mountain station hiking area. Will have one supply cabin, and two hiker cabins. - Andy As far as chunks... yeah. Even in single player the ksp server world is a bit laggy at times, which is kind of shocking since half the worlds i play in are filled with super crazy mountains chock full of ore blocks and mobs. - Andy
  13. Have a general idea of what you want to do, but try to be flexible and don't worry if it looks "weird". If it works, it works, look at you, you made something that works! - Andy
  14. I love centrally mounted engines. This issue has caused me to make twin engine craft out of something that could very much fly with only one engine. Pain in my aft fuselage if you know what i mean. - Andy
  15. Installed forge. I was willing to give this one try, and i'm unable to login still. I am completely uninterested in any mods or whatnot for this game. They don't do anything for me. I was fine just doing rail stuff and helping people with their own projects. Sparky, are you able to send me the files pertaining to the world without the mod so i can play in it here on single player? Lot of hours spent on stuff on there, would like to be able to see something for it on my end. If the mod is removed or an alternate server becomes available for playing stock, please let me know. Till then, i'm out. Thanks for everything, everyone. ^-^ - Andy
  16. I was looking forward to letting my girlfriend's son back on the server as a reward for extra good behavior, but it looks like that will never happen based on what i'm reading here. Really a shame. I am just one person & my opinion doesn't really matter, just sucks because he always asks about playing on the server since the one time i let him. He's actually even behaving better at home etc. I was just getting into redstone engineering too, which may have been helpful. I'm not putting any crazy mod pack on this computer. Really disappointed it turned out this way. - Andy
  17. Ok, i'll see what i can do. In the mean time, i've created this for my girlfriend's son. http://imgur.com/a/9tQ7M As you can see, i need an output for my ideas! - Andy
  18. Guise, one mod for a burger... considering it... but if we start doing all that other stuff, i'm definitely never coming back if it requires me to download additional stuff. I cannot and will not load up this computer with mod files I prefer getting the most i can out of stock vanilla. This applies to any game played on a pc/mac. There is already enough or me to deal with when building large projects, i'm not going to add more stuff which then complicates things and can cause me a headache on my end with this computer having multiple user accounts with differing permissions levels and whatnot. For example, my girlfriend's son's user account has chat and other connectivity stuff disabled for his and our safety. I am not going to have all these mods on multiple user accounts on the computer, especially since i'm not going to troubleshoot problems with them. Troubleshooting issues in the minecraft world on the server is enough. - Andy
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