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Everything posted by rocketbuilder

  1. Firstly fins are needed. Your center of lift needs to be below you center of mass. Secondly you can't do go up and turn right at 10 km. As the atmosphere has changed, your gravity turn needs to start immediatly, be at 45 degrees at 10 km, 25 at 20 10 at 30 and have MECO at about 50. Turn over gradualy and your rocket NEEDS TO BE AERODYNAMIC!
  2. No monoprop engines do exist in RL - they work by passing a fuel through a catalyst to start combustion. But yeah, all sizes (except maybe not 3.75) inline engines would be great.
  3. Is RLA allowed? I mean the tiny SRBs? Edit: Success Gilly!
  4. Ok, but with that spelling of plans, it doesn't look official. And yes RIC is right, link doesn't work.
  5. No, I don't think squad will add special stuff like that. If they do add another star system it won't be light years away because squad will not add antimatter and co. It's not ksps nature... You will be able to get their with even chemical monsters, as NAFTL travel will unbalance the game.
  6. Now thinking about, I don't know... Anyways, now I finally have my computer I can attempt it without failing terribly.
  7. In stock, crashing is very rare even with thermal bars on (this causes a memory leak) but if you play with tonnes of mods it's not the games fault. About 10 mods won't do harm but 50 will. Get patches and use ckan.
  8. Wait, what is the lowest an on rails craft can go on Jool? Cause a midair rescue would be sooooooo cool!
  9. It works for me. But then there's modular fuel tanks... Yeah, a 2.5 m LF tank should be added.
  10. Decouplers do stop fuel flow for jet engines.
  11. I made a really low tech spaceplane, with the panther. Oops, How do I delete that Imgur album?
  12. Thanks! And by the way, your comics are amazing!
  13. Well, landing is gonna be a whole different story...\ Edit: How do I embed a Imgur album? For the mean time here is the URL of my attempt: http://imgur.com/gallery/TAuGv. Just after the last image it flipped, but I don't have time currently for a diagnoses. Lowest altitude was about 76 km. http://imgur.com/J91OsUj
  14. Well I must have had a stock bug, but when I run science alert that doesn't happen. Anyway good its sorted out.
  15. Use porkjets stock fuel switch mod that lets you chose if you want LFO, LF, or just O.
  16. 1.05 kinda fixed aerobraking on Jool. Kinda. It means you don't have the too fast too low thing but reentry heat goes up high quickly and heatshields are a must. Edit: I'm making KJR a mod on the list.
  17. Yeah, I meant that it rarely asks for a new one around any body, and never ones with stations. And I've never seen it ask about a solar station.
  18. I just saw someone ask about getting low on Jool {http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126846-spaceplanes-on-jool/} and that made me think. How low can you get? Inspired by Eve Order Zero Atmosphericdipperkraft and the eve low challenge. Rules: Try to get as low as possible. You can use kerbal engineer, mechjeb, hyperedit to tp your craft to Jool orbit, beauty enhancement mods like EVE and scatter and if you have a mod that you think would work, then tell me and I will possibly add it to the list. Edit: Mod list: Kerbal engineer, mechjeb, hyperedit, stuff like EVE, KJR. No cheating, please just don't, its not fair or fun. Hard mode: Reentry Heating set to 100% {don't know if possible} Medium mode: Reentry Heating set to 60% Easy mode: Reentry Heating set to 30% Teleport your spacecraft to Jool orbit and deorbit under own power. You can have as many stages as you want. Lowest altitude recorded is when vertical speed goes above 0 for the 1st time. You have to reach orbit from that point. Post pictures at the lowest altitude, dv in VAB {not needed but nice] and pics of orbit at minimum. I will put together a leaderboard and my own attempt soon. Sorry but I don't have much time right now. Good luck!
  19. That would be an interesting challenge! But 100km is a bit like the surface of Eve and that would be hard. Make good use of vectors, mammoths, aerospikes, huge amounts of fuel...
  20. Firstly, your spacecraft needs to be higher in altitude like everyone said and in 1.05 reentry heating was turned up massively. 70% reentry heat is like 1.04 now, but 85% is kinda fun. With 85% it's possible to aerobrake at other planets, even Jool, but the spacecraft needs to be completely shielded by heat shields.
  21. Its not a bug with science alert. Its a stock "bug"/feature, and the way you overcome it is first keeping the data and then clicking on the antenna and clicking transmit it.
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