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Everything posted by Dweller_Benthos

  1. "do some research on Kerbin"..... just had a thought, you know how a lot of the parts descriptions read "found lying on the side of the road"? Wouldn't it be funny if you actually did that, get a basic rover and/or airplane to start off, fly or drive around seeing if you can find anything lying around. You get to use what you find. Maybe it's out of sequence, like you might happen to find a mainsail right off (parts would be scattered semi-randomly) but have nothing big enough to attach it to. Heck, your little rover or plane is even too small to haul it back, and you have to leave it for later. Never happen, but it would be funny.
  2. Very impressive. I need to get my joystick out and see how I can get it working. I tried my dual stick game pad and that was a disaster. But I think it's a little wonky as it "twitches" a bit and KSP might have been reading those signals, as I kept flipping over for no reason.
  3. I went to Duna before I landed on the Mun or Minmus. After a few missions in orbit, then a few on the ground, I had the skippers I think, which was enough to get a probe out to Duna. It wasn't programmed to land, so much, as to crash on it (reference). I had it do as much science around Ike as I could before heading into an aerobrake for Duna, then with the last of the fuel deorbited for a lithobrake as it were. Did all the science I could on the way down. Then with the parts I unlocked from that, sent a few manned missions to the Mun and Minmus. Like ttnarg, I also fooled around with planes a lot, landing here and there for different biome science which really didn't amount to much, then spent too much time trying to get a flag at the exact north pole. Helpful hint, don't try to walk a Kerbal across the exact north pole, the kraken will rear it's ugly head and eat him whole. Had to force quit the game when a misplanted flag at the north pole got the game stuck in a loop waiting for me to enter the flag and plaque data into a dialog that never appeared because the flag was technically under ground. When I started the game up again, I went to see how the Kerbal was doing and he was laying on his side at the pole. I tried to move him to get back to the plane and he disappeared in a puff of smoke, mission report said he hit the ground too hard.
  4. Sounds good to me, or even if I set the default time to signal an alarm for a maneuver node at 3 minutes, once the ship is within that time, the node is ignored by the auto add feature? Or a global limit would do, as I mentioned before, a setting that tells it to ignore all maneuver nodes within a certain time limit set by the user.
  5. Yes, lol, exactly what you said, now that I read it again. Stupid speed reading never works, heh.
  6. Yes, I saw the same thing, I have it set to delete all alarms automatically. This is no problem with SOI alarms, they just go away, but maneuver alarms do not, as the node is still in the flight path, it automatically picks up on that and adds it back in, sees that your ship is already close to the node, puts up the kill warp dialog, the user hits the button to dismiss the dialog and delete the alarm, KAC then sees the node on the flight path..... etc etc lather rinse repeat. Maybe a trap that if the node is within the minimum time limit set by the auto add function, it doesn't re-add the alarm? Something like "Do not auto-add alarms for maneuver nodes that are within X minutes"
  7. Get the SCANsat mapping mod, and map all bodies in the system, then land and plant a flag at all anomalies http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55832-PLUGIN-PARTS-WIP-SCANsat-terrain-mapping Get the Kethane mod and map that while you're at it, then power all your craft from then on (as much as possible) only with kethane http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/23979-Kethane-Pack-0-8-Art-pass-terrain-conforming-grid-and-miscellaneous-improvements
  8. You must have a very understanding wife to even put that on the cake. Or has a good sense of humor. Congrats and good luck in the future.
  9. Something with how the terrain is generated now, seems they didn't take into account how the anomalies are positioned. Maybe a fix will be done in the future. Hopefully, anyway, I'd like to visit them again when they can actually be seen.
  10. Oops, missed a couple this week. Kurt doing career mode: And if you like Kurt's KSP videos, you might also like Zisteau's.
  11. Weird. Does it show up in sandbox mode? If it does then it's installed correctly, if not, then try re-installing. Once it shows up in sand box, go to career and then to the R&D building. You need to click on Advanced Electrics, that's the third from bottom in column six. They should be there. That's where they are in my save, and I just removed the protractor folder from the game data folder and ran KSP to remove them, then put the folder back, and ran KSP and it's back, like so: Click the buttons in the parts area to bring up the research dialog and hit the research button to get them working. If the buttons in the parts area are already "pushed down" then the parts are active and should be in the science tab in the VAB and SPH.
  12. Testing out the new beta of SCANsat, it was very helpful getting me to the desert pyramids. Only problem was, I flew over the spot marked on the map twice and still didn't see any pyramids. So on the second pass, I popped my chutes and cut the engines for a soft landing near the spot where the map was marked. Still didn't see anything. Once I got Bill on EVA, the camera switched and then I saw them: Seems there's been a sand storm and they've been buried. Walked Bill over there and did the camera under the terrain trick again and found he was standing on top of them: Guess I'll have to get a shovel out and start digging.
  13. Awesome, auto maneuver node alarms! Many thanks. And a fix for the Kerbal EVA alarms, nice. I had a list about 50 alarms long when I was sending three of them on EVA every 10 minutes or so on the way to the Mun to get all those reports to send back for science.
  14. This is pretty cool, got a full map of Kerbin fairly fast, probably because my orbit wasn't that great, and haven't tried multiple satellites yet. Did get some frame rate drop when I had the BTDT part on a plane with the small map open, but I'm not sure it was because of SCANsat. A few things I would like to see is the anomalies and other markers on the small map and the zoomed in pop up window available from the small map as well, so I don't have to keep opening the big map to see that info. Very well done, many thanks for this.
  15. If you have the newest version, it should show up in the tech tree under Advanced Electrics. I *think* it should be there even in an old save that's already unlocked that portion of the tech tree. If so, you may have to click on the part (or right click) in the tech tree window and research it, this should cost nothing. If you have the older version, it wasn't set up to be in the tech tree and you'd need to manually edit the config file to do that, but you really should just upgrade to the new version.
  16. If you're using the older version that install location is correct, but if you're using the newest dev version, it should go in the game data folder.
  17. I found that as well, you just click transmit a bunch of times and be done with it, but there were a few occasions where an action group setting for it would be nice. Most of the parts have action group availability for a bunch of things, I imagine it's just an oversight at the this point and, I hope, will be added later.
  18. I have an action group set up to collect all the science data at once, makes it easier than selecting each experiment and getting the results manually. I can then send them all from the results screen, but it would be nice for those times when you don't want to send the results right away and just close the results screen, or when you come back from an EVA and want to send those results, to have an action group on the antenna to transmit data, but there is none. You have to manually select the antenna and tell it to transmit each time. For those hardcore players trying to fly in IVA mode only, it would make it possible as they wouldn't have to switch to ship view, select the antenna, transmit, go back to IVA, etc. And for those times when you need all your hands on the controls and want to transmit, having a simple button press to transmit all data would be nice. TL;DR - antennas need a transmit data action group setting.
  19. An auto maneuver node alarm would be nice, if it's not a hassle to do. The SOI change thing is not a big deal, I was just wondering if something was wrong, but it's just KSP being KSP, so no worries.
  20. Nice, though I doubt I'll ever need to change to a ship from the space center screen, good to know it's there. Any chance of adding an auto alarm function for maneuver nodes? Or is there one and I missed it? I like the one for SOI changes, that comes in handy, but for pretty much every maneuver node I make, I set an alarm for it. If it could auto-add those, would save lazy me some clicks in the alarms dialog. Speaking of SOI alarms, I've had a couple lately that were way off, by 10 or 15 minutes, game time. I'd set the alarm for one minute, and it would go off, and I'd close it and still have a good amount of time left before the actual SOI change. Nature of the beast with orbital calculations, or something else?
  21. I had to do the same thing: Even just sending this to the runway almost broke off the jet engine. Added the extra landing gear, moved their control to a separate action group so they can retract/extend separately from the main gear. Since I'm terrible at landing, I added the parachutes to deploy and float the plane to the ground, which before I added the extra landing gear, always snapped off the engine. A couple shots of it in flight: Crossing the mountains Flying over the edge of the northern ice sheet on the way to the north pole: The first iteration of the plane before I added the second set of wings which gave it much more lift and a lot easier to fly. Neither is very fancy considering the massive things other people put in the air, but this is the first plane I've made that works fairly well, plus it was made pretty early in the career mode game.
  22. I haven't had any crashes using KAC, but I usually don't go fly something else while it's monitoring another ship. I've done a few SOI alarms and maneuver alarms with no problems. I'm not multi-tasking talented enough to be able to run multiple missions at the same time, lol. I'll try some tonight though, I have a ship bound for Duna that I was just going to warp there, but I'll leave it running and fly my new plane to the north pole, see how that goes.
  23. Cool, though the old version seemed to work OK on .22, but I didn't actually use it, just popped open the GUI.
  24. I had it running in .22 but didn't switch to any ships that have it installed. I was mostly fooling around getting it to work in career mode (simple change in the part.cfg it turns out) but didn't have time to put one on a ship. All my other mods seem to work fine in .22, at least there's no crash and the parts appear in the VAB, you just have to research them first in the science facility at no cost. You have to click each part though, so a mod with lots of parts would be tedious, unless there's a faster way I haven't found yet. Probably adding the entry cost parameter, I bet.
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