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Everything posted by Judicator81

  1. I'am ready to give up after a dozen attempts to make ModularLaunchpads work with Kourou and Soyuz launchpads from Kosmodrome. I tried moving spawn point, removing colliders, even tried to replicate your solution - copied "central circle" part of model from Proton launchpad to K- and G-launchpads - nothing works for me. Any rocket placed on top of "Soyuz Launch Base" from ModularLauchpads mod, violently disassembles itself on launch from G- or K- launchpads. Any chance you still have updated model files for Kourou and Soyuz launchpads (KosmoKourou.mu and KosmoLaunchpad-G.mu)? I might be missing something...
  2. CryoTanks mod has boiloff support for Lqd. Hydrogen and Lqd. Methane. Stock Oxidizer does not boil off though. There is patch in Kerbalism/Support, which adds "hydrogen liquefaction" and "lqd hydrogen evaporator" processes for ISRU converters, if CryoTanks is installed.
  3. Yes, and you could use H2 and O2 for hydrolox engines (from CryoEngines mod, for example). Well, not directly, because for some strange reason Kerbalism suggests, that stock Oxidizer is a hydrogen peroxide, not LOX. But you can produce H2O2 (i.e. Oxidizer) from H2 and O2: Kerbalism has process for this. My point is: LFO engines are a poor choice, if you are aiming for fuel/oxidizer production on site, and the "site" of choice is some no-atmosphere body. This is specifically true for moons and dwarf planets not far from Sun (as Mun, for example), as they have scarce carbon and nitrogen supplies.
  4. CO2 low output from MRE process is not really a Kerbalism problem, it's just how reaction works. MRE is aimed for oxygen production, not for carbon dioxide extraction. My suggestion for ISRU on non-atmospheric bodies is to search for water (ice) and electrolyse it.
  5. You could just set "Use earth time" flag in Game Settings.
  6. Amazing! Sorry, didn't see it on wiki before asking.
  7. So, dev version of Kerbalism now calculates radiation taking into account vessel shape, size and position relative to Sun. It's rather cool feature, and I am looking forward to play with it then 3.1 comes out. But, my question is: is it possible to implement this feature (radiation ray-tracing?) not only for stars, but also for other radiation emitters, like nuclear reactors or engines, both on active vessel and vessels nearby (inside game physics sphere, for example)?
  8. Stock ability to switch parts variants became available only in KSP 1.4 (ModulePartVariant). Almost all Nertea's mods are older and were using variants switching long before 1.4.
  9. No, Near Future Aeronautics is not available on CKAN. From the very first post in this topic:
  10. You mentioned Mk2 Cockpit, so you are probably looking for spaceplane cockpits. One or two 2.5m cockpits in great OPT mod: Lots of 2.5m cockpits in Prakasa Aeroworks mod:
  11. About B9PartSwitch error: I think CryoTanksFuelTankSwitcher.cfg from CryoTanks mod causes it. Basically, this config file has two patches: first adds ModuleB9PartSwitch with few fuel tanks configurations to fuel tanks, containing LiquidFuel and Oxidizer. Second patch does the same for fuel tanks, containing LqdHydrogen. Now, thanks to config file MD-ISRU-CommunityResourcePack.cfg, Duna Direct first stage part has liquid fuel, oxidizer and liquid hydrogen for ISRU purposes (if CommunityResourcePack is installed). So, Nertea's patches both apply, and we have duplicate ModuleB9PartSwitch and an error in game. Fast and dirty solution (new MD-ISRU-CommunityResourcePack.cfg): This, of course, disables ISRU, if CryoTanks mod is installed. Any better solutions... I don't know yet. Any thoughts?
  12. Wow! Thanks a lot! It looks like Mk4 Vulture cockpit and fuselage parts are back to my game.
  13. Great news! I am planning a couple of missions to Asclepius in my current career game, it would be nice to make a visit to Kruel too.
  14. Ahh, that rule. Sorry, I have mistaken this for some of Murphy's laws.
  15. Correction: The first 90% of the project takes 10% of the development time.
  16. I ran into the same bug in KSP 1.4.2, and was not able to fix it. So, my solution: just delete all files related to Kruel, effectively removing it from the game. Yes, it's a shame, that Asclepius doesn't have a moon in my install, but...
  17. KSP parts are near 1.5 times smaller than their real-life counterparts (for example, Mk1-3 Command Pod (diameter 2.5m) is an analogue for Apollo Command Module, which was 3.9m in diameter). Dimension of Curiosity rover, From Wikipedia: So, I suggest no more than 2 meters long large rover body (Curiosity), and respectively smaller for smaller rovers.
  18. Well, I don't see anything special (the only thing is both "Firespitter.dll" AND "Firespitter" folder, but I don't think it is related). You can try to install Near Future Electrical mod (whole mod, with "DecayingRTG" patch) and check, if your RTGs are now have "Radioisotope Generator" module. By the way, Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus has it's own patch for decaying RTGs. If it works, you can just remove "NearFutureElectrical/Parts" folder then.
  19. If you referencing to "Core Heat" module of RTG part, then it is not radiator. It's stock feature (ModuleCoreHeat) of some parts that generate heat (another example is Convert-O-Tron 250). Can you post a screenshot of your GameData folder here?
  20. Just remove everything from "GameData/NearFutureElectrical" folder except folder "Plugins", and do not forget to copy NFElectricalRTGPatch.cfg file from "Extras" somewhere to GameData.
  21. You could use simple MM patch to add IntakeAtm to all intakes without breaking their ability to supply oxygen to air-breathing engines: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleResourceIntake],@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!@RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:Final { +MODULE[ModuleResourceIntake] { @resourceName = IntakeAtm @checkForOxygen = false } +RESOURCE[IntakeAir] { @name = IntakeAtm } }
  22. My only guess is second engine mode should have it's own "runningEffectName". Try this: PART { name = lkermanDrive2 module = Part author = TD (Modified by Wheatley13) // --- asset parameters --- mesh = NewModel rescaleFactor = 0.5 scale = 1.0 node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 EFFECTS { running_closed { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_rocket_hard volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 1.0 1.0 pitch = 0.0 0.2 pitch = 1.0 1.0 loop = true } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/ks1_Exhaust transformName = Thrust emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.125 emission = 1.0 0.625 speed = 0.0 0.3 speed = 1.0 0.8 } } running_closed_alt { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_rocket_hard volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 1.0 1.0 pitch = 0.0 0.2 pitch = 1.0 1.0 loop = true } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/ks1_Exhaust transformName = Thrust emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.125 emission = 1.0 0.625 speed = 0.0 0.3 speed = 1.0 0.8 } } engage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_vent_soft volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } flameout { PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2 transformName = Thrust oneShot = true } AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_explosion_low volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } } TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion entryCost = 500 cost = 50000 category = Engine subcategory = 0 title = Kerman Drive (2.5m) manufacturer = Kerman Drive Technologies description = The Kerman Drive is a fusion drive with incredible power AND efficiency. Scientists say it works by fusing Keuterium and Kritium to create plasma, which is then accelerated out of the craft. We personally think it's just witchcraft, but either way it's great for jetting around the solar system. It has two modes: Low-G and High-G. Low-G is limited to 5000kn, while High-G unlocks the drive and allows for up to 20000kn of thrust. KDT is not liable for any damages sustained from crushing g-forces. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 6.8 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 1000 breakingForce = 120 breakingTorque = 120 maxTemp = 1000000000 stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 bulkheadProfiles = size2 MODULE { name = MultiModeEngine primaryEngineID = AirBreathing primaryEngineModeDisplayName = LowG secondaryEngineID = ClosedCycle secondaryEngineModeDisplayName = HighG } MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX thrustVectorTransformName = Thrust engineID = AirBreathing runningEffectName = running_closed exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 5000 heatProduction = 250 fxOffset = 0, 0, 1.5 EngineType = LiquidFuel exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.98 PROPELLANT { name = FusionFuel ratio = 0.5 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 500000 key = 1 500000 key = 5 500000 } } MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX thrustVectorTransformName = Thrust engineID = ClosedCycle runningEffectName = running_closed_alt exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 20000 heatProduction = 250 fxOffset = 0, 0, 1.5 EngineType = LiquidFuel exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.98 PROPELLANT { name = FusionFuel ratio = 0.5 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 500000 key = 1 500000 key = 5 500000 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSurfaceFX thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0 fxMax = 0.7 maxDistance = 37 falloff = 0.5 thrustTransformName = Thrust } MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = Thrust gimbalRange = 2 } }
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