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Everything posted by Agustin

  1. Will this be fixed? I wouldn't mind if the kerbal sinks a bit, but floating makes less sense... Can I edit this from a config or something? I also am having these: [EXC 20:35:59.120] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ParallaxShader.Shader5.Update () (at <564f638bb8894ee9a4574cd65de15754>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) (It started killing my fps too at that moment, I was falling from space, and opened my parachutes when it happened, and it only did once for now) Also another thing is I am seeing a lot of black lines at the distance (terrain) that appear and dissapear. It is somewhat better with 9x antialiasing. But they are still there. Other than that, I really like this mod. I hope you can adress these issues.
  2. Yes I did that and it looks perfect. the smooth out far edge is nice update, (Y)
  3. I am seeing the tesselation effect like animated. The tesselation moves while you move, like the terrain is all liquid almost. When you are still its fine, but while you move the mesh changes. Its weird. Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ay8RRZn19TggcPkxB5wyziXr-4MrcTy_/view?usp=sharing Yeah it fixes if you set a lower edgeLength in the ParallaxGlobal config. Although it killed my fps I should try and find my sweet spot.
  4. I think that you are taking your time to make the game right. Besides I can't get enough of ksp 1.x meanwhile.
  5. Can I have motion blur with this? Do I need a config? I am in RSS
  6. Is there a way to make this no so strong? like a weaker KJR? not for me but for a friend I am asking.
  7. Well I found another link in another site.
  8. link is down. Any new release please?
  9. There is no mod called that. "E4" IT seems its a pwing with a kind of transparency cfg... But he wouldn't give it away.
  10. I am orbiting mun and after docking my probe with another probe, my reactions wheels seem to provide rotation although I have the settings set to NONE. Is it a bug? I didn't have rotation before docking. I am 1.8.1
  11. Hi. Can I install Kopernicus in a stock system and make a patch so that Kerbin sphere texture loads on a lower altitude? Like FadeStart.. FadeEnd PQS transition thing? I just have bad performance when going to orbit and looking down at kerbin, as it seems all those polygons visible are bottlenecking my CPU or something. Thank you!
  12. Is there a way to make Kerbin load the sphere texture in a lowet altitude? It really is the only thing that reduces performance in my install. When I am over some really high altitude then performance is great. But when I am reaching orbit, FPS go way down if I look down towards Kerbin, and up if look at the sky. So I think that when it stops calculating polygons I get good FPS. but it is unneccesary for it being so high.
  13. I have it installed as well. What's the problem with it? can you be more specific?
  14. Control+C and control+V/F isn't doing anything to me. Maybe because I have editor extensions redux installed? I don't know. Nevermind. It seems it is Control+F twice now.
  15. Hello.. How can I make transparent parts? like for example procedural wings...? It seems on the last page of recolour depot thread someone has that...
  16. Please, can you tell me how do you do those transparent procedural wings? You told me they were E3 parts? I don´t find that and they seem to be procedural wings instead. Please point me to some links!
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