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Everything posted by l0kki

  1. Maybe, although mods like tweakscale which use the m2 menu still work. But yeah, testing it is the best way to find out.
  2. Most mods for 1.4 and 1.5 work in 1.6 too. Infact most mods made for 1,4 work with 1.5 and 1.6
  3. When: Just after i got the game Why: I wanted to nuke the KSC with NKD
  4. When going from 1.3.1 to 1.4 i had to start over but ever since that i have not needed to do that aside from removing some files from missing history because the mods i use still work on 1.6. Fun thing most of my mods are 1.4.X
  5. Great ISP sure but in most rockets i have built using skiffs has given me too low of a TWR, mayby i was just using it wrong but oh well
  6. How was the Skiff considered OP though? In my experience it doesnt have the TWR or the gimbal to be used even in center stages on most rockets i have and they cant even be clustered that well since they are so big.
  7. That will easily run KSP and most other games
  8. I think that Infernal robotics is updated for 1.4.x so if youre playing on 1.4 you could try that if youre on 1.4. Might work on 1.5 too.
  9. It probably will be better than 1.3.1 KER wich thinks that engine plates work the same as decouplers and refuses to display deltaV for them when staged correctly
  10. Now what we need is an apoapsis/periapsis height and time to both display
  11. I think a better idea would be to have the option to place the maneuver node exactly on the apoapsis/periapsis/dn/an but you would still have to make the maneuver yourself. Although in all honesty this is pretty pointless because you can get your maneuver nodes accurate enough with the current system.
  12. I do not understand the lander argument for the poodle, the wolfhound has better thrust and ISP than the poodle making it very much superior over the poodle in performance. The only flaw that i can find in using the wolfhound as a lander engine is the nozzle size but is that really a problem? Use some structural parts to bring down the landing legs and its like the thing isnt there and if your lander is so small that you cant do that you probably should just use a terrier
  13. Sorry to break it to you but woomerang is the "baikerbanur" of ksp
  14. 1.5.1 RSS/RO 0.17 or whatever the earliest version is
  15. I told rocketry to eat manure and i built a plane inspired by the mig-15 that could reach 1600m/s+ After that i got bdarmory and designed all kinds of weapons of war before being completely inadept at anything space. One day i decided to go to space and with the help of a friend i became capable of the straight up and sideways technique for orbiting, got to the mun with a rocket probably capable of a tylo return mission after that i went back to designing weapons of war after which i have slowly started to land everywhere as inspired by my first return mission from duna with a way too big of a rocket. After learning how to get to duna and back efficiently i have adopted the motto "Transfer windows make everything easy as things that i cannot mention on this forum"
  16. My guess is that it is supposed to be attached to a plane of something like that
  17. Triop you need to calm down with the KSP, irl its the Moon not the Mun
  18. Did you read the post? What im thinking of here is a turn based system where you have X amount of ingame time to do what you want before the next turn starts, this way timewarp is always in the control of a singe person and should not be a problem.
  19. I once was thinking about how you could make multiplayer work in ksp with the timewarp not being a problem and i got to the conclusion that a turn based system could be a solution. Since a turn based ksp would probably not be that good for coop i came up with the idea of a space race'ish system where the X amount of players would be placed on launch sites along the equator representing different nations or space programs and would be competing in a space race. One turn would equate to a X amount of ingame/real time and would only allow a limited amount of launches. Both players would be playing in a possibly modified career and would gain points for doing missions with more difficult missions such as interplanetary missions giving more points. The players would be competing to reach a certain threshold of points or to gain the most points in a X amount of ingame time. The host would be able to set the settings like how many points are required for victory, how long the game lasts and etc. Because ksp is a slow game the game could possibly be played over several real days (the amount could be set by the host) A possible problem i thought of is that doing turns over several days might be is that players might stall their turns resulting in anger and frustation.
  20. The fastest i have gone is 1670m/s with a hilariously useless plane
  21. This is a pretty cool idea but i think a better way of doing the automatic checking would be that the player would pick the task from a list (for example: get into X orbit) so the game will always know what you mean and you avoid alot of annoyance with the game not understanding you.
  22. As far as i understand it is pretty much impossible to mod on consoles because microsoft and sony dont allow (copyright issues) it rather than it not working in technical terms. It would probably be possible but unlikely because of microsoft and sony.
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