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Everything posted by CFYL

  1. Banned for adding a time tag to your post @AlamoVampire (oops, wrong game!) 191906062022
  2. Sometime spending more DV for precision can save DV in return. It's like you don't always burn at the point where the least DV is needed; instead you burn where DV is a bit bigger so it's easier to burn more precisely. (I go for semi-realism when playing with the stock system; I tell myself that normal vacuum engines shouldn't work at 20% throttle.)
  3. Status update: I have abandoned the structural variants because they would confuse the shader system. I've finished the YF-3(vac lqd engine) and YF-1(atm lqd engine) engines as well as all size 1 tanks. I'll push out a v1.1 when I finish GF-02(vac SRB) engine and the truss stack decoupler. These are photos of the real thing. I didn't follow the actual complicated pipes and lines. YF-2 engine is a quad-cluster of YF-1s. YF-3 engine is a vacuum variant of the YF-1 engine. This is the actual sat&SRB combined This is part list that I aim to finish in v1.1. FuelTanks/Size1TankLength1, S1TL2, S1TL3, S1TL4 (all of them are finished) ProbeCore/DFH-1 (using the part from v1.0) Engines/YF-1 Lqd Fuel Engine (finished) Coupling/Truss stack decoupler (unfinished) Engines/YF-3 Lqd Fuel Engine (finished model & config, still lacking waterfall config for exhaust flame) Engines/GF-02 SRB (unfinished) Engines/(small SRB for spinning) (still trying to figure out a name; unfinished) Engines/(Small Vernior Engine) (still trying to figure out a name; unfinished) RCS/ (Small Vernior Engine RCS Variant) (still trying to figure out a name; unfinished) Structural/YF-2 Base (finished)
  4. Does LKO count as Kerbin elcano? ____________________ Gilly, where you can build a base that surrounds its equator
  5. A mega solar panel provides electricity.
  6. O SCAN Hatch Scasette is the floaty bus kit simulator of Vall prime (in m mind)
  7. almost 1500 years. Why can't you use alcohol for rocket propellant?
  8. There's a Chinese term called “坊间”. A half-decent translation could be "Rumor has it that..." My fault -- it is described in the picture in Chinese and I forgot to translate it. I've added a sentence to the caption. Planned for launch is 2025-2030. Officials don't say much about future missions. Mainly because if they fail to launch before the deadline, it's hard to explain to the public. Usually they only tell us about the missions that they are "confident" with, like the LEO space station and Moon sample return. The aestroid sample return (Tianwen-2) can be seen as an official announcement although "the electronics are still going through final tests". Most announcements, including the 2025 ASR and the pre-2030 crewed moon landing, are issued by technological or administrative leaders in an interview as idividuals, rather than by an official spokesperson in a press conference. Anyways, they are "somebody" in CASC, so I would take it as an official announcement. Yet, I cannot deny that, some aerospace advances are still classified. CPE missions are fine; "reusable LEO spaceplane" would be completely different.
  9. Because the shoe-shaped starship crushed another whale and another bowl of petunias. How do you tell a forum game from a video game?
  10. 5 (Prime) (actually "Primes" by Gargamel)
  11. BANNED for using different fonts & sizes in one post
  12. Maybe Akagi is busy with the Orbital Bean SP. I'm trying to have dinner. @Souptime cuz I can't buy a watermeloon right now.
  13. BTW CZ-5 reminds me of Tianwen-1. This leads me to Tianwen-2, which, on May 13 this years, was known to the public. It will be a 2-part mission. Together: (1) launch scheduled for 2025 (2) transfer orbit to aestroid 2016HO3 (~1 year) (3-4) approching & rendevous with aestroid 2016HO3 (5) orbiting & close investigation of aestroid 2016HO3 (~1 year) (6) landing & sampling (7) launch from aestroid 2016HO3, standing by for return (8) transfer orbit back to the Earth (~0.5 years) Separation into two ships, Part 1 and Part 2. Part 1: (9) reentry & sample return Part 2: (10) transfer orbit to a main-belt comet 331P/PANSTARRS (awful translation alert) (~7 years) (11-12) approaching & rendevous with comet 331P/PANSTARRS (13) orbiting & close investigation of comet 331P/PANSTARRS The numbers refer to the ones in the picture above. Obviously* the comet probe uses a gravity assist from the Earth, while the sample return ship burns to a shallower pe and go all the way down. There are some other pictures. Pic2. Flight chart, with small deviations from the one above. Pic 3. A brief sum-up of what China has done and what China will probably do. Pic 4. (Not official; this is a guess by common people) In 2020 Tianwen-1 went to Mars. In 2025 Tianwen-2 will go to aestroied 2016HO3 and comet 331P/PANSTARRS. 2025-2030 a Mars sample return mission is planned. In ~2030? some probe will visit Jupiter "and other planets". Pic 5. Orbit of aestroid 2016HO3 Pic 6. 2016HO3 is a near-Earth aestroid. Based on ground observations, a theory is proposed that, this aestroid might be a remnant of the collision which formed our moon (if the collision theory is correct.) This survey will certainly help. Pic 7. Another flight chart. Double gravity assist. This is a picture of comet 331P/PANSTARRS by Hubble. It has multiple tails, which interests scientists. It is also believed to have a close moon according to ground observations. Pic 8. A proposed picture of Tianwen-2. The characters on the top reads "return capsule", while the lower ones reads "main probe". Maybe it's just me, but... The orange/brown high gain antenna looks like Communotron 88-88 and the solar panels are identical to OX-10C Photovoltaic Panels. The circular panels are designed for longer lifespan. Sources: not official. They are just news pages. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1732906326871673008 https://cj.sina.com.cn/articles/view/6678094116/18e0ba124001011k5u
  14. I‘m in Shanghai. We won't return to school until June 13. New cases have dropped to less than a hundred. The shipyard has been operating since April 23, and "the interesting thing" is, probably, prioritzed. The 5m rocket in Wenchang is scheduled for launch in July. imgtu.com is also unstable; I can't log on from time to time. So I switched to superbed.cn, which is still operating smoothly. It all happened so suddenly 2 days ago -- imgtu.com has been very stable for months.
  15. Granted. Now we have... I wish localization would work for internal values and no one will ever learn a word called template.
  16. Banned for riding on the back of a bear
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