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  1. I'd rather make one for our current one while we still have the chance
  2. They have. Aerojet is the most recent to be sued
  3. I mean, many of those are weather related. The scrub before this one for instance
  4. Nobody actually built anything with that architecture, but it was somewhat heavily proposed during the early shuttle program for drop tank designs, such as Starclipper. The relative engine is the XLR-129
  5. 900 m/s are to stay actually at L2, but most (all? I think) don't do that - they insert into a large halo orbit around it, like in the figure below, which has a free insertion but is dynamically unstable and requires monthly corrections in order to remain in it
  6. The F9 didn't launch Euclid to LEO, it injected it to an L2 transfer orbit. It has also launched payloads to GTO, L1 and lunar transfer orbits in the past
  7. Sounds like the VIF problem solved itself, lol
  8. Countdown seems to be going smooth for now, we're nearly 1 hour before liftoff
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