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Everything posted by UAL002

  1. Yea... CKAN needs an update. Just reiterating for visibility.
  2. Kospy, dumb question. But at work so can't research much. Wording about KIS is a little confusing. Is KIS as a standalone not needed as it is integrated into KAS?
  3. Does anyone have any layered .psd template files of kerbal heads or suits that they've put together?
  4. AlphaAsh, did you ever drop flags into some of the sites?
  5. v1.8 [Retouch Edition] Retouched Kermania, Krease, Yaeger, Merkan, Kinland and Kerralstran. Added flags Loekeyah and Skaibern. No, not that kinda touch.
  6. Its often better to start fresh if you have that option. Smurfalot.. good suggestions, one issue that is a lingering bug. It may have been fixed already so correct me if I'm wrong. But under certain circumstances you can achieve the Dangerous EVA ribbon just EVAing on the pad.
  7. Haven't checked in in a while. What kind of collaboration progress have you made with extrplanteary launchpads or a derivative there of Mr. Dude?
  8. Well yes, but we gain nothing. We might just be overlooking a way to do this to satisfy both the respawners and the permadeathers. But yea.. if it comes to it no you're right we loose nothing... no big deal.
  9. I as well. Permadeath here too. Sorry to be that guy.
  10. I've got 6 existing flags cleaned up with better edges. Some flags have a white border I removed. That will be in the next update along with any new flags I can muster for 1.8
  11. True, admittedly I haven't left my computer desk in 12 days. I keep hitting F5, but I dont want to bother him with all that. I still have a quarter bag of cool ranch Doritos and a half a bottle of mountain dew. My bucket is full though.
  12. v1.7 Release added 2 flags and 2 roundels. Goryeo and Kompletish. v1.7.1 Interim release removed UAL flag. Please be sure you're aware in case you are using it.
  13. That is an option. 1.7 is up for dropbox, but likely only an interim release. I need someone to reindex my CKAN stuffs. I finally figured out how github works... I think. 1.7.1 is up there. If CKAN can see it then I can consider changing the fish to kerbal green for 1.8. Then, if CKAN is indexed properly or whatever, my commits to github should be reflected properly and automatically upon updating releases there. Then I could possibly get rid of my dropbox. Which is just an extra cost at this point. Here's the link to github. https://github.com/ual002/Lorefriendly-Serious-Parody-Flags/releases Heck... honestly the index might still be good. EDIT: Index is still good.
  14. Ok for the next pack I'm torn between these two flags for "finland" or as it will be called, Kompletish. and What are your thoughts guys? I am leaning to the fish.
  15. Ok, when it comes to the CKAN index I won't be any help but if you can't figure it out, I'll poke blu3wolf.
  16. I totally understand that. CKAN however is amazing. I HIGHLY recommend it. Alternatively, would you allow me to bundle the Flag Decal Pack with my flag mod? I'll make sure I keep the most up to date in the pack. Your call. One final thing, do you ever think you will make a version that is only just a couple of parts with tweakable sizes or is the scaling more involved that that?
  17. What other popular mods write to persistance?
  18. Have you moved these in the career tech tree to be later? Might want to mention where in the tech tree you put them in the OP.
  19. I like that this is a more faithful parallel of the actual flags, and not a parody where you get the gist of the spoofed original. Well done.
  20. Hey StarVision, how likely would you be hosting your mods on either github or kerbalstuff so it can be CKAN indexed? Its super neat if you haven't messed with it yet. Takes the headaches out of mod installing. My request is specifically for the flag decals... My flag pack is hosted on github and indexed thanks to user blu3wolf for CKAN, and I'd love to have your decal mod up there too.
  21. Well shoot, I booted to Linux to DL the latest CKAN, anyone know if I manually dl and put 21.2 in will CKAN recognize it for future?
  22. I know right. I'm all thumbs coding but it's nice to contribute with feature requests or bugfixes. - - - Updated - - - NEREID, Take your time man. No rush. You got alot of patient people here willing to test when you're ready.
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