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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. There is nothing that can be done to make the joints more rigid. Blame that on unity and it's joint system.
  2. One day I will upload the pack as I'm now the sole person in control of them.
  3. Nobody would be complaining if you removed it? GraafTork, meet Dragon01. Dragon01, meet GraafTork.
  4. I can but I just haven't contacted romfarer and ask if it's kosher to do so.
  5. Wrong. That is not how the Lazor robotic arm pack does at all. Lazor creates a dummy gameobject based of of the tip's mesh and uses that to create a fixed_joint when attaching it to something.
  6. lo-fi. if you discover anything I'm all ears. The way that this robotic arms (RA) plugin works is completely different than how the IR plugin works. For IR, there consists of 2 separate meshes, each joined at the origin. By naming the mesh, a joint is then created between the two meshes allowing it to move. The way that RA works is the entire part and it's meshes are compiled into a descending hierarchy as noted in the OP. If I move the topmost mesh, the whole thing moves, etc and this is done by merely doing transform rotations (at the moment, I will do pistons eventually). By doing it this way I have to rethink how to do the joint for the endmost point of the robotic arm in order for this to work.
  7. The only issue now is attaching the arm to objects. Once that is done it is complete. Everything else works. Movements and the camera is all working.
  8. Try deleting the .mu file and export it again. I've had this happen a few times.
  9. Is missed? It was never available. Part count reduced by one, not sure if that is worth the savings alone. Last time I attempted this it would require a destroy/recreate the actual joint for the setting to be done and that caused issues. I'll revisit again but I offer no guarantees. As for the rotational issue I'm aware of it, for now just don't keep going back and forth that many times. Save and save often so it doesn't creep much.
  10. It's in the wiki if you consider that a reliable source. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SABRE_(rocket_engine)
  11. People have found that some solar panels on IR parts cause weird oscillations. I think it's the springiness of the IR parts and the movement of the solar panels trying to realign towards the sun.
  12. Make sure you don't have any other versions of tweakscale running. Update to the latest and if it does the same thing you can downgrade to tweakscale to 1.44 and report it in the tweakscale thread. It should have been fixed already.
  13. I'd say show the log file. Sometimes it's probably another mod causing issues such as these.
  14. 2/10 I've seen you sporadically when I go outside the modding sections.
  15. I need to see a log file but what it could be is when I implemented tweakscale the small and half sizes were removed in favor of tweakscale. One option is to keep your old version of IR and update everything but the CFG files. Only caveat is you won't be able to tweak the sizes from the editor.
  16. When you "reinstall" IR are you just copying the IR directory you had back into the game? If so, do a fresh install of IR from the zip package. I suspect the coordinates for the control window are out of the range of your window.
  17. If you want the various sizes then TweakScale is necessary. if you want to be stuck with the "standard" size of each part, feel free not to use tweakscale.
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