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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. You could save the IR arm as a subassembly and tie an action group to the "deploy."
  2. I'm glad you said that because if you would have asked to reset the parts before launch I would have cried.
  3. Exit the game? Holy heck, just save the changes and refresh the game database using the debug menu. No need to exit the game. You must do this at the space center. Great job marce. Glad it's now out. This is an essential modding tool.
  4. I'll take a look but I need steps to reproduce them. I suppose I can do that. I've been meaning to look into it.
  5. Oh God, considering I just looked at it to figure out how to get the checkerboard mesh for the attachment nodes. Chalk that up to tunnel vision!
  6. anyone have any examples of drawing a line, a semi circle with arrow based off a transforms location? It must be really easy because I'm certainly not grasping it. The goal is to render lines with arrows or semi circles with arrows to show the direction of movement for infernal robotic parts. That way it would be more of a hint to beginners.
  7. Thank you so much for sharing! It's a known bug. Only suggestion I can offer is _save_ your craft first in the editor, test it, then open the save again and set your limits. It's only in the editor that it's a problem.
  8. So the press of a button you want it to fully extend and that be it? Press the button again and it retracts? That's it?
  9. Tiny? I think you are underestimating what is involved in this plugin. IR alone is 1330+1943 lines of code and that isn't counting Drag/drop support of IR groups (498)lines. Let me first get this WIP progress done and with this particular mod see what can be done since it is a bit simpler in moving parts for a special purpose that may address the criteria. There's a lot of questions that need to be thought of before even considering a mod that "make wings move when goes fast." What factors cause the wings to move? When lift lowers? When speed lowers? When center of mass rises? There's a lot that would need to be calculated. How far should the wings move? How fast should they move? I'm not saying it can't be done but done assume it would be a tiny mod.
  10. Maybe one day but I have another IR related mod I'm working on at the moment that has been a WIP for 2 months.
  11. Greys, figured I would share what I have done to NodeToggle. Now users can SEE what attachnodes will be disabled/enabled from the menu. I'll send you the code when I have a free moment but here's a video(ignore the glitchy graphics issue, i didn't have all B9 required plugins to work):
  12. Mind sharing that batch file? I started modifying my powershell script utilizing mbm2png but came across some issues with what you said. i couldn't figure out how to know if a file was successful or not during conversion using nvdtx.exe
  13. Unfortunately that's beyond the scope of what infernal robotics is supposed to be. I've had people request sun tracking for rotatrons for example. It will just compound the complexity of the programming.
  14. I've actually considered making some wing hinges for IR that would be super low profile and quite slim. I suppose I will make a few tomorrow and post here the results.
  15. Well then awesome. Back to working on my new "IR" related mod.
  16. I'm debating asking dtobi to resume work on this mod unless someone else has stepped up.
  17. Heads up NathanKell, TweakScale has been updated so no need for the remark about reading TweakScale.
  18. Bug fixing. That's all I want. I don't want any new features until bugs are sorted. Adding new features just compound the bugs.
  19. It's something I know about but no way to fix it that I know of. What I suggest using is part wizard. It will let you separate symmetrical parts sp you can the edit each one individually or as subgroups.
  20. Thanks for the log file. Here's your problem (I highly suggest learning to read the output_logs, sometimes just looking at them will answer your own question.) Solution? Trim your mods down so they don't run out of memory or use Active Texture Management mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-24-Release-3-4-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs!
  21. Maybe but this is your fish to fry. Just compare the two and make changes as you see.
  22. 64 bit version? If so it's not my fault. Blame x64 bit. It's buggy and even some modders have disabled their mods from working in KSP 64bit. I dont think that has to do with Infernal Robotics but as usual I can't help unless I see a output_log file. Showing me a picture does me no good.
  23. _OR_ better yet, download an older version of Infernal Robotics where all the parts have individual part sizes..
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