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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. You can but you will end up clogging up your parts list with small, medium, large parts of everything. This is why I adopted TweakScale to begine with. You do know you can delete ALL the configs in TweakScale and just leave the rest alone and it will ONLY work for Infernal Robotics? This is what I do so I don't have scaling pop up for all my parts.
  2. Guys, if you don't mind dealing with the nag screen, just replace the KSPAPIExtensions.dll with the one that I provide in Infernal Robotics. It still works. Here's proof (ps, you need to update Module Manager dll too)
  3. TweakScale itself may not work but I assure you that it works for just IR: Exhibit A(without updating ModuleManager that is provided with TweakScale) Exhibit B(if you update to the latest ModuleManager, TweakScale AND IR work)
  4. Reworks should still work as I did nothing that would affect them. Also, TweakScale works if you replace the KSPAPIExtensions.dll as I described before. Just ignore the warning message when it pops up. It works for me.
  5. I goofed, it would appear that TweakScale may not work with the updated dll due to compatibility checker.
  6. Oh I know why scale works for me, I compiled my own version. *blush* whoops I will make a note in the IR mod.
  7. Really? Hrm. I'll have to see if scaling works for other parts than just my IR parts. Strange.
  8. Infernal Robotics 0.19.2 has been updated for 0.25 (NOTE: users must also take updated KSPAPIExtensions provided in the IR install and replace the dll that is located in TweakScale until Biotronic replaces it.
  9. Ok, new version is up. Pro TIP: You will NEED to replace the KSPAPIExtensions.dll that is included in the TweakScale plugins directory with the one that is provided in the Infernal Robotics install. Edit: I just realized that TweakScale won't work due to the compatibility checker code. It worked for me because I compiled my own version with the 0.25 check. Guess IR may still not scale currently. Fudge.
  10. Good news, you should be able to download just KSPAPIExtensions.dll and replace the new one in the TweakScale plugins directory it should work again. I tested it with Infernal Robotics. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81496-0-25-KSPAPIExtensions-V1-7-1-Utilities-for-shared-mod-use
  11. Good news. KSPAPIExtensions has been updated. Bad news, you will have to replace the KSPAPIExtensions dll that is located in the TweakScale as well. Working on uploading 0.19.2 in a few minutes.
  12. I'm going to need to see a output_log file AND a list of all the mods you are using otherwise it's just a funny story to share. I'm waiting on KSPAPIExtensions to be updated then I'll be updating IR to 0.25
  13. You sir have made me a happy man. Great job!
  14. You got the rotational issue fixed? I'm going to have to see what was the solution!
  15. Now surely you read the OP right? I even tell you what you can do if you don't like toolbar:
  16. Yup. For the rework parts that's all you get in savings. I haven't looked at the "stock" parts yet but it's looking like 5MB or maybe 10MB in texture space saved. As for others who want to make their own parts, I only know of Zodius, nothke, and spannermonkey(smce) that have made parts using IR.
  17. Next update will support the use of MODEL{} but will require the user to supply a flag in the module definition (in this case hasModel = True) in order for this to work. Now everyone can save 1.80MB of texture data...
  18. When you have time that would be great, I'm just not doing it right I suppose. I also have the click-through fixed so that will be in the next update.
  19. The issue is when using the MODEL{} references, it injects an additional transform into the parts causing them NOT to work since IR directly references the transforms in order for the parts to move. For example (both are the same except for the config changes to reference MODEL and the partname): The method being used now: Shows 4 transforms IR.Pivotron.Basic(Clone) model Base Joint The MODEL{} method: Shows 5 transforms IR.Pivotron.BasicMODEL(Clone) model MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework/Robotic_ProbeRotational/IR_Pivotron_Basic/model(Clone) Base Joint It's that third transform in the "model" method that causes the issues that I need to deal with.
  20. The fix for the rotational parts will be in the next release when KSP 0.25 is released. I can't however reproduce the translational bug. What am I missing? I'll see about fixing the click-through. I'm unfamiliar with the editor lock code that TriggerAU was so kind to provide.
  21. Keep in mind not too long ago you didn't even have the privilege of moving the parts in the VAB/SPH So the chances of having bugs may occur. If I have CLEAR instructions on how to reproduce the bug please say so. The one I fixed was when it reaches the limit then the part is removed causing the base to shift by 1 increment.
  22. I'm waiting for someone to ask for screenshots. Great work taniwha.
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