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Everything posted by Honeybadga

  1. Dear AGX, we miss you very much. Life isn't the same without you. They make us pay hundreds of thousands of Kerbal Kredits to get access to only a small fraction of your gloriousness in career mode. I hope you'll be with us soon in 1.1. Much love Honeybadga
  2. Yeah, I'd be interested in a stream or VOD like this. Although I'd prefer a youtube video.
  3. One might also argue that Fuel Tanks Plus and many other tank part mods have become another collection of stockalike tanks given how long KW Rocketry has been around. I've started playing at KSP v0.18 or 0.19 and it was probably THE go-to mod for rocket parts back then already. Also, could you clarify what you mean by high-performance tanks? Is it tanks with a low empty mass?
  4. Ow, I'm sorry. But maybe we've found a possible addition to your FAQ in the OP? Edit: kk, I've found an answer five pages back.
  5. Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a way to customize the chute settings in career mode before I upgrade the VAB/SPH? I've found a way to access the settings when AGX is installed but that isn't out yet for 1.1.
  6. Ow, I was more under the impression that both entry prices and purchase prices scale with the volume. But purchase prices will probably also have to be revised.
  7. Yay! Thanks for providing a new home for the best rocket parts pack ever. That KW2mtankL1B that I missed out apparently inherited my cost changes from the KW2mtankL1 since both have the same model. Not sure if it's legit that Tac LS users can even cram an additional 555 units of oxygen into the KW2mtankL1B Unfortunately, Squad's pricing is everything but consistent. The worst offenders are the FL-T400 Fuel tank from the Advanced Rocketry node with an entry cost of merely 1600 bucks and the tiny little FL-R10 RCS Tank that costs a whopping 5400 bucks to unlock.
  8. Please don't get turned off by individual statements. Me and many others appreciate the heavy lifting that people like you do for the sake of keeping popular mods alive. So, here's a big thank you from me and I mean it! All that we can ask is, keep doing what you're doing as long as it's fun for you. Maybe don't take some statements all that seriously nor personal. It's the internet after all
  9. By all means. I'm gonna play with it for now as the current values seem way off. But as I've said, I didn't do any thorough math on all these numbers and my cfg is not much more than a rough suggestion. I hope I didn't violate any etiquette by submitting this here since I don't know about the history of the other community cfgs that are already part of the package.
  10. So, I went ahead and brought the pricing of most of the fuel tanks more in line with stock parts. Prepare for higher unlocking costs across the board. I also tweaked some part costs here and there and made them more consistent overall. These numbers are based only on my own rough guesstimations mind you. Furthermore, I moved the 1.25m and 2.5m RCS tanks into the Adv. Fuel Systems tech node where the other RCS tanks are and adjusted their pricing accordingly. Seems to work for me so far with the latest KWRocketryRedux pack on 1.1. I just dumped the .cfg into ...GameData\KWRocketry\KWCommunityFixes Do with it as you please.
  11. @linuxgurugamer I have a request and it's not a small one. Maybe it's even already on your todo-list. I'd like to adress a number of discrepancies concerning pricing and, to a degree, stats of the individual parts. For example, I've noticed that a good number of fuel tanks are way out of line when it comes to unlocking them in the tech tree during a career game. You can find some of them in these tech nodes of the stock tech tree: Basic through Advanced Rocketry, Fuel Systems and Adv. Fuel Systems and others. Thing is, I'm not a module manager wizard but with your permission, I'd submit my suggestions directly via github (once I figure out how that works ;)) If you'd be okay with that, what would be the right course of action? Just dump a .cfg file with the changes somewhere?
  12. I'm on a custom built desktop with a 1st generation core i7, so there's no onboard GPU. My only GPU is a GTX960 with 4GB VRAM.
  13. Yeah, I'm using EVE. I tried with stock visual enhancements and scatterer but with those, RAM usage went through the roof. Now I rolled back to using EVE only.
  14. About VRAM usage, I tried both forcing DX11 and OpenGL and in both cases I go beyond 3GB main memory usage when I load my save and enter KSC view. I'm still on 1.0.5. My video card has 4GB of VRAM. What am I missing? Anyway, I ordered an additional 6GB of RAM and it's about to ship. Just gotta wait for a couple of more mods to update to 1.1 before I start my new career save.
  15. I'm having the old issue where this only works when I put my navball to orbit mode. It's not working in surface mode for me sadly
  16. I started a new career in 1.0.5 and noticed that the costs for unlocking most of the KW parts in the tech tree are very inconsistent with the stock parts. Has anyone made a config to bring the unlocking costs more in line with the stock parts? If so, would you be willing to share?
  17. In my case it was Infernal Robotics. Updating to the latest version fixed it for me.
  18. The guy was suggesting that the community should go ahead and update the mod AFTER the original mod author has clearly stated that there's gonna be an official update. Granted, he probably missed the author's post on that issue, but if I didn't know any better, he made that suggestion out of a lack of patience. There's a bunch of people that expect their favorite mods to be updated within hours or days after a game update. Now, thank you for schooling me on the issue of manners, I'll file your opinion on the matter in an appropriate respository.
  19. Are you saying crossfeed enabler is working in 1.0.2?
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