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Everything posted by Tangle

  1. Half of me wants to build a huge airship and add a minirover or two to the bottom to put down, add camera disks, and a weather probe. The other half is saying "No don't, you'll find an Eosapien."
  2. True, but how freaking cool would it be to build a reentry vehicle for one of these beauties?
  3. Let me guess, the next one's named either Ike or Leo. But seriously, this is wonderful.
  4. Now this is awesome. I find Emilynn and Hellou strangely adorable. Also, now I want to skip all of my missions in my "planned space missions" save and build a bunch of Laythe fliers... But I won't do that. Maybe in another save. And I was thinking about Human Space Program... what kind of download times do you get with Kerbal Technology, a package the size of KSP(I think?), and the sheer distance to Laythe? Also, I'm hoping HSP is sandbox, like KSP, and that you can in fact do beyond the Moon with a manned mission...
  5. I have a suggestion.... Type: Asteroid Distance: VERY far out (implies it will be frozen) Size: smaller than Gilly
  6. I want to go aboard just to throw things at Rozer.
  7. No, no, I could have sworn there was some sort of list of uses somewhere... (also yes i mean missions)
  8. Add this use to hyperedit: Fixing missions that you were doing but got erased Via quicksave.
  9. I'm pretty sure eventually you could have a server directory and you choose the type of mission you want and if there's a server close to starting, you could do one mission with each of your own vessels and when the last vessel is up you all wait for your transfer(time warping would be allowed as each vehicle would wait approximately the same time), then transfer, then timewarp with a fine-tuning opportunity, then you arrive for aerobraking/retrograde burn and then burn retro to land(unless you've decided for a direct descent after aerobraking/retro burn), and at this point you can phys warp x4, and when you reach the slowdown burn altitude you have to go down to 2 or 3, then you continue to the surface at x2 or just normal speed.
  10. Um, I have found several problems with the Crys. It looks fine, it takes off fine, but the center engine flames out for no reason a small bit after leaving the runway. Second, the action groups are non-functional, at least the action group to raise the landing wheels. Third, the shuttle appears to have a toggle-able ASAS that causes the vehicle to be non-stock. I have not seen this problem with any of the other Crys vehicles. EDIT: Problems 1 and 2 stem from me pressing 4 and 5 rather than 6 while attempting to pull up landing gear.
  11. A broken tank of liquid helium with bullet holes in it you say? Okay! I wish for there to be a such thing as creepypasta repellant.
  12. Granted. A banana heads for your face at high speeds, breaking apart when it hits. I wish that transferring computers from New York to California and back didn't take two weeks.
  13. Granted. Your laptop is now not a brick, it is a broken laptop. I wish that this got to page 10,000 before being shut down.
  14. Granted, but no one knows the question. I wish the person below me wished that the person below them wished that they exploded.
  15. So i was looking at the BirdDogs and I thought, "What if there was a version with a rover attached, which (the rover) would be built for heavy exploration, such as steep slopes and other rugged things?" This way, it would be easier to begin exploration of Isti and Istii or other steep areas. However, it would be hard to fit a rover on the BirdDog, and it would likely be Paradropped.
  16. While it does look quite a bit like ice cream, I would suggest that it is a huge glob of SCP-447 (see here: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-447 ). Don't let dead kerbals touch it.
  17. My first space probe is still in a LKO 100km. It's been about 8 years.
  18. The Crab Pulsar. I read a shortish story from the late 90s about it. Very interesting. It's called "Hatching the Phoenix" if anyone would like to google it.
  19. Actually, I couldn't. Dane and Dreese are at the smallest possible size, and I can't edit much else. Also, what would be the fun in making it exact? If Kerbelle reminds you of knockoff products, Kerbol should do so as well.
  20. Ah. It was VERY confusing, because my stuff disappeared and then reappeared and then disappeared.
  21. First of all, Galaxiki is a self-described fictional galaxy anyone can edit. The main downsides are 1, that to make sure your edits are solid, you have to buy the star (for as little as a dollar, sure) and 2, they gave up on the last update (I think), which would include full editing of moons. The website is here: http://www.galaxiki.org Second of all, I made a Kerbol replica there. It's different from Kerbol, to avoid copyright infringement (highly unlikely, right?), because it wouldn't be fun, and because I couldn't find a perfect copy. I had a lot of fun with it and it is here: http://www.galaxiki.org/cgi-bin/local/perl/galaxiki/wiki.pl?mode=star&id=1018391&level=3&coord_x=89&coord_y=6 Anyway, thanks for reading! Do you like it? Edit: According to google, Kerbene is 150 million km from Kerbelle, just about the same distance as Earth. Its orbital velocity is a lot lower though.
  22. Eve. It was a probe. Not gonna doom Kerbals to way-too-high gravity. It got damaged a bit though... (the parachutes deployed right after I separated the carrier. Then, the lander stage slammed into the carrier, leaving all of the probe stage except its docking decoupler. By the power of drag, it landed safely.)
  23. Sorry to end up having to say this first, but can I/we have the craft file? I have a base on Laythe and I'd like to see if the Dogfish could be used as a good vehicle to get some kerbals swimming. They've been itching to since the start of the mission, roughly a year ago. The water's roughly a kilometer away, and they need some kind of rover to get there. Kerbal walking at around roughly Kerbin gravity is really, really, really annoying as you undoubtedly know. I landed basically in the middle of the main peninsula at Fido bay.
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