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Everything posted by Tangle

  1. Hmm. I think I'll use the new Broadsword only with its payloads, since I'm designing several other ones, such as docking trusses and solar trusses and a bigger hab.
  2. Wonderful! And yes, she is a beauty to land. It's just that with so much of the body being made of wings, she glides. A lot. Edit: After Broadsword 2 "Nevada"'s testing of the EMUs, landing on the runway, and movement off the runway; Broadsword 3 "Wingman" is ready to fly up and deploy the core module for station "Republic Station". Broadsword 3 almost ran out of fuel, but I had to cheat to give me a bit more. She landed with just 70 oxidizer remaining. Republic was set up and Broadsword 3's crew was transferred aboard it. Edit II: It seems that PPPC is prone to exploding apart on the slightest touch.
  3. I think I am going to try out broadsword sometime soon... Edit: Mechjeb Assisted Orbit, mostly manual, left me with 358 LF. Is that normal, or am I doing something wrong? I admit that I accidentally overshot my intended orbit by 12 km, but it shouldn't have made that big of a dent... Upon deorbit burn, I missed KSC massively. However, I decided to head for an alternate landing site northeast of KSC. Specifically, that big island. As I activated mechjeb's surface distance function, the game crashed. Fortunately, I have a quicksave. From just before the retro burn. Also: after flying on LF to that island, I had 110 LF left. That's pretty good, I think. Edit II: Second landing attempt went succesfully! Also on the big island. Recovered the kerbals instead of the ship. So now, Broadsword I- Zephyrus is sitting on a big island. Touchdown left it with 148 liquid fuel.
  4. So- I've done a single Moho mission, and it just barely managed to do it. It was a probe version replica of Brotoro's Mark Twain orbiter/lander. The Orbiter managed to make it into an orbit with a tiny bit of fuel left, and the two landers were taken to the surface. All in all, the mission went succesfully. However, that was in 0.20. Now, I have a better computer, more mods, and a 55 ton lifter craft that I can put on another lifter to get lots of delta-V(11 KM/S!).
  5. sidewaysStiffness = 0.02 Is what you should set it to As far as I know, the other one has no effect on it.
  6. Thanks to you, I have determined that I am utterly **** at doing: fonts, layers, and PSD files in general.
  7. I crashed and killed someone. Sorry!
  8. The mostly is in part because of pinpoint accuracy and lots of SRBs.
  9. I would leave the samples in the hab. Even if the next Laythe Landing is years from now, Kerbin Touchdown is years from now. Better to leave the sentients alive than the microorganisms.
  10. With 0.23's mechjeb and virtually no idea of the angle I was supposed to have, it turns out somewhere around 27% turn shape is right for the 10-ton vehicle.
  11. ...wow. How does that even work? Was Kerbin teleported into an alternate universe or the future where the Duna-X Mission actually happened?
  12. Does this reinforce docking connections or no? As far as I know, neither quantum nor docking struts work anymore, so I've been looking for a replacement.
  13. What I don't want is high-power weapons. Low-scale guns are fine, but only if they're like Whack-A-Kerbal: For fun only. No warfare. Warp drives sound fine to me, in any way.
  14. Long dead? It's only been a month. Chill off, the guy will be back... Also, Scansat does have topography capability, so...
  16. Dude, you're awesome. You're as much a pioneer as Kragrathea. You've both made a mod that allows for increased options. Both mods required extreme workingness to get them done. And both of them have limited mod compatability. Good Job!
  17. My-MY CAT. Damnit. Do I qualify as evil in the eyes of the internet now?
  18. Maybe in another solar system there's a tiny little red dwarf and these two are a couplet world!
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