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Superfluous J

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Status Replies posted by Superfluous J

  1. How did you get the asteroid in your banner o fly and what was the history behind it?

  2. Dude, i just watched the video from your sig. That looked so fun! Great stuff!

    1. Superfluous J

      Superfluous J

      Thanks! Can you believe that was 5 YEARS ago?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Hi @5thHorseman, I am starting on Drespollo, and while I intended to use no mods, I am wondering if Mechjeb is an acceptable mod to use.  I know probe cores are forbidden, but MJ would be handy to automate launches.  Is MJ not in the spirit of the challenge you intended?

    1. Superfluous J

      Superfluous J

      Live? Not sure what you mean by that. Just post enough pics or vids to show you did each step and you'll be fine. Several people have already finished, including myself though I've not yet edited my video for Jool.

      I have no plans to end the challenge, so long as people are doing it.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi @5thHorseman, I am starting on Drespollo, and while I intended to use no mods, I am wondering if Mechjeb is an acceptable mod to use.  I know probe cores are forbidden, but MJ would be handy to automate launches.  Is MJ not in the spirit of the challenge you intended?

    1. Superfluous J

      Superfluous J

      All mods (that don't modify how much science you can get) are in the spirit of the challenge, though of course I'll modify your entry to state you used MechJeb.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. I simply CANNOT believe how long you’ve been a Forum-goer!

    1. Superfluous J

      Superfluous J

      Haha! Can you believe that even with that, I didn't buy the game early enough to get the DLC for free?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. That Homeless Kerb and That Homeless Kerbette Please.

    I don't care what job they have just that some day you send them to the far reaches of the Kerbolar system to live out their days together alone on a moon or planet somewhere. The greatest and saddest love story ever told.

    Well maybe not but still a better love story than twilight.

    Get an unknown Error trying to comment on your video on YT. I think it's blocking certain words or is enforcing a character limit or something but I can't figgure out the pattern

    1. Superfluous J

      Superfluous J

      You're on the list, twice. And each base WILL have at least 2 Kerbals (for reasons that you'll see in future episodes) so that shouldn't be a problem.


    Not that I know what those dots mean, but I got four.

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