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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Probably the same thing I think when someone asks me to look at their computer
  2. These tears appear several places. It used to be like your 3rd picture around the poles of Minmus where they were taller than a Kerbal, but IIRC they fixed those. Must have missed these ones on Bop. If there was still a programming staff I'd say report it as a bug but...
  3. I agree both that Tom Bombadil is an important feature of the world, and that he had no place in the movie.
  4. All those fees wouldn't pay for the daiquiri the CEO of Take Two is probably drinking on his yacht right now. Unless someone forgets (and hey, it happens), I see no reason they'd stop paying for this site and its free moderators to run forever.
  5. Under the video where the description is, and you have to click "...more" but nobody does.
  6. While watching some of my old KSP videos, I noticed that "Trascript" button on YouTube that I've never hit before. So I hit it and the result sounds like some crazy train-of-thought poetry.
  7. I watched the first one in the theater, the 2nd on DVD rental, and the 3rd not at all. I watched a recap on YouTube and don't think I missed anything all that important
  8. For mod issues, it is generally best to ask in the mod's thread. Even though the forum is quiet enough these days to read all threads, the people running that mod may only be watching their own thread. And lucky for you they seem active, having released an update just last month.
  9. Though I orbit over the valley in the shadow of Dres, I will fear no studio closure, for thou art with me. Thy solid and liquid boosters comfort me.
  10. I've dug into my library at some past loves and bounced off several of them before settling on Into the Breach. What a fantastic game. I had burned out on it not long after the major content update came out, so in addition to relearning all the mistakes to not make, I had to actually learn all the new weapons, maps, enemies and pilots this amazing game has to offer.
  11. (3 ideas. #2 seems easiest) My very first thought is the "KABOOM" mod though it seems to be outdated. https://spacedock.info/mod/833 Second thought is to follow this old post. No clue if it'd work but hey what have you got to lose? And my third thought is to EVA construct a 2nd docking port somewhere accessible to a ground vehicle, and then docking that ground vehicle to your current vehicle to hopefully re-root the ship and allow you to take that port off (because yes, you cannot remove the root part with EVA construction)
  12. But I've thought of it in less than one. Less than a decade of days actually. I listen to Journey all the time
  13. That goes for Judas Priest in general. Man my middle school years were weird due to this band Anyway, here's my "random song you've not heard in a decade that just pops in there" for the day:
  14. Uninstall half of the mods you have installed. Load the game. If it loads, uninstall those mods and reinstall the half you had uninstalled. Load the game again. If the game does not load, you have a new - but smaller - set of mods that you know contains the problem mod(s). Goto step 1. If you're here, both sets of mods loaded the game, and that's weird. Eventually, you should get down to 1 single mod that won't load, and that mod is the problem.
  15. I have both versions, and it was so long ago I don't remember the details but I do recall that actually getting it on Steam was the only way to have it on Steam. I'd say wait for a sale and shuck out the $5 or whatever for it.
  16. You can address the weight problem by lowering the gravity of the planet on which the creature evolved, down to 0 if you do something like Larry Niven's Smoke Ring. A lifetime ago I wrote a story about a pair of worlds that are most easily described as Rask and Rusk but with an atmosphere, and on it I had flying creatures that didn't use jet propulsion (Frankly I feel the work involved in getting it to work would be better done having the creatures just have better regular wings) but did breathe in and out through different holes, and while flying they were just constantly breathing.
  17. You obviously have not heard of Squirrel With A Gun https://store.steampowered.com/app/2067050/Squirrel_with_a_Gun/
  18. Everybody wants to go back in time and give everybody guns. I want to give Aristotle a huge telescope.
  19. You can't edit the HTML in your signature, but you CAN get some things in your signature that aren't possible in the editor. For example, you can't (at least I never figured out how to) get a fully realized html table with row widths and invisible borders. However you CAN create an html file (just on your local computer) and create the table there, load that html file into your web browser to make sure the table looks like you want it, and then copy/paste the table into your signature. It's a huge pain and You can't edit your signature after that or you'll risk mucking it up (i.e. you'll need to do all your editing in that html file and copy/paste each time) but it *does* work. I used to do it for my signature in which I had a table embedded inside a cell of another table, both of which had transparent borders so you didn't know - just looking at it - that I used tables at all.
  20. Every time someone mentions "Freelancer," in my head I hear "alpha 1, dash 1"
  21. Geez imagine the part count...
  22. It's one of my favorite books in spite of a few things, at least one of which breaks the forum rules to talk about. In addition to the Ansible, there's that pesky antigravity device that was well hidden through most of the book and then dropped in our laps as a megaweapon. However aside from those few things (which are fine. If you don't bend the rules a bit it's not SCIENCE fiction, it's just regular old fiction) the story is frighteningly believable. The 2nd book, Ender's Shadow, is just as good. I heard bad things about the rest so skipped them. The movie was ... fine I guess but it missed out on a lot that I thought was important - including ACTUALLY SHOWING US THE F'IN GAMES I mean that's what I wanted to see I'd happily watch JUST the game for 2 hours and we get like 5 minutes and montage. Grumble grumble grumble. To this day, whenever I'm about to do something difficult, I pause and think to myself, "The enemy's gate is down."
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