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Everything posted by xtoro

  1. Maybe they just want some ideas for renovations? Make sure PorkJet is there! And have fun, we expect to hear all about it!
  2. Don't go full throttle until you're at least 10km up. Until then keep your speed below 300m/s. The new aero adds difficulty. Also, try putting fins at the bottom to create some drag that will keep the bottom behind all the weight. Think of throwing a dart. And dont turn too sharply or you'll flip. - - - Updated - - - You can press F12 while you fly and see the aerodynamic forces at play.
  3. My Atlas Jetpack: Fly up high at high speeds using the jetpack's air-breathing engines Entire album: http://imgur.com/a/rR8zR I set an action group to fire the sepratrons and decouple in one action. Land the jetpack using FMRS Then go back to your spaceplane and use the LFO engines to get to where you want to go. Also, I rendezvous with my transport vessel and dock which can then use its nuke engine to bring the spaceplane to Duna, undock, land and return the same way. The design of my transport ship allows the CoM to stay lined up with the CoT.
  4. All depends on what's unlocked, where you're going and the size/mass of your ship. I use nukes most of the time for larger longer trips, or the spark or 909. For very small probes I use a place-anywhere RCS thruster as an engine with a bit of monoprop...
  5. Haven't ever been able to get it to work in the last 1+ year. And that's using Windows and Linux, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and several Linux browsers.
  6. I have used aviation lights on planes but for ships I prefer how the surface lights shine.
  7. Mk1 for landing, but for lighting up the ship itself I use the Surface Lights mod which adds 3 nice little lights that can also change color.
  8. Put small extraplanetary launchpads workshop on orbit around Minmus to build a larger workshop from there and fly it to Sarnus.
  9. You could try installing the nbody mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68502-WIP-1-0-4-Principia-Bourbaki-(2015-08-15)-N-Body-and-Extended-Body-Gravitation I'm going to be trying it soon. Hopefully they get maneuver nodes working properly soon!
  10. It's interesting how the further you need to go means the optimal altitude is lower. Are those based on a 2 burn using OE or just single ejection burn? - - - Updated - - - I think you mean TWR not ISP?
  11. I'm curious now about what would happen if I parked an asteroid and an extraplanetary Launchpad shipyard out at 68,000Km and launched ships from there. Since it would take very little to escape Kerbin SOI, would it still be worth lowering the PE by 67,930Km first?
  12. Thanks but I was looking for a way to transfer between ships without docking like ERT does.
  13. If you want to compare starting orbits and their savings, you can't just compare starting points from different altitudes unless you're completely negating whatever method you used to GET to that orbit. You need the entire spent dV from the surface to that orbit with the same ship, same mass, same aerodynamics (if launching from atmospheric planet), same flight profile etc. Getting to 70km and getting to 300km circular orbits don't cost the same in dV. Also, at 300km, your orbital speed may be slower but the effects of gravity are weaker and thus easier to escape from with less dV. BUT, this about OE, not ejection burns so sorry to continue the topic derailment... - - - Updated - - - If you already have a high circular orbit, why would you spend dV to slow yourself down just to pick up speed again? See my comment on gravity getting weaker the further out you are. As a test, hyperedit your ship out to I think about 68,000 Km circular orbit and see how much dV it takes you to escape Kerbin's SOI. This is of course extremely exaggerated when comparing 68,000 KM to 70KM but it shows there is a difference between X and Y and required dV.
  14. Stock scanning plus the extra configs for the stock drill and ISRU work great!
  15. While it's true that raising your AP just to take advantage of the OE is pointless since you expend dV to raise your AP in the first place, it still has advantages for situations where your departure starts near AP in a highly eccentric orbit. For example, going to Minmus where you have a refueling depot to fill your tanks with "free" fuel. Then you spend very little to escape Minmus SOI and head down steeply towards Kerbin PE. I'm sure there are scenarios in other places where this would work even more in your favor like a refueling depot on Vall, or a moon of Sarnus or Urlum etc...
  16. If I can launch everything in one go, I will. Even predocked Landers out together in the VAB. If the docking port isn't strong enough for launch, I strut it and put it all in a fairing.
  17. Huh, I read in other threads about KAS not being updated but didn't actually check the thread because I'm trying to not add too many more parts. Thanks! This is just the thing I'm looking for! Simple, low parts, no extras. Thanks! - - - Updated - - - I see now why this never came up in searches... I was always searching FUEL transfer mod and not RESOURCE...
  18. It can connect to most things, but not all engines or wings/control surfaces.
  19. Trying to setup a ground-based mining facility out of several separate ships. I don't want to mess with docking ports or the buggy claw. But I've noticed that KAS is dead, so is Quantum Fuel Transfer. Is there anything left that works to transfer fuel from one ship to another? I'm excluding MKS here because I don't want to add that many parts, and I don't want resources sent to orbit. I just want to connect things together and transfer fuel as if it's one ship... Any suggestions for mods that still work in 1.0.4?
  20. Cool thanks, I'll try playing with it again tonight. I was just confused about how to use the new scanners and didn't think to try the stock scanner... Thanks - - - Updated - - - Gotchya. I saw someone put up some code to get ScanSAT to work with it but I haven't tried it yet. I'll try using the stock first. Cheers!
  21. I'm a little confused on scanning for metal ore... Is Kethane or something else required to find it? I can use the small scanner that has the 60km range but when I bring up the UI it shows me the ground and the concentrations of ore at any altitude. Can this not work with ScanSAT? Is there a "light" version of something I can install so I can see where the metal ore is on a planet without installing another full mod? Also, there's a scanning device that's shaped like a can, the lid opens and this really long cable comes out with a flat dish that unfolds at the end of it. What is this for? It unfolds itself in the VAB and right-clicking does nothing. Even when I launch the ship, it unfolds, and right-clicking does nothing... Is this part broken or not used anymore? Thanks! XT
  22. Yeah I do this, but in simple terms of where the craft can go. Like MIjo-1 Manned, Interplanetary, Jool, version 1.
  23. Darn. Ok blender, time to make some massive ugly tanks lol
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