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Everything posted by xtoro

  1. Meh, just think of it like you are NASA and buying a part from SpaceX... IMO electric prop planes on Duna can't be beat. Take the stock craft Albatross, remove fuel, add solar panels and a prop or two, and you can fly anywhere during the day all day. - - - Updated - - - See this thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94384-Sun-Racing?p=1434826#post1434826 That plane I built can infinitely fly around Kerbin because it flew at the right speed to always be directly under the sun. Flew for a couple days and did a few laps around the planet with it.
  2. Yeah I'm just wondering if I can just make changes to the config and maybe make new textures bcs they change with different contents. I would need metal scrap, metal ore, metal and rocket parts. I dont want to replace what they carry, just add more.
  3. Can the starlifter cargo tanks be tweaked to carry extraplanetary launchpads resources like metal and rocket parts?
  4. Cool thanks all. I think the Starlifter parts are what I'm after. I actually used those parts long ago but completely forgot about them! LOL I'm going to sift through the config files to see if I can make them haul Extraplanetary Launchpad resources like Metal-Ore, metal, scrap metal and rocket parts. Starlifter tanks can already switch to different resources so I just have to see if I can add my own. Thanks again all! Now to start building my monster hauler...
  5. I'm getting close to needing to setup some tankers and haulers on a large-scale. Instead of just using the large cylindrical tanks, I'd like something more industrial looking, like a space mining ship or space tanker might look like. Any other Eve Online players will know what I mean. I used to use THSS tanks but it no longer exists and the old part files won't load in 1.x but I want something like that: Can't seem to find anything similar other than HexCans but I'm not a fan of the cartoonish logos on them, and even the largest ones are too small for what I want to haul.
  6. Sometimes you have to smack into the claw with a bit of speed and not slow like you would if you were docking.
  7. Davon Throttle Control mod will adjust thrust to engines for you based on an offset CoM.
  8. You can use a launch assist like my Atlas jetpack to get you up to speed and high up before doing your orbital insertion. The use the FMRS mod to land the Atlas, and then switch back to your plane and go into orbit. Link to my post with craft download You could also fly the Atlas back to KSC and recover it so there are no lost parts and the only fund cost is fuel.
  9. I haven't had luck finding a window like that so far and just go straight for Sarnus. It takes long enough to get there, I couldn't imagine how long it would take with an entire orbit around the sun on the way there! And I'm not patient enough to time warp that far just for a window like that to pop up
  10. So I made some changes and seemed to fix it. Here was my old network around Kerbin: Up-close, showing geostationary sats in equatorial orbits And zoomed out further showing the medium range polar sats between Mun and Minmus, and long range polar sats for interplanetary comms. Total of 3 "layers" of satellites. I launched new geostationary satellites with longer-ranged antennas to replace the old geostationary ones, and the medium-ranged ones. Now I have my geostationary sats, and the interplanetary sats at about 68,000km's, one polar orbit and one equatorial. This seems to have fixed my problem I mentioned earlier as there's less hops and less paths to choose from... This is my much less complicated network, showing that it now works as it should; Connections to Jool and Duna Connection from Sarnus to Kerbin and Sarnus to Jool Everything is now working as it should. And now when my Jool sat loses connection to Kerbin, it automatically relays through Sarnus to Kerbin. A much longer trip, but still works as I intended to be redundant and reliable.
  11. Well of course. Just like the mass is reduced after you drop off cargo, but I assume 99% of people are aware that spent fuel equal lost mass and it's not worth mentioning. What I meant was that an object retains the same mass whether it's in microgravity or under the influence of 10x earth's gravity...
  12. ISP is your engine's efficiency, like Miles per Gallon. Having good or bad MPG has nothing to do with how powerful the engine is. Thrust changes in space because of the design of the engine's nozzle. Which depending on its shape, can be optimized for sea-level, high altitude, vacuum, and everything in between. But if an engine is optimized for low altitude launches, it will be less efficient in a vacuum, and vice versa. There is also the presence or lack of external pressure outside the engine nozzle which also affects its thrust. Thrust is always measured by a force such as newtons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_engine_nozzle Don't confuse ISP with thrust, or TWR, and don't confuse weight with mass. These are all different things. Mass never changes, but weight does, depending on the gravitational forces being applied to the ship/object. This is why TWR changes. But it's still important to know when wanting to launch/land on a planet or moon because you need a ratio of more than 1:1.
  13. Yeah I used it also back in the early 2000's when I was designing my own 3D engine and game, but just didn't have the time or manpower to make it happen with all the map making and modelling... But I did have collisions, shadows, gravity and kinetic impacts coded... And multi-threaded! LOL And after rewriting most of my code to go from DX7 to DX8, and then DX8 to DX9, it became a nightmare... Currently creating my own rocket engines for KSP, but still needs lots of work and I have little time to devote to it.
  14. I'm launching new geosync sats to be short and long range links, and retiring all my old ones. This should answer if the amount of hops/paths is the problem. But I still need to design an SSTO spaceplane to physically recover all the old sats so I can get some of my funds bacl...
  15. They are all point to point. I had issues with Active Vessel before so I went to each one to check and none are set to that. I'm starting to think there's just a limit to how many hops you can do.
  16. If that doesn't work out, you can always download Unity and Blender and make your own parts...
  17. I have an issue I can't figure out with my network. But before going into the details, I have to ask; Is there's a known limit to how many path options a signal can have to reach Kerbin? Here's my issue. By the way, I have OPM installed. I have a set of short-range satellites in geosync orbit. Outside of those, at about 68,000KM's, I have a long-range satellite in polar orbit that has three 300Gm dishes, called KerbSat. KerbSat also has short-range antennas to connect to the geosync sats. All short and long range satellites connect to one another so that no matter what, there's always one way to get to mission control. This works well at this point. I can send probes with long-range antennas to Jool and Sarnus without issues when the KerSat is set to target "Active Vessel", or even targeting my active vessel manually. Now here's where things go wrong. I sent a relay satellite probe to Jool, and one to Sarnus. These are called Juno 4 and 5. Each of the Juno probes have three long-range antennas (300Gm) and short-range ones for local ships. I dedicated two of KerbSat's long-range antennas to each point directly to the 2 Juno probes. One of the dishes on each Juno probe point to KerbSat, and vice-versa. This works well at this point. I then used a dish on each Juno satellite to point at eachother. Now I have links between Kerbin-Jool, Kerbin-Sarnus, and Jool-Sarnus, forming a triangle. This is a redundant system so that the Jool probe can still reach Kerbin via Sarnus if it has to, and vice versa. So I see all the connections and everything works. But, if I disconnect the link to Kerbin on ONE of the Juno probes, I get a "No Connection" displayed. This shouldn't happen because it should automatically relay through the other Juno satellite shouldn't it? It seems to work this way within Kerbin's SOI no problem. But I can't get the Juno probes to relay eachother if the direct connection to Kerbin gets cut off. They are all well within their maximum ranges on all sides. The only thing I can think of is that there's too many paths to get there and too many branches? Should I maybe have more Kerbin-based long-range satellites to reach the other planets and dedicate one sat per planet? Is my network just getting too complicated to be computed? Thanks for any help!
  18. Pretty sure if you use the launcher option of fake full screen it will continue to time warp. At least it used to. In Linux it will carry on like normal if you tab to something else.
  19. Well, you can do as I've done and edit the panel structure to be larger by copying one, rename it and change the scale. Or weld some parts together. The issue would be getting them to fit in the KIS containers.
  20. I've thought for a long time that the next war for resources will happen in space. When a new way to get energy off-planet is found, and earth's resources get closer to being depleted and everyone is desperate for energy, it will trigger a race which will lead to conflict. That is, if history repeats itself, which it does... Picture a Russian ISRU probe mining a plentiful asteroid, then another country's probe shows up and starts mining it also. Russia gets angry and there's nothing they can do because of space treaties stating they can't claim the asteroid. So they send up another probe, heavily armored and very heavy to go to the asteroid and do a high speed suicide collision with the competing probe and destroys it. And they say "Oops, accidents happen!". Eventually this all leads to probes being sent up with non-explosive non-nuclear kinetic projectiles designed to damage other probes. Then it gets out of hand and they have railguns, rockets etc. Then countries start air raiding other countries' launch sites, and so on. I had a dream about this years ago. Yes I have a very vivid imagination lol EDIT: I didn't intend to make Russia out as a bad guy here, just naming a random country with a space program which was better than putting <insert country name here>. Just wanted to state this.
  21. Minmus maybe, but for a Mun RCS landing, it would have to be quite a lightweight ship or probe, or have lots of thrusters. Where is the pic of this ship you saw?
  22. Tall rockets with steerable fins on the bottom are my first design, but when that doesn't work, I add another set of 4 steerable fins to the top of the main lifting stage and that usually sorts it out. Also, keeping your speeds lower for longer also help minimize getting flipped around by aerodynamic cross forces.
  23. Then the entry was too shallow and he burned up for too long. Go steeper into the atmosphere and they will survive the landing.
  24. Since there's nothing official on the table with regards to U5 plans, everything is just speculation, theory and rumors at this point. U5 could bring some fantastic performance increases, but only if Squad actually takes advantage of them and does some serious optimizations. You can go to medical school where you're given all the tools, knowledge and opportunities to become a doctor, but that won't happen if you don't use any of those things afforded to you. At this point I'm not expecting much performance increase because it hasn't been stated officially. And I've learned my lesson of being excited and optimistic of new versions EXPECTING better performance when for me and many others according to threads on here, the opposite happened. I guess we just wait and see how much effort and skill is actually put into it to take advantage of U5's offerings.
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