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Everything posted by severedsolo

  1. I could do with a little more information. Is it turning Kerbals who already were stripped back? (that would be a bug), is it not stripping Rescue Kerbals (kinda a bug but I'd understand why that's happening). A log and the name of the Kerbal(s) who are having issues would be handy.
  2. That's great thanks, I'm playing at 1080p myself so should be easily reproducible.
  3. It's on the list, I'm gonna try and look at Bureaucracy tomorrow and do a bugfix update, @Cheesecake actually it would be helpful to know what resolution you are playing at
  4. Just a tip - this can be handled by checking the isTracking flag in the ModuleDeployableSolarPanel part module (fixed panels don't track). This looks really cool, congratulations on the release
  5. Did you untick the "show this again" option on the warning? (obvious thing I know but worth checking) - otherwise it's starting to sound like I need to recompile Bureaucracy and do a test. Or finish the update I'm working on - next version should intelligently detect your KCT settings and not show it if it's not relevant anyway
  6. @Cheesecake Huh, it is working, but it looks like OnLoad is not pulling back the same figure every time. (I can see some instances where the budget did fire successfully, but I can also see when it is instantiating the event after a load, the expected "next budget" is drifting). That's alot of mods though so I can't definitely blame Bureaucracy at this point in time. I will try to reproduce this in a stockish environment, but if I can't I might need you to narrow it down to the minimum set of mods that reproduce the issue (obvious candidates for me would be JNSQ/Kopernicus/Kronometer as they mess with the time calcs and Kerbalism (just because Kerbalism digs deep into the games code, so might be causing an issue, I've got nothing concrete to back that up). Probably not going to be today if I'm honest, but I'll try and get to it this week.
  7. Can I get a log please - haven't tried it on 1.11.2 but I'd be surprised if anything broke.
  8. Earn Your Stripes 4.1 Released Version Bump for KSP 1.11 Strip Existing Honours can now be split between the "Big 4" and regular veterans (rescues etc)
  9. Alright - apparently the way I know that rule is wrong... just ignore me, nothing to see here.
  10. Just nitpicking here, but "mod's website" should read "mods website" On the subject of backing out of a "whoops I clicked it by mistake" or wanting to review the changelogs further down the line. Not to be rude to @Stone Blue but isn't that precisely what the release page is for? If you want to review the changelog you could easily pop over to the mods page and review the changelog there. From my point of view, as a modder who uses this. I need this to be idiot proof. I'm the sort of modder who will quite happily rip up half the code when I have one of those "which idiot wrote this... oh yeah" moments. Changing major version numbers doesn't help if you aren't the sort of person who understands what that means, or don't notice it's changed (or are used to Firefox, Chrome etc using semantic versioning wrong). To me this mod is my defence against "I just installed your update on CKAN and didn't read any changelogs, so now my save is busted". This means that I need my changelogs to be visible just once, right after the user has installed an update. I need the user to be under no illusions that loading their save right now WILL break their save. I don't need my users not being entirely sure whether they just installed a game breaking update, or if Changelog is informing them of an old change. To that point, I'd suggest three things (if this feature happens at all). Default behaviour should not change, the user should only see a popup if a changelog has changed, the changelog should go away if it hasn't. If you allow the user to recall the changelogs that just popped up because they dropped them by mistake it should pop up the changelog they just dismissed (that is, don't show everything just replicate what would have happened when the changelog automatically popped up) If the ability to recall all changelogs is added (and again, I don't feel it's needed as per above) make it an obscure keypress that you absolutely darn sure have to push on purpose, and can't trigger by mistake (say, Ctrl-Alt-F6 for example) - so there is no way you can mistake this for anything but something you've triggered. Sorry if that sounds a bit, condescending towards users, but like I said, this mod is my defence against the lowest common denominator, and anything that reduces that effectiveness is bad IMO.
  11. If you do end up adopting it, can you give me a ping in the new thread (assuming there is one) - as this is critical infrastructure to me, and I keep an eye on the thread
  12. This is more a question for the Contract Configurator thread, but I'll give you a start: You'd need to rewrite the DATA node (warning - this has been done from memory so syntax might be wrong, check the Contract Configurator Wiki) DATA { type = Vessel debrisTarget = AllVessels().Where(v => v.VesselType() == Debris).Random() title = //flavour text } That will grab any vessel that has been marked as debris, you would then target the DATA node using @/debrisTarget You probably don't want to use .Random() though as that will duplicate contracts. What you probably want is a uniqueness check - which you can read all about here: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/wiki/Data-Node
  13. @Eugene Moreau - you can use KCT as normal, there are two places where Bureaucracy and KCT clash 1 - The building upgrade system - as you already mentioned, you need to either disable KCT's Factility Upgrades or turn off Building Upgrades in Bureaucracy. The reason for this is that they both try to take control of the "upgrade" button in the Space Centre scene, and I can't guarantee which will get there first. Either way it won't work for one of them. 2- Multiple launchpads. Bureaucracy can't tell which Launchpad you have selected in KCT (the short, not too technical reason for this is that KCT manipulates the Launchpad object, and Bureaucracy can't tell if you have the one you ordered an upgrade for selected.) Bureaucracy does handle this by doing a sanity check on the Launchpads facility level. If it detects the facility level doesn't match what it's expecting Bureaucracy will hold the upgrade, and give you a warning that you need to select the right launchpad before it can complete it. This also means you can't upgrade multiple KCT "launchpads" at a time.
  14. This sounds like a CC issue - if they were calling "OnKerbalAddComplete" Name Generator would pick up on it automatically.
  15. No reason it would fail to work unless we get a Unity update / .Net framework change (the mod doesn't actually interface with KSP at all, it uses basic Unity and .Net file system methods only). I'll do a recompile in a couple of weeks - currently waiting for my new PC to arrive as the laptop I'm currently using complains when Firefox is running, I'm not brave enough to try installing Rider on it
  16. To answer the question, MIT licensed content can be redistributed under a more restrictive license (and sublicensed), as long as you include the copyright notice. However, why not just distribute the whole thing under MIT? To quote Cc-BY-SA These are all things already covered by the MIT license.
  17. Sounds like a loading order issue. Probably coincidence that you added EYS and Flight Tracker and it started working. Was it a new save by any chance?
  18. Not dead, it's just never needed an update until now. I will take a look and see if I can figure out what1.11 broke, thanks for the report
  19. FWIW this mod has broken on an update once in 4 years, and that was due to a Unity upgrade (which usually break mods). It's also fairly popular, and nobody has screamed at me, so my working assumption is that it's fine until told otherwise.
  20. Sure, there are currently 5 types of event, but only 4 are accessible by cfg: Currency QA Training Wage Fire is a special event which will fire when certain conditions are true, the chances of it firing are affected by the QA event. The mod will detect a BUREAUCRACY_EVENT in any cfg file, so you don't need to do a MM patch you can just use your own cfg. Currency Events: QA Events (where I haven't specified, options work the same as previous events) Training Wage As well as <kerbal> you can use <body> as a special identifier. This will select a random Celestial Body for display in the text field (this is purely flavour text and doesn't actually do anything). New Events can be created by extending the RandomEventBase class - at the moment it's not possible to select multiple outcomes beyond Accept/Decline, but if you'd like some more functionality (or have ideas for new events) feel free to reach out. The Event loader has fairly robust error checking so should tell you in the log if there is a problem in the cfg. Events will also do a "sanity check" before firing. So for example, a QA event that would decrease the risk of fire, will check there actually is a risk of fire before firing.
  21. Perform a rendezvous (the mission will keep coming back if you haven't) - then press Mod-F12 (if you are on Windows, Mod is Alt, otherwise it's right shift) - go to Contracts>Active and click complete.
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