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Everything posted by ola

  1. I second that opinion regarding the lab. I never transmit any science, except when returning the data is nigh impossible (landing at Eve comes to mind). I double or triple up on science equipment and/or send multiple missions. The first time I ran a campaign-style game I fell way behind on the science curve because I lost so much by transmitting. When I had done all exploration within the Kerbin SoI I found I was lacking access to parts to do reasonably painless science elsewhere in the solar system. Thus, no transmitting for me.
  2. There -are- mods for fuel transfers, you know...
  3. Looking at all these wondrous contraptions that people launch into orbit makes me wonder what would happen if FAR became stock...
  4. Is he talking .23 or is he talking complete forum server meltdown?
  5. I'll just continue playing .22 while I tuck the twins away for the night, you guys'll probably yell and scream loud enough for me to notice.
  6. I started a project quite like this, albeit with json configurations instead of XML, but grew tired of the lack of good IDEs for non-windows machines . Is this project OS-agnostic?
  7. Our twins, aged six months, can't quite reach the keyboard yet. Nice thought, though!
  8. Thanks! I'm quite certain that I've never spent this much time with another game, which, given my game-intensive past, says quite a lot. My wife and three children might think I spend too much time with it, however...
  9. Hm, I can't get the creature comforts experiment to work. I click "start experiment", I get a message that the experiment is running, but as soon as I click on another module it stops, without any eurekas generated. I have a manned zoology module with lots of Kibbal. Must the experiment module be attached directly to the zoology module?
  10. I copy-pasted the tech tree integration stuff from MechJeb, it worked beautifully.
  11. Haven't tried this mod with 0.22 yet, does it work?
  12. Now, this might very well have come up for discussion already, so please bear with me: I sincerely -want- to like KW. It has several ingredients for success, good engines, nice textures and so forth. I used to use KW until I discovered NP and AIES. They, too, have problems of their own, but I'll stick to the point. My problem with KW is that even the simpler - say a SC-2 with a Wildcat-XR and a SC-4 with a Titan-T1 - 3.75 metre rocket stage configurations tend to sway to the point that they're unusable without a painful amount of struts. Either I'm using the interstages and decouplers wrong, or this is WAD. Please tell me I'm wrong (I really want to be wrong on this occasion), and explain how I should go about making stable rockets...
  13. I have a question regarding canards that might have been answered already, so please bear with me: I'm very fond of canard foreplanes. Does it matter whether they're high-set or not? Ie, do they disturb the flow over the main wing? And does high-setting them "push" air over the main wing to improve lift? And does high-setting them create stall on a "negative" AoA?
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