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Everything posted by benzman

  1. Completely forgot. I viewed t he last Venus transit, projected it from my telescope onto a card and got a photo. The photo is on my PC. I take it I cannot link directly to an image on my PC?
  2. Many years ago I was in an astronomy club and one night we organised an observation of a lunar grazing occultation. (google it). Briefly, it was a pre-spacecraft method of measuring the height of mountains on the limb of the moon.
  3. I hate it when people use the word 'fun' incorrectly. As in 'that was very fun'. No. It was either 'very funny' or 'a lot of fun'. It was NOT 'very fun'. But then again I am just a Grumpy Old Man.
  4. The Last Post, known to Americans as 'Taps', is such an iconic bugle air that it is almost sacrilege to suggest playing it on any other instrument. Here is a young lady playing it on a violin, that I think adds the melancholy that is so necessary for that tune. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqHx1CDRQkc
  5. I had never heard of the UFO tv series so I am just watching the first episode on youtube. I haven't laughed so much in a long time!
  6. Thanks. Will give that a try.
  7. My all-time favourite game is doom2. Of course, it will not work on win 10, nor will any of my other old games for that matter. If anyone can tell me exactly how to get it going on win 10 I would be very gratefull.
  8. Sir Stirling Moss and Tim Brooke-Taylor died yesterday, Tim of covid-19.
  9. I beat the lot of you! My birthdate is closer to the American Civil War than we are to WW2!
  10. Born in England, lived in Australia since my twelfth birthday.
  11. It may not scale up easily but it makes for beautiful model aircraft.
  12. A good read, if you can find it, is 'The Starship and the Canoe'. It tells the story of Freeman Dyson and his son George, and the totally different life that the two of them traveled .
  13. looks to me like the Diesel principle taken to extremes.
  14. I watched Black Sheep Squadron a few times. I never realised that all the women in WW2 looked like supermodels!
  15. English is a wonderful language.. Why is the alphabet in that order? If on your foot you wear a boot, then on your feet you should wear beet.
  16. I think if I was forced to pick only one movie it would be Doctor Strangelove.
  17. A vacuum dirigible as described in the accompanying article could well be useful, but my problem is, how would you get it there? It would surely have to be built in situ on the Martian surface and that would seem to entail technology beyond anything foreseeable in the near future.
  18. All spacecraft should be totally unpainted. Flakes of paint travelling at orbital speeds can be as dangerous as bullets.
  19. A billionaire secretly building a nuclear space ship? Where is James Bond when you really need him?
  20. You know you have found a good forum when a poster quotes Gengis Khan!
  21. how old is that video? Quite old I would say.
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