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Everything posted by benzman

  1. depends on which side of the International Date Line you are.
  2. The jerrycan was designed in the nineteen-thirties and cannot be improved upon. Google them. The whole subject is fascinating.
  3. The book The Two sides of the Moon about the growing friendship of Alexei Leonov and an initially wary David Scott gives a brilliant insight into what a pleasant, civilised person Alexei Leonov was. R.I.P. the first human to walk in space.
  4. I went to a 21st birthday party a little while ago. I said to the birthday girl "I remember you being born, I remember your mother being born, I knew your grandfather before he even met your grandmother! I must be getting really, really old!".
  5. When I saw the title of this thread I knew exactly what it would be about. Despite all the flaky bits The Right Stuff is one of my favourite movies, and the book is great too.
  6. Well, they do, but only at certain kinds of party.
  7. We have them in our house. A problem can arise when you are using one somewhere else and you automatically flip the lid to shut it, resulting in a loud crash.
  8. Thank you. All makes sense now.
  9. Ladyhawke is one of my favourite movies, because I am just an old romantic at heart. R.I.P. Rutger Hauer.
  10. Whenever I go to a museum and see toys and household items that I remember as everyday things when I was young. Mind you, at my age I see things every day to remind me of the passage of time.
  11. I enjoyed The Last Starfighter. It does not take itself too seriously, as quite a few of the 'space operas' tend to do.
  12. I have a friend who delights in giving oddball presents. Last year he got my wife a couple of polished coprolites (fossilised dinosaur poo) for her birthday. In a thrift shop my wife found the ideal present for him, a set of bagpipes!
  13. I usually just look for vintage clothing, but if I ever find a slide rule I buy it.
  14. benzman

    KSP + Cats = ?

    If I am stroking my cat and he gets tired of it, he gives me what I call 'love nips' and my wife calls 'bites'.
  15. I have a few favourite movies that I could watch just about every day - the original Star Wars, Mad Max II, Excalibur, City of Lost Children, Ghostbusters, Little Shop of Horrors - probably a few more.
  16. Here in Australia, my favourite whisky costs about US$450 per US gallon!
  17. Here in Australia it is 6:00 AM, So I have just woken up.
  18. bees can fly because of scaling effects. Could the mods do us all a favour and delete this whole post?
  19. Don't get me started on 'less' or 'fewer'.
  20. I may be breaking a forum rule here, but I find being an atheist is very comforting as I don't believe there is such a thing as an afterlife, so I have nothing to worry about.
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