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Everything posted by benzman

  1. Same here. I am seventy-six years old and didn't find out about it until last year, so it is obviously not a problem.
  2. It beggars belief that some people think that they know more about medicine than has been discovered by thousands of professional researchers over the last two centuries.
  3. You can see that on footage of astronauts walking on the moon. Their boots throw up dust in exactly the manner you describe.
  4. Can't get too excited about aerobraking. After all, weren't Apollo crew doing it nearly half a century ago? Come to think of it, isn't it always aerobraking when you use a heat shield to slow down?
  5. Kittens are toilet trained by their mothers. If you have a cat that doesn't go outside or use its litter tray it was probably taken from its mother too early.
  6. benzman


    400 hours of sailplanes, quite a bit of P2 in single-engine aircraft and one trip in the back seat of an Iskra. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PZL_TS-11_Iskra
  7. Every time you watch the television news or a weather report you are interacting with space.{satellites} On a personal level, I once briefly met and shook hands with Buzz Aldrin.
  8. I sort of watched the trailer. I think if you want to go to Io a balloon won't really cut it.
  9. Are you sure that is an Apollo 8 picture? This NASA video to celebrate that photo would indicate that Bill Anders did not get in a photo that shows the earth that close to the moon horizon. I have no complaints about the graphic you made, just a bit curious about your source picture.
  10. You will have to excuse me, but I have never thought that the original Apollo 8 photo had weird colours. What photo were you looking at?
  11. I well remember the excitement that this mission caused at the time. There are SOME advantages to being this old! Apollo 8 seemed to demonstrate our apparent ability to build a spacecraft and fly it to wherever we pleased. Long-gone, happy, innocent, deluded days. You may be interested to read this article from yesterday's Australian news service:= https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-12-21/apollo-8-nasa-mission-to-the-moon-insiders-reflect-50-years-on/10135856
  12. Here ya go:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Melvill And:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpaceShipOne_flight_15P
  13. And I can remember the time when it was accepted wisdom that the 200 inch Mount Palomar telescope was the biggest telescope that it was possible to build!
  14. My own thoughts about flat earthers is, nobody in this day and age can really be that stupid. However, my life experience has taught me that there is no upper limit to human stupidity.
  15. Easy. I used to own a 1985 220S Mercedes-Benz.
  16. Very glad to hear it, especially about replacing the broken flag. Tell your son he gets a long-distance high five from me in Melbourne, Australia.
  17. Did you go to the Museum of Space History at Alamogordo? If so, I hope you paid your respects at the grave of Ham, the first Astrochimp, because I certainly did.
  18. My profile picture was taken when I visited the USAF museum at Dayton, Ohio. They have an Apollo space suit which is completely open at the back, so you can walk inside it while someone takes your photo.
  19. My experience has been that whatever telescope you have it will show you just enough to make you wish you had bought a bigger telescope!
  20. benzman

    RIP Tom Wolfe

    The Right Stuff got me interested in Edwards Aid Force base and the whole story of the rocket planes and flight test. I owe a lot to Tom Wolfe.
  21. I have seen them mainly around Melbourne as there are, as yet, only a dozen or so charging stations in the whole of Australia. But it is still early days and I expect to see many more before too long. It is rather like when I bought a diesel car in 2009. Back then most garages had only one diesel pump, if any, and it was usually in an out of the way place mainly for trucks. Nowadays, every service station has diesel at its normal pumps. It should soon be the same for charging stations.
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