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  1. I think it would be great to heave the ability to programm tasks for the Spaceship to perform... IN ADDITION to the action groups. When you want to design a Capsule that lands in water with parachutes but also got retro thruster to slow the landing. It would be cool to be able to programm the task to ignite the thrusters when reaching a specific height. For example 5 metres above surface height. It would also be great to add the possibility to perform a specific action after a certain number of time. Just like detaching two boosters + disabling the engine (like an action group) so the boosters can separate peacefully and after 2 seconds reigniting the engine. It could also be some kind of extension to the action groups as we know them. Also in terms of automation it would be cool to heave. When you install a mod that adds a real Soyuz Capsule it has to ignite its retro thrusters. I just thought I want to open this thread. I think it would be a nice idea wich can really make some things easier. If it really is a great idea, I would be extremely happy to see it in KSP 2.
  2. So, I've been having a problem with some of the textures in KSC Extended (and it's dependencies I suppose). Namely, they've gone black. I've installed the latest versions of the listed dependencies on the 1.8.1 version of KSP with both DLC expansions. I'm unable to pin down the cause and I am also running my KSP in OpenGL, if that may be the problem. If someone can find a solution, that would be well appreciated!
  3. Hello everyone. I've been a big fan of the RealChute mod for a long time, and I consider it one of the absolutely essential mods to have on any of my KSP installs. One thing has always bothered me slightly, however, and that is that, specially when paired with DeadlyReentry, even the Kevlar drogue parachutes with very light loading will instantly fail above a certain altitude (above 10-15km~) on reentry, but the idea, and even technology, of "parachutes" rated for reentry does exist, as do flexible(~) materials stronger and/or more heat-resistant than Kevlar. For example: Silica can be processed and woven into fabrics rated for 1800°F (980°C), for example. Carbon fiber being woven into fabrics is already a thing too. And apparently carbon tensile strength actually peaks at 1500-2000 °C with 5,650 MPa/820,000 psi, and carbon fibers heated in the range of 2500-3000 °C exhibit a modulus of elasticity of 531 GPa, or 77,000,000 psi (!!!). (for comparison, Kevlar fibers only have 3,620 MPa, 525,380 psi) Oh yea, and last but not least, chutes could be made of multiple layers and/of composite materials. So yea, in my humble opinion, Kevlar might still come with an anchor tattoo, but it should very much NOT be the strongest material available! Our dreams of conquering and settling the whole of the Kerbol system and beyond should not be limited by a lackluster set of parachute materials! HOWEVER! I am not a material engineer. I'm not anywhere close to any scientific fields. In fact I even suck at math. So! Community! I need your help(s) to research and understand this stuff so I can implement these RealChute Material Extensions! (pah-dum-tss) Ways you can help me help you get some of that juicy juicy material booty: Research: Find viable parachute materials! As close as possible to the fabric of that material that can be found or somewhat reliably assumed/extrapolated/calculated with some accuracy, find: areaDensity dragCoefficient areaCost maxTemp specificHeat emissivity Speaking of that, I have no idea what the 'specificHeat' and 'emissivity' parameters are in the existing materials. Explanations welcome! (And again, sorry, outside of the everyday basics, I'm not a thermodynamics-savvy guy) What is thermodynamics? And will it scream if I poke it with a stick? What is material science (specially this tensile strength stuff that seems really important for parachutes)? And will it end the kuniverse through a big rip? Testing: For whatever materials that are currently included in the mod as fully implemented or WIP, play around and if you find issues of any kind, tell me! For suggestions of balance or realism, it's important that you justify the reasons for the suggestion, either with good arguments or with verifiable data. Preferably verifiable data. Materials implemented thus far: Fully implemented: None. WIP: Carbon Fabric. areaDensity: Unknown - Currently approximated to 0.000072 by guesswork (same as RC's Kevlar). dragCoefficient: Unknown - Currently approximated to 1.25 by guesswork (same as RC's Kevlar). areaCost: Unknown - Currently approximated to 0.16 by guesswork (2 times the cost of RC's Kevlar). maxTemp: Semi-unknown - Currently approximated to 2273.15 K (2,000 C) based on temperatures from the wiki page on Carbon Fibers. specificHeat: 795.492 - Based on specifications of commercial products. emissivity: Unknown - Currently approximated to 0.5 by guesswork (rounded number close to the same as RC's Kevlar). Silica Fabric. areaDensity: Unknown - Currently approximated to 0.000072 by guesswork (same as RC's Kevlar). dragCoefficient: Unknown - Currently approximated to 1.25 by guesswork (same as RC's Kevlar). areaCost: Unknown - Currently approximated to 0.12 by guesswork (1.5 times the cost of RC's Kevlar). maxTemp: Semi-unknown - Currently approximated to 1273.15 K (1,000 C) based on specifications of commercial products; specially heat-resistant curtains/blankets for welding. specificHeat: Semi-unknown - Currently approximated to 1420 based on guesswork (same as RC's Kevlar) emissivity: Unknown - Currently approximated to 0.5 by guesswork (rounded number close to the same as RC's Kevlar) Download: SpaceDock NOTICE: I've changed the mod folder name (and the mod name in general) as of today (Version 0.1.2). This was done to remove the 'AlmightyR_' prefix from the name, since apparently that is not supported by ModuleManager and would need the underscore to be replaced by a '?' for user/sub-mod patches. As well as to improve grouping with the parent mod in searches and lists and stuff like that. If you have installed versions previous to 0.1.2, DELETE THE OLD MOD FOLDER ("AlmightyR_MaterialExtensionsForRealChute") before installing this version. License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Summary: You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material Under the following terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
  4. This addon is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license 2020 Update Well, it's back now. For now, unless a lot of you would like otherwise, I'll be sticking with KSP 1.8.x as this is the only version Firespitter officaly supports at the moment. I've seen some people haven't gotten it to work for them on 1.9.x versions and it's probably not going to work on 1.10.x versions either. The farthest it can go that I can say it will from experience is up to 1.9.x versions, however if you do decide to use Firespitter and Firespitter Extended in these versions keep in mind issues you find in there are most likely because both are meant for 1.8.x Since I've learned how to properly model stuff, models will definetly be coming out faster. I mostly just have to get the hang of Unity and how KSP does its stuff, and you might even be able to see more parts like engines, cockpits etc. along with better quality skins. DISCLAIMER: I have been given permission by @RoverDude to release this mod. This mod consists of modified parts and shares Firespitter Bi-Plane textures already made by either @RoverDude or @Snjo and are not originally made by me. In no way am I trying to steal the show from their pack. All credits go to them for releasing the original parts. I am in no way a part of the Firespitter development team. Thank you in advance for your acknowledgment! Ever played around with the WWI Firespitter parts and got frustrated with how hard it is to make a replica with them? They look like the perfect parts at a first glance, but there's just not enough variety to make that one Central powers fighter look different from the rest of your craft apart from the paint job or the arrangement of parts, and you don't really want to resort to stock pieces for your WWI save as they look too modern. Well, look no further! This pack was made for you! The only dependencies are Firespitter for the textures and ModuleManager Note that when I say Firespitter, I mean the actual parts pack, not just the plugin! Grab it here! Downloads: Spacedock Download Github Download Change log: Q&A: Q: Why do the parts look like they have no textures on the part list in the SPH/VAB? (They still look normal when you place them on your craft in the hangar though) A: I don't know. This is actually the first time I've made parts using FS texture switch configs, so any help would be appreciated to fix this bug. But don't worry, the parts should work and have colors without any issues! Q: Proof of permission? A: Sadly, I've somehow lost the message I sent to RoverDude. However, if you have any concerns you can ask him. Q: Why do some of your parts piggy-back off of other Firespitter textures? A: I'm trying to keep this addon as close to Firespitter's design as possible. By reusing Firespitter's textures, I can keep stuff from being too out of line with the original Firespitter biplane parts while also saving space and memory by using less textures. Q: What if I find an issue? A: Open an issue in the GitHub, or post it here. I recommend you go to GitHub though, to prevent forum clutter. Any pictures or logfiles will be greatly useful for me to look at! Q: Are you open to suggestions/criticism? A: I am open to any suggestions! Feel free to criticize the mod in any way, but make sure to tell me what's wrong so I can see what to do to make it better! Q: Where could I post suggestions/critique? A: You can post it on the forum or on GitHub Q: Do/Will you support previous versions of KSP? A: Most likely not. Q: Will you do more extensions for Firespitter parts other than the WWI series? A: Probably not, as this mod is meant to be focused on WWI parts regarding Firespitter, and the WWI textures/models are the only ones I specifically asked permission for modification. Q: CKAN support? A: Sure, personally I don't use it so let me know if there are any issues and I'll try to solve them
  5. KSC Extended Expanding your KSC for all your space program needs. continued here;
  6. Last night, I was watching a DCS tutorial (mind you I don't have it, but I like it). Then it came to me "why not turn KSP into a DCS type simulator" After all, KSP has the BDA addon, tutorials, scenarios/missions, and, best of all, you can build your own custom airplane. So here is my proposal : A pack that you place in a clean KSP install with select addons (RBDA, FAR, APP, etc.), tutorials, manuals, scenarios, and built-in crafts made by me, and anyone else who would want to help, for those who dont want to bother with building their own airplanes. The manuals would be either in KSPedia or .pdf format. Another thing to do would be to add the BDA displays to IVA cockpit screens. I would also modify parts into new parts (e.g, AIM-9 without warhead for tutorials). If you have any suggestions/questions, ask here. Release thread: Craft thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/163789-kerbal-kombat-simulator-kraft-thread/ Base Thread: Contributors: @Next_Star_Industries Mk8x bombs @jrodriguez's RBDA, destruction FX, and Physics Range Extender (PRE) @Shadowmage's Kerbal Foundries Continued. @Icecovery's AARS (automated aerial refueling system) @Papa_Joe's BDMk22, Vessel Mover, and BurnTogether. @blackheart612's AirplanePlus @Crzyrndm's Dynamic Deflection and B9 Pwings. @ferram4's FAR @AlphaAsh/@Ger_space's Kerbal Konstructs plugin. @DoctorDavinci's DCK Camo. @pellinors tweakscale @alexustas's ASET @MOARdV's JSI PRM. @Vens Vens stock revamp (duh!) @tetryds/ @ferram4/ @BahamutoD's Mouse Aim Flight. @fast_de_la_speed's Mk1 ASET cockpit. @linuxgurugamer's SXT continued *needs to be downloaded separately Here* @Starwaster's Procedural parts @blowfish/@NathanKell's Module Manager, AJE, an SolverEngines @sirkut's Infernal Robotics @JollyGreenGI/ @dundun93/ @AirShark for their amazing crafts. @Matuchkin for his campaign, scenario ideas. Team Members: @Matuchkin, @dundun93, @JollyGreenGI, @Lo Var Lachland, and (of course!) @dundun92
  7. Hi all. I recently asked @Beale if I could add some Bealalike/porkalike parts to support other mods. I'll be seperating these into mini packs as well as a master version when actual development starts, but without further ado, here we go: Stockalike Tech Tree Progression STTP aims to provide parts that match the stock tech progression. Note that the original Beale parts will not be moved... I will create my own unique parts for this mod. Tantares Mod Support Packs TMSP is a place where I want all the ideas you can throw at me. Please. So far, I have two parts for mods planned, those being: A) OSE Workshop Parts -Siniyvo Production Facility B) KPBS Parts -Uotni Semi-Inflatable Habitat -Small Telescopic Corridor -Kazarma Crew Barracks You guys, official development starts tomorrow. I'm gonna ask somebody to move this thread in the morning, so that'll be all. Actually, pushing it back a little while, some stuff came up...
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