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  1. Aside from the discussion of whether and how multiplayer is possible and whether or not the devs are going to implement it soon, let's find out what the community thoughts are on how it would be served by such a feature if it had to have timewarp limited to some extent or even outright ditched.
  2. Hello my fellow Kerbals, I wanted to create this thread to test the waters and get an idea of the amount of people who would be interested in taking part in a persistent shared space program. For years me and my two brothers (all early to mid-20s with various career paths from engineering to accounting) have conducted joint space programs together in the standard KSP manner of coming up with mission ideas and passing around the share file. We have traditionally made our space program a USSR themed Soviet era type space operation for kicks. I thought it may be fun to make this more formal and open it up to the community. If you are interested keep reading I have come up with some ideas on how to keep this organized as well as the general game guidelines. 1. Space program divisions and Chain of Command 2. File settings and rules * File Settings: -The file would be vanilla KSP no mods to keep sharing simple -File would be backed up when shared, the backup would only, be used if someone was to intentionally spam the file i.e. destroy all our space stations, launch a bunch of rockets without approval etc.. * Game Settings & Rules: -Biggest rule- DON’T KILL JEB I love that crazy little guy. -The game would be set to hard (no quick saves revert flights perm death etc..) again don’t kill Jeb -Game will be set to sandbox mode (don’t worry operations Division 2) will keep you busy -To keep things “realistic” all Kerbals would have a 5 year contract, example being if Jeb goes to a space station on year one a retrieval craft needs to pick him up on year 5. A tracking sheet (see section 3) would be kept for all Kerbals on mission and the HR director would be responsible for communicating with operations to ensure all Kerbals are being relived -Be Honest, its ok to crash, leave a Kerbal in space etc.. It keeps things interesting. Division 4 (Investigations) will conduct a formal investigation but you will not be kicked off the team. Repercussions will consist of anything from temporary license suspension to license downgrade. -When in possession of the file only conduct approved missions, if possible record the operation of the mission. -Only Use Approved Space craft’s see section 3 for further details -All approved missions will be added to the mission tracker (see section 3) Control specialists will be able to request a mission with the Mission Control head. If they are found adequate they will be assigned and given the file along with the file checkout/in sheet see section 3 for further details 3. Approval Forms and documentation -ugh paperwork, I know this sounds boring, but I have designed a system of approval forms and documentation in order to keep the file updated and organized. See below for the required forms by division. Forms will be in word docs and retained and passed along with the file. Division 1 Mission Control- -File checkout/in sheet- Every time a mission specialist is given the file they will be issued a file check in/out sheet where they will record the mission they completed (or failed to complete) as well as Kerbals used/ spacecraft used and start and finish time of the mission (Kerbal UT time). These forms will allow us to actively track the file and its progress so we are not just playing hot potato with the file. -Licenses – Control specialists once they have passed initial mission flight tests will be given a license to conduct missions to their degree of skill. Division 2 Operations- -Mission Request form- can be submitted by the community will detail the objectives and purpose of the mission, operations analysts will read these and submit them to the operations head for approval. If approved it will be added to the open mission log to be completed at the discretion of the mission control head. Division 3 Engineering- -Spacecraft Approval form – Can be submitted by the community or engineers will include the capabilities i.e. delta V, TWR etc.. purpose, and also a checklist to ensure it has all the basic necessary components to function engineers will be allowed to approve Crafts from the community, the Engineering Head will oversee the engineers and also have ultimate approval. Division 4 Investigations – -KID report (Kerbal Investigation report) - KID will provide a report on the results of all investigations conducted. Division 5 HR and Admin – -Kerbal Tracker- will track all Kerbals currently on mission in order to keep track of when their designated contract is up. If a Kerbal is due for relief a mission request will be sent to operations for their recovery. -Mission Tracker- obviously KSP tracks all active missions but this will list and track missions that have been approved but are still open. This will be open to the Control specialists so they request passion of the file -File Tracker- Will utilize the file check in/out sheets to track who has the file and progress made. **Request this request that Blah Blah I know this sounds dumb but it will keep the file organized so we can have some fun! Section 4: conclusion: All positions are currently open YAY! And I am looking for some motivated people who would like to get this kicked off. I have more ideas but I wanted to keep this as an overview to see in anyone is interested. Comment below or message me if you are interested. Additionally please note that due to forum policy rule (2.2.j this post is strictly for recruiting
  3. Hey guys, It's my first post- and I want to kick off this journey with a new idea! The idea of multiplayer is not new at all. Many players have suggested it before, but the level of difficulty cooperating with other players would be nearly impossible. What I'm suggesting is a race to the science tree, and other Celestial bodies. The players would _not_ interact with eachother, however. They would only be connected via leaderboard. Each player would have their own save file. Time warp would not be an issue. (See scoring) I haven't quite though of a scoring value, but I think it would be a ratio of some sort. Maybe science per price of missions(efficiency), Reputation per science points(Public interest)- still needs to be _thought though thoroughly_ Its also vulnerable to cheats. Cheats = _bad_ Again, first post!
  4. Kerbin Kollapse is our attempt at starting a stock multiplayer war in KSP. We're using a discord server to organize the war and keep track of everything. The link for the discord is down below for those who don't need more info and want to jump right in. Kerbin Kollapse isn't entirely stock. It has to take in use a few mods to make it work. The most important of these are LunaMultiplayer and vesselmover. There's no part mods or anything that makes the weaponry and such easier to make. All the vehicles need to be made fully functional in stock version of KSP. It might be hard, but the challenge is the entire point of it. You can choose from a small number of nations. Each one has borders that can only be expanded by taking land from others. You will need to play tactically. This is not like those small dogfights and such we have right outside the ksc. It will happen all around Kerbin. (Note that this war will not have space combat. Inside atmosphere only.) You can ally with other nations and form alliances if you want, but you have to talk with the rest of the players in your nation/team before allying someone. Your can also do trading with other nations. And example would be exchanging a tank design for ore (ore is the resource required to spawn in crafts). We are not very strict here and will help you with anything you need. Can't make a good autoloader, gun, or warhead? Need better tracks, engine or turret mechanisms? Ask for ideas. Don't be scared off. The game is complicated, but you'll understandt it quickly. We'll explain any questions you might have. Minor details can be found in the discord server. Kerbin Kollapse is still w.i.p. By the time of this post we still have no LMP server up running, but we're working on it. Kerbin Kollapse is not flawless. There's still some stuff to be done. Discord link: https://discord.gg/tAFcTrd - TheNordicToast - General Incompetence
  5. Hi, in order to implement a safer interpolation mechanism on LMP I store the orbital positions in a queue and replay them after 2 seconds have passed. The code looks something like this: var startTime = KspOrbit.epoch; var targetTime = Target.KspOrbit.epoch; var currentPos = KspOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(startTime); var targetPos = Target.KspOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(targetTime); var currentVel = KspOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(startTime) + KspOrbit.referenceBody.GetFrameVelAtUT(startTime) - Body.GetFrameVelAtUT(startTime); var targetVel = Target.KspOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(targetTime) + Target.KspOrbit.referenceBody.GetFrameVelAtUT(targetTime) - Target.Body.GetFrameVelAtUT(targetTime); var lerpedPos = Vector3d.Lerp(currentPos, targetPos, LerpPercentage); var lerpedVel = Vector3d.Lerp(currentVel, targetVel, LerpPercentage); Vessel.orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(lerpedPos, lerpedVel, LerpBody, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); KSPOrbit is the first packet Orbit, Target.KSPOrbit is the next packet, and on every fixed update frame that code is called. In order to ignore FlightIntegration issues I only call this when vessels are PACKED (OnRails) (I will deal with FI later) The LerpPercentage is a value between 0 and 1 that increases on every fixedupdate call The movement is very fluid BUT the positions are displaced kind of "backwards" This is for example a screenshot I took with 2 clients side by side: Here the player 1 is flying above that wide line in the runway: https://imgur.com/0oPcYHH But the player 2 sees this: https://imgur.com/HlEmoxJ I understand the GREEN distance as the vessel is 2 seconds behind and it will take some time to reach the runway but I don't understand why it's displaced sideways (red distance) Also, I tried to set this code: var lerpTime = LunaMath.Lerp(startTime, targetTime, LerpPercentage); Vessel.orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(lerpedPos, lerpedVel, LerpBody, lerpTime); But then the orbit is rendered in real time (not 2 seconds behind in time) and the vessel goes inside Kerbin a lot of times and there are weird movements. I think there's some orbital calculation that I'm missing but I can't find how should I proceed on this... I even tried specifying the position manually as: Vector3d vector3d = Vessel.orbitDriver.driverTransform.rotation * Vessel.localCoM; Vessel.SetPosition((planetPos + Vessel.orbitDriver.pos) - vector3d); But I didn't had luck Does someone have an idea of how I should implement this? It's honestly one of the oldest LMP bugs and I've been dealing with this for months and not making much progress. EDIT: If I reduce the interpolation delay time to 300ms or so the movement is almost perfect (there's still that sideway distance altough much shorter) but I want to set a 1 or 2 seconds delay for bad connections
  6. I play KSP for many years and we still waiting for the multiplayer features. I know somes mods who mimic a ''Multiplayer'' but it has somes flaws with the warping's gameplay but i had a idea today to fix that warping gameplay issue in multiplayer ! For the Time Warp issues; the solution is simple; Play with friends on One Ship at a time or design rockets and ships when your friends are flying ! Your rocket can hold 4 kerbals ? Then you can Coop with 3 friends. We all Warp together ! All we have to implement is a system to share each controls separately and give them exclusively for each player. Example A : Player 1 : Control WASD Player 2 : Control SAS's Force Player 3 : Control RCS Player 4 : Control Thrust and Staging Example B : Player 1 : Control Piloting stuff : WASD + SAS + RCS + etc Player 2 : Control Sciences stuff : Execute minigames in flight to conduct sciences experiments Player 3 : Control Engineering stuff : Execute minigames in flight to stabilise the rocket's components and temperatures Player 4 : Control Recording Camera : Move around the camera to record epic adventures and stream online. Docking and Undocking Phase In a radius on 50 Km, the player can split into many group to take control of others vessels. If others players exit the 50 km radius around the Player 1; they are teleported back into the Player 1's Vessel ( Player Only, not the Kerbal itself if he was in EVA ). In Radius Coop mode, the time warp is limited to X speed and only Player 1 can Warp if all others players are inside and accept the Warp Vote. It's simple enough to be implemented in the next Update. Sincerly; i don't know why Squad didn't implemented that Solution yet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: That sounds like it might work on a planetary transfer with a large ship, but with something on the order of a small Mun lander, with the controls all in different hands? Coordination sounds like a nightmare! Then throw in a bit of lag at the wrong moment. Answer : This isn't the point of making a Coop ? Getting challenged ? Nasa pilots doesn't have member to assist him ? For the Lag issue ; can we consider them like malfunctions and communications noises ? B: This sounds somewhat more logical a way to divide tasks, but Science seems a bit thin to justify a player dedicated to it. Same with working the camera. Answer : That's why we need to implement minigames and more sciences test in flight. More than a simple clic experiments. Enough to make the scientist rushing to get all science he can in one flight. Same for the engineer, he must watch and tune fuel balancing and temperatures at same time to solve malfunctions warnings with the scientist. For the Cameraman ; he must have plenty of options to record a nice video with post-effects and transitions. Cameraman, it's a career, he will have plenty to do if you want a nice stream on twitch. Four players, three seats on the ship. This leads to a problem. Also, "Player Only, not the Kerbal itself"? What does the "disembodied" player get to do then? Answer : Consider Players as ''AI'' who can get control of Functions or Kerbal. If the ''AI'' go to far away with a kerbal; the ''AI'' came back into the Player 1's vessel and the kerbal need to be rescued like a normal rescue mission. All Players ''AI'' will get access to a HUD panel where he can cast a vote for each functions he want or the Kerbal he want to play. Player 1 will accept or not the requests.
  7. So I looked over the first 5 pages of this thread and couldn't see anything related to Multiplayer so... I for one would very much like it to coop with friends on joint missions and goals. • Have I missed an update, has MP been mentioned of late? • Is it time to revisit Multiplayer? • Now Making History is done, what is next?
  8. Every time I browse the suggestions thread I see a multiplayer thread and decide to check it out to see if anybody has even played the already existing multiplayer mod. Timewarp timewarp timewarp... If you don’t know how DMP handles timewarp, it’s a little tricky at first and isn’t very orthodox. But it works. Basically. Every person gets their own time reference frame. You can warp just like in single player, but you disappear to everybody else not in that time frame. When you get out of warp, people will be behind you in time. Don’t think about it too much, just as long as you can’t travel backwards in time (wich you cant) there won’t be any huge paradoxes. Other people can view the multiplayer menu and “sync” to your time frame. Now you can see each other again. They get pulled very rapidly into the future and everything is dandy as long as you aren’t sub-orbital. If they warp ahead, they can no longer see you, you have to warp to them. You cannot sync to people in a past time frame, they have to sync to you. mods? Mods are easy to handle. Have stock servers and modded servers. Have a mod list for each server (only part mods matter). What’s wrong with DMP then? It’s biggest issue is that it’s a mod, it’s not stock. (It’s got framerate issues and teleportation bugs and whatnot) The games code could easily be optimised and tweaked to work well with multiplayer, but you can’t tweak base code from a mod. All squad has to do is adopt the mod like they did for so many others, and all will be happy. Imagine it though.. building a base with your bud on pol.. or maybe a rival space administration.. The KSP system is too big to explore it all alone.
  9. Are there any good stock servers? And how do I fix "no such host is known?"
  10. Not sure if this has been discussed before or is something in development, but it would be great to have the game multiplayer, especially on Steam as their servers can handle all this, I would very much like to see this happen.
  11. Licence: MIT (you don't need to ask me for permission if you want to make a fork ) Description: Around March-2016 I started LMP as a refactoring over DMP but it finally evolved to a totally different program and different code architecture, this means that the code is totally different although it still uses some ideas from DMP like the concept of subspaces. Nevertheless, this mod wouldn't exist if it wasn't for @godarklight's job as he made a solid base and a good example of where to start. If you want to support this project, consider donating trough paypal As the mod is still in beta it might has some bugs so if you want to report a issue, please do so on github If you want to collaborate testing new versions or help us in development join us in the discord chat Main features: Clean and optimized code architecture, based on systems and windows which makes it easier to read and modify. Multi threaded (as much as Unity allows) Settings saved as XML. Time synced between clients and the server using the NTP protocol. UDP networking using the Lidgren library for reliable UDP message handling. Uses interpolation so the vessels shouldn't jump from one place to another. Nat-punchtrough feature so a server doesn't need to open ports on it's router. Servers are displayed within the mod. Better creation of network messages so they are easier to modify. Every network message is cached in order to reduce the garbage collector spikes Based on tasks instead of threads. QuickLZ for fast compression Supports science and career modes UPnP support for the server. Links: Official website: http://www.lunamultiplayer.com Oficial Github repo: https://github.com/LunaMultiplayer/LunaMultiplayer Download from: GitHub Wiki: https://github.com/LunaMultiplayer/LunaMultiplayer/wiki Discord chat: https://discord.gg/wKVMhWQ Current developers: @Dagger - Main developer Legacy developers: MalteJanz - Developer (career and science modes) @Lothsahn - Developer Sladernimo - Developer Collaborators: @godarklight - Assesment & DMP code @SupperRobin6394 - Discrod Bot development @Toonu - Testing + Documentation @The HellBox - Testing + Documentation (linux) Video (Old and outdated version):
  12. BDDMP Now with `unsafe` code and probably still as many bugs, but now with more Kraken Greetings everybody, and welcome to BDDMP. This mod does one thing. Make BDArmory sychnronise over DMP. Why? Beccause hilariously entertaining multiplayer combat encounters can now happen in mostly real time, which is fun. Background This mod was originaly made by DsonBill, then died, then was resurrected by me. Then it died again, around the time BDA introduced Radar, as that involved a total BDA rewrite, which also broke almost all of the existing code, as the mod required a forked version of BDA to function. Then on the request of a couple of forum users, and my own boredom, I though, why not, and re-built it. New Version Features? Support for BDArmory continued, since BDA was deprecated Utilisation of detours and extensions, meaning that downloading an entirely new copy of BDA is a thing of the past More features than the last one (as I re-implemented some more things) What is the point? To mess around with the powers of multiplayer. Will it work reliably over a high ping? Probably not. (Have tested it) Download Spacedock Sources Github Licencing All of my code is licenced under CC0. Any BDArmory code is licenced under CC 2.0 BY-SA. NAQ Q. Does this work with BDArmory expansion mods A. It should, if they don't use their own plugin Q. Vessels Are Duplicating A. That's due to a lag based fault on the end of DMP As always feel free to ask any questions. Thanks for reading.
  13. I’m interested in doing a KSP turn based war using BD armoury, similar to “fall of kerbin” and “kollaborative warfare”. The game will require 2 or more players/teams, building there own vessels and setting up defenses and attacking each other’s bases by taking it in turns to pass around the save file. Should be really good fun! I’ve tried doing a similar thing by myself but that’s getting boring now! Will need to come up with rules. Reply if interested
  14. There was a mod called BDDMP that made BDArmory compatible with DMP but it is for 1.0.5 and that version crashes with a lot of mods as there is no x64 executable.(and itd pretty old , also unity4) Mod Link: I wonder if the new BDArmoryContinued is compatible with the DMP mod. We really want to make dogfights and stuff. Any help would be appreciated. I searched a lot for it on the internet but couldn't find anything.
  15. Hello everyone Figured I would look for some help on the forum... So I recently downloaded this mod.. and well... I try to hit the add server button and nothing is happening... am I doing something wrong? I followed all of the steps for installing the add-on correctly... but for some reason every time I try to hit the button it does not work... any help would be great
  16. I was wondering if there were any mods that allowed for 2 different space centers and two separeated careers at the same time. Me and my little brother are going to play multiplayer by this method: It would be excellent to have 2 different careers running in the same game so we could advance at different rates and have a true space race. Dose anyone have any info on a mod like this? It would be much appreciated if you could share.
  17. Kerbal space program has been around for a while and there is still no official online multiplayer? Why? This feature is screaming to be added. For example an online sandbox mode where you can play with friends. Not only would this allow current players to enjoy this great game even more, it would generate the company more money. More people would be asking their friends to buy the game so that they can play online with them. So what is up with this?
  18. Galera, criei um server DMP online pra quem quiser jogar KSP 1.6 multiplayer. Está em modo sandbox para testes. Quem quiser participar, basta baixar a última versão do cliente Dark Multi Player (Link do Space Dock: https://spacedock.info/mod/10) Lá mesmo vcs encontram o servidor KSP Brasil, mas deixarei aqui os dados para conexão: Endereço: phoenyx.sytes.net Porta: 6702 Discord para comunicação: https://discord.gg/pwA7gnN Não utilizem mods que quebrem o sistema Kerbal original (RSS ou qualquer outra modificação que não seja apenas visual). Como está em fase de testes recomendo utilizar o jogo em stock/vanilla, opcional Making History. Qualquer dúvida ou comentário, só postar. []'s
  19. Hello! I am a fan of KSP, as I am sure most of everyone else here is. Recent updates have brought a lot of new features that I enjoy; however, I am really looking forward to Multiplayer. Feel free to put your Multiplayer ideas on this topic, I will be listing mine below: Space Race: (Max of 16 players) Setup: Each player chooses: 1. A flag and name for their space program. 2. A color for the accents of their kerbal's suit and/or color of suit. 3. Where to put their KSC on a map of Kerbin (Must be at least 50km from other player's agencies). 4. Game Moderator/Owner of the server decides normal game options when they make the server, and get to choose the max amount of players they want on their server. Game: Mostly the same as singleplayer, except you are competing with other players for the max amount of science (First to make a discovery gets the max amount, second gets less, third gets even less, ect.), world first milestones, and achievements like beating the other players to the Mun. Above that competing players can sabotage others or make alliances. Rockets can be used to destroy players KSC's or vessels, and force them to declare bankruptcy (a loss in multiplayer). Players can also share plans for rockets, money, and kerbals. If they really want to they can declare another person an ally, or go to war with them. Time Warp: This essentially is the hardest part of designing Multiplayer, and there is no perfect option for time warp shared with multiple people, so I have a few suggestions. 1. There is a max amount of timewarp given for each play session. (Ex. everyone has 50 days to work with during this play session.) at the end of the max amount, a player will be told that all current missions are saved, and then have the option to log out or to spectate other players. 2. At the end of a play session, everyone's time syncs up to the person who has used the most timewarp. A notification is displayed as you log out describing how far ahead you will skip. (A game moderator can decide whether or not the time a player has skipped ahead is unreasonable and talk to the player. 3. (Not my idea) Lowest time warp is used. (Ex: P1 - 4x, P2- 10x = 4x is used across the entire server) 4. (Suggested by mattinoz) Various zones or spheres of influence have a fixed warp that is higher where space is emptier. Player can slow down from warp back to normal time but only for a fixed period after which the server forces them back to warp + syncing warp to catch up with the timeline of the sphere. That way no one can get "physically" in front of the another player unless they fly faster. Others: 1. No two players can have the same color, flag, or name for their agency on a server. 2. The list of contracts are global, everyone has access to the same list, and once one is taken by another player, it is not available anymore unless it is declined/discarded. 3. Mods are allowed, but only ones that are agreed on by the moderator of a server. I am open to other suggestions, as well as ways people think I can improve my ideas. Thank you!
  20. As those of you who watch @NathanKell's Twitch streams may already be aware, I recently developed an asynchronous multiplayer mod, Race Into Space. The idea is that everyone in the game syncs with the server every now and then, to say "my game is at $date" and "I achieved $milestone on $date". Then, when everyone's game is past the first date on which a milestone was achieved, the server now knows who got it first, and they get some extra funds in their game (and bragging rights, which are of course far more important). One person (usually whoever organised the game) has to run the server, which is a Python program using Twisted and Nevow, and needs to be network-visible (so e.g. if behind a router/NAT you will need to port forward). The other players just connect to that server from within KSP. They can also view the game state by pointing a web browser at the server. Apart from needing a common set of contracts, the players can have completely different mods installed, although for the sake of balance and fairness you will usually want to agree on a list of allowed mods. Currently it's in beta testing, and it only has configs for RP-0 (the RSS career mod). If someone wants to write configs for other contract packs, pull requests welcome. It still has a few rough edges, like a total lack of access control on the server, but it seems to be working so far. The source code is at https://github.com/ec429/ksp_ris, and releases can be downloaded from https://github.com/ec429/ksp_ris/releases. Network details (rule 6 compliance): The Race Into Space client KSP addon communicates over the network. It will only communicate with the server specified by the user in the in-game UI (which defaults to localhost), and its communication consists of reports on the current game state, which are only sent when manually triggered by the user (by pressing the SYNC button), requests for the corresponding state of other players (triggered by the Join, Refresh and SYNC buttons), and messages used to Join or Leave a game on the server. The full protocol is described in the file 'protocol' in the top level of the source repository, which can be found on github.
  21. I'm sure it's been suggested before! But I'll talk again! Need a coop! That more than one player can control the same base and the same ship doing different things! That a player can be taking care of the first stage while the second is taking care of the second and carrying in orbit or both doing things on the same ship! And in a space mission on some planet each one controls a character and does different things, but always free to do anything! The game is good today! But with coop of form officially without lags and problems would be perfect! Imagine people traveling through space with up to 4 friends can do everything! I realize that the problem is in the matter of game time! But you have to have a solution to have a good experience with friends! It could be a DLC paid! But it has to be perfect in the coop! Would be ideal!
  22. Hey there, this is an idea for KSP Multiplayer. What do you think about it? Missioncommander: Only Player to control Time Warp. Time Warp Markers in Orbit (Warp here) can be set by other Players. If the Commander dies, someone else will be Mission Commander. Gameplay: Every Player can choose a Class: Pilot, Ingeneur or Scienetist. Engeniers can repair rocket parts, like broken science experiments so the scientist can use them. The scientist can create navigation points so the Pilot fly the rocket to its destination. On the way to another planet events can accure. Something like small asteroids damaging the ship. Engenier needs to EVA and repair them. Before landing the scientist needs to check for biomes, so the pilot can land the ship. This way alle the different Players have to support each other. Any Suggetions?
  23. Are there any war servers out there that have active players on for us to dogfight battle or destroy with hyperedit kax airplanes plus and bd armoury or procedural dynamics
  24. Thema: KSP im Multiplayer mit Mods! Hi, mein Name ist Norman ich bin 29 Jahre alt und habe über 2000 Stunden KSP. Ich bin sehr Aktiv und Täglich mehrere Stunden online und erreichbar. Da der Dark Multiplayer derzeit ziemlich gut läuft suche ich mitspieler für meinen KSP server mit Mods! Aktuell habe ich 3 bis 4 Aktive Mitspieler und ein paar Gelgenheitsspieler. Der Server ist seit dem 25.10.2016 online und ist 24/7 erreichbar. Teamspeak3 steht zur verfügung. Nun zu dem Server. Wie bereits geschrieben ist er 24/7 online, Server einstellungen sehen wie folgt aus Jeder spieler startet mit 250.000 Funds Reptutation verschlechterung ist wegen Bugs ausgeschaltet Jeder verdient sein eigenes Geld und Science. Mit absprache könnt ihr solche auch Tauschen / Handeln what ever. Das KSC teilen wir uns, wenn einer ein upgrade macht. Bekommen das alle. Kerbals werden ebenfalls geteilt. Wer tot ist, ist tot. Durch bugs gestorbene Kerbals resette ich jederzeit. Verbindung besteht nur zum KSC, keine zusätzlichen Boden-Funk-Stationen. Entry Pruchase ist an. Man muss teile nach dem Freischalten von Science also auch finanziell einmalig freischalten. Ansonsten ist alles auf Standard. Zuletzt habe ich mal eine Aktuelle Modliste angelegt und werde sie des öfteren bearbeiten. Wer Interesse hat mitzumachen kann hier gerne drunter schreiben oder sich bei mir Privat melden. Steam name ist der gleiche wie hier im Forum oder schaut mal im Deutschsprachigem KSP forum vorbei für Aktuellere Informationen: https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.de/index.php?thread/3806-zusammen-im-dark-multiplayer-mit-mods/&pageNo=1 mfg Schtiebuu MODLISTE: (kann auch von Dropbox heruntergeladen werden)
  25. One thing I would love to see is a collaboration version. Something were multiple people can participate on the setup sharing the same model. Each part you add carries your name on it as it was your addition. It would be great if others could join as an observer so people can watch but not limited to watch only because streaming would do that easily but also for people to have read only rights where they can inspect and visualize but not modify. It would be also great if the people playing together could see when someone added something new... for example, when you log in everything that was added new shows up in a list and you can clean the list after you see. I think this would leave to fantastic ships been built and could even be an additional module/expansion. I would definitely pay for that.
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