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  1. I can't believe I haven't made a Sputnik before. I just realized that a few days ago, so I made a stock replica of the Sputnik. I think it looks pretty cool, tell me what you think! If you have any Sputnik's, please post them, I'd love to see them!
  2. Lockheed F-104 Starfighter Hi, a couple of days back i built a stock Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. I thought i could share it in the forums. I think it's the best plane i've built so far (my others were... well, let's say "alright"), from the looks to the handling and speed, it is pretty close to the original (maybe a little too fast if you push it). This Plane: I tried to built it as close to the original as possible. Didn't get it perfect matched in terms of size but i think it is alright. I spend a lot of time to get the nose the way i wanted it. The fairing was the best way to get it realistic, since all the tanks and nose cones were to round in my opinion. I used to solar panels and batteries to model the windshieldm since there was no stock part that looked like the fighters windshield. the plane doesn't go straight from front to back with tanks etc. I tried to model this sort of "belly" the real F 104 has. To get that hull realistic i had to build things a little complicated. I used autostrut to avoid doubling the part count. In the end i think not goint the easy way but to make things more complicated worked good, since it is stable in flight but does also look more realistic than a F 104 where i would have build the hull by just putting parts at the end of parts. It technically seats 2 kerbals. I used to cockpits to make it look like one long one, but since their was a real 2 seated version of this plane i guess it's alright To get the fighter stable in slow flight i used a hidden "wing" in the front. Handling: Flying this is quit easy (for a starfighter) i guess. It is better to have SAS on from liftoff to landing. Lifting off must be done gently to not have the engine touch the ground (putting the rear wheels to further back would've made the liftoff speed to high). Generally the plane lies stable in the air at any speed. It is no friend of a lot of yaw tho. Due to the short wingspan it rotates really fast, so hitting the right angle can be tough. besides that it really handles well for such a neelde of an aircraft. Reaches it's topspeed at about 15,000m and its highest altitude is about 23,000m. Landing speed should always be between 75m/s and 120 m/s. This is where it touches down the most gently. It should be relatively horizontial as well (max. 15% pitched up). It might need some distance to roll out safely. Craft File to download: https://kerbalx.com/SpaceTrashCan/Lockheed-F-104-Version-2 I hope you like the craft, check it out if you like to Here are some inflight pictures:
  3. Grumman F-14 Tomcat - America's Favorite Fighter A few months ago, for the Jet-of-the-Day thread, I made a functional, visually accurate F-14 Tomcat. However, going back to it, I found it much less accurate than I thought, so I decided to return. At the cost of doubling the part count, I finally have a Tomcat that I'm happy with. The Mechanisms In addition to the visual overhaul, I redid the hinge mechanism to work smoother and explode less. The result is a mechanism that works smoothly in level flight, and is actuated by only two action groups (one forward, one back). The mechanism is pretty interesting. The solar panels in the hinge hold two RCS balls each, in two chambers. The docking ports (facing up) are actuated by the airbrakes between docking ports (facing down). The result is a smooth hinge that's timewarp resistant. The Arsenal The F-14 was an extremely versatile big fighter. It was extremely maneuverable when armed with AIM-9 Sidewinders, and could kill from long range with AIM-54 Phoenix. Long-range interceptor roles used a combination of the two, and this replication follows the most common loadout for that role. On the central pylons are four AIM-54 Phoenix. Like its real-life counterpart, this AIM-54 is a long-range air-to-air missile capable of destroying bombers in one shot. Decouple the missile and use target hold to home in. Earlier versions of this missile were capable of killing planes from kilometers away (in KSP, IRL it had much more range). To complement the jet rockets, there are a pair of unguided missile types. The inner wing pylon holds AIM-7 Sparrow missiles, and the outer one holds AIM-9 Sidewinders. To extend the range, there are a pair of drop tanks as well. More Information In addition to the accurate weapons loadout, I spent a lot of time making sure that the craft would look and function the same as an actual F-14. The variable incidence wings are fully functional, and are actuated by action groups. This is mostly non-problematic, and the wings dock back without incident, provided that the transition is done in level flight. The focus for this project was extreme visual accuracy, so the craft is extremely draggy. Because of this, expect top speeds of about 100m/s with afterburner, and about 170 with burners lit. I expect that it will perform much better in FAR, but have not tested it. Fitting to the real Tomcat, this replica is significantly more maneuverable with wings forward, and a bit faster with the wings swept. Action Groups 1 - sweep wings backward2 - sweep wings forward9 - toggle engines0 - toggle afterburnerRCS - body spoilersABORT - tailhookG - gear + gear bays Download https://kerbalx.com/servo/Grumman-F-14-Tomcat Enjoy!
  4. Porsche 918 Spyder replica (WIP) Current Version: 1.3 VERSION 1.2 BELOW https://kerbalx.com/He_162/162--Porsche-918-v12 https://imgur.com/a/Riwgj Changelog: v1.0: -Main body created -Basic functionality added -Top speed 73 m/s (Never took a screenshot of this design) v1.1: https://kerbalx.com/He_162/162--Porsche-918-v11 -More aerodynamic -Body redesign -Top speed 117 m/s v1.2: https://kerbalx.com/He_162/162--Porsche-918-v12 -Engines moved inside -refined spoiler added (less weight, more aerodynamic) -Improved control and handling -Top speed now 118 m/s v1.3 (Current!) https://kerbalx.com/He_162/162--Porsche-918-v13 -Body redesign -Improved control (not as good as v1.2 though) -Top speed now 100 m/s (will improve in the next variant, this was released extra early)
  5. Heyho, I've seen all kinds of replicas on KerbalX and in the forum, tons of MiG's too. There are a lot of Burans and Spaceshuttles built by the community. There are a couple of DYNA-SOARs too. So i wondered why there were no MiG 105's, since it is basically the soviet concurence program to the DYNA-SOAR. So i decided to build one. I think this was great part of spaceflight history (I know they weren't actually in space with it ) that has unfortunatly has been forgotten about. Incase you wonder what the MiG 105 or the SPIRAL program, were: The Mikojan-Gurewitsch MiG-105 was a soviet space glider (russias concurente for the Amercian Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar). The plane rose from the Spiral project, the Soviet Union first attempt to build a reusalbe spaceship. Multiple Prototypes were build in 1965. Until 1978 the glider performed a total of eight test flight, neither aiming for space (100km height). Test flights were performed with the Gliders own rocket engine. The project was unfortunatly cancelled. The USSR wanted to focus on the Buran Project For orbit flights multiple lifters were taken in consideration. Starting with simple ideas like putting the glider on top of a soyus rocket, to more complicated systems, like putting the glider on top of a rocket, which is put on top of a plane, which lifts teh whole system to 20 km height, from where the rocket takes over and the plane departes (The craziest space flight idea if ever read about). My Version: - is a little bigger than the original - doesn't look quit as smooth, it's kinda edgy but i couldnt find a much better solution within my design skill - flies kinda well (sometimes not loss of control but catches itself quickly again) - Glides well and lands safely on the ground (I don't recommend water landings) Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/SpaceTrashCan/MiG-105 Pictures:
  6. Before I show off my plane, I need to give credit where credit is due A BIG thank you to MajorJim's innovative thermometer hinge! It is the only reason why this flies and without it, I'd still be using jet engines *Gasp* (Link Here) With that out of the way, here's the... Sopwith Camel! If you didn't know (somehow), the Sopwith Camel was one of the most successful fighters of World War 1, but however, one of the most difficult to fly. This is because of the rotary engine inside which acted like a gyroscope giving the plane a strong turn to the right (which could cause the plane to flip) and a weaker turn to the left. This was a good thing for experienced pilots but really deadly for unexperienced pilots. For ease of use, I've made sure the plane I've made doesn't have too much of a gyroscopic effect ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pictures: (Don't mind the name, that's because I've made several of these and two were the final ones, this is the second one. That's why it's called the "Official II") The real thing: My Replica: _______________________________________________________________________ Controls and Download 1: On launch, decouple the propeller from the main craft. Make sure SAS is on the main craft itself, but not the detatched propeller. (This is optional, but if you want, you can have the brakes on, be sure to remember to release them ) 2: hold Alt + E until the propeller is completely spun up (a bar at the bottom left shows the roll, when it is completely to the left, that's when it's fully spun up) 3: Leave the plane be, once it reaches 19 or 20m/s it should lift up on it's own. 4: Have fun being an Ace Pilot, or a twenty minuter. Just avoid doing manouevers too strong, this can cause the propeller to break off. - As a tip, flying with SAS results in a more stable, but less manouverable flight, but without makes the thing fly more manouverably. - As a challenge, try to stunt fly this thing, I assure you it's really fun! (Download Here) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Top Speed: 43.3m/s (though, it depends on altitude) Top Speed (In a dive): 72.2m/s (Be gentle when pulling up at these speeds though, the prop could get ripped straight out the plane) Takeoff speed: 19 - 20m/s (depends on where you launch) Stall speed: 18m/s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I hope you enjoyed this craft I've made. I had lots of fun making it Critiques and Suggestions would be appreciated. I'm just not too happy with the back end of the craft, it's too round. The real Sopwith Camel had more of a flat, rectangular-ish tail. I'd love some tips on how to fix that and make a more accurate fuselage. Thank you for reading my post
  7. INTRODUCTION As a relaxing little break from creating propeller aircraft I've decided to recreate one of the most prominent 4.5th gen jet fighters of the modern era - the F-15C Eagle. Not a single Eagle has ever been lost to enemy fire and the airframe itself, although almost 40 years old by now is continiuously proving itself to be a formidable foe to every modern jet fighter. The F-15C is currently the definitive variant suited for air-to-air combat and maintaining air superiority. It is a heavy airframe weighing in at approximately 20 tons loaded, powered by Pratt and Whitney F100 low-bypass turbojet engines, each putting out approximately 100kN of thrust when running reheat. The plane is capable of reaching over Mach 2.5 at it's operational ceiling. The Eagle is extremely capable in terms of it's maximum loading and can achieve an operational range of over 5500km when used with it's conformal FASTPACK fuel tanks. This replica is an attempt at creating a detailed and correctly performing Eagle. The weight is about right, and the engines have been tuned to provide the exact same amounts of static thrust the real F100s would provide. I managed to get the values down to 0.1kN accuracy. The replica is fully stock. I hope you will enjoy flying it. FEATURES Here are some basic features included with the replica. 1. Correctly performing recreations of P&W F100 turbojets producing exactly 64.9kN of dry static thrust and 105.7kN of static thrust wet (toggle with AG 1). 2. Retractable flaps (Toggleable with AG 2) 3. Functional airbrake (Toggleable with AG 3) 4. Realistically modelled drop tanks, the centerline tank is exhausted first. HOW TO FLY The flight characteristics of the Eagle are rather standard. If you can fly any other jet in KSP, flying this one should also be relatively easy. Flaps and the airbrake can be used to slow the airframe down. The top speed at sea level with the drop tanks on sits at Mach 1 and gets better with altitude. Keep in mind that the drop tanks add considerable weight to the airframe and they should be ditched when entering combat. Take off at about 70m/s, land at approx 65m/s. Keep in mind that the airframe, although agile, is rather heavy and has plenty of intertia, especially when performing low-level maneuvering with drop tanks on. Have fun taking the Eagle to the skies and fly safe. Feel free to leave requests and suggestions down below so i can improve my replicas! DOWNLOAD LINK https://kerbalx.com/EvenFlow/F-15C Updated on 22-07-2017, V1.1 CHANGELOG 1.0 - initial release 1.1 - major structural tweaks done which make the craft more similar to the original in terms of proportions. before, the ratio of lenght to width of this replica sat at about 1.52:1 (14.2m x 9.3m) and the horizontal stabilizers were unproportionally big when compared to the main wing. now this issue is fixed and the replica has the exact same length-width ratio as the real plane (1.46:1 14.2m x 9.7m for the replica and 19m x 13m for the real Eagle). pictures were changed accordingly, but here is a gif to portray the changes I made better: (old one in the first frame, fades to the new one which is visibly wider and more proportional) (i think it just goes to show how bad my OCD is with those replicas. WELP, GOOD FOR Y'ALL I GUESS)
  8. INTRODUCTION Hey there again. After finishing building and tweaking the Wyvern which was my first attempt to create a single engine propeller airframe replica. Right away, I've started working on yet another one, this time recreating a weapon from an earlier decade, when the world was engulfed in conflict. The 190 was a German single-seat, single-engine fighter aircraft designed by Kurt Tank in the late 1930s and widely used during World War II. Along with its well-known counterpart, the Messerschmitt Bf 109, the Focke-Wulf 190 Würger became the backbone of the Luftwaffe's fighter force. The Dora version, unlike the earlier Anton and Friedrich, was powered by an inverted 12 cylinder Jumo 213A engine (which is quite in-detail modeled in this replica!) which was fit for better performance at higher altitudes. The inline engine brought some design changes, e.g. different exhaust pipes and the distinct lenghtened nose section. The Dora proved to be a formidable opponent to all Allied counterparts from 1944, but as with the majority of German arsenal in the later years of WWII it was troubled by being outnumbered and hard to maintain. Even the fearsome armament of 2x MG151 root-mounted 20mm cannons coupled with a pair of 13mm MG131s in the nose couldn't stop the oncoming onslaughts of B-17 bombers. Even although the plane itself didn't change the tide of the conflict, you can now take it to the skies yet again in KSP with this replica. It consists of little over 150 parts and has some neat features which make flying it out exceedingly fun compared to other craft. FEATURES Features of this aircraft are mostly all the standard stuff you see on my other replicas, coupled with the detailed engine interior. Just to name a few: 1. Functional flaps, activated with AG 1 2. Openable engine cowling which reveals a detailed replica of the inverted V12 Junkers Jumo 213A engine. (Toggle with AG 2) 3. Functional, spinning propeller which adds alot of immersion to the replica. 4. Correctly placed guns and antennae, alot of little details here and there. 5. Actually useful drop tank which gets drained before the rest of the tanks. Ditch it with staging. HOW TO FLY Pretty much the same things that apply to the Wyvern, apply here. The Fw-190D has a little bit less torque at low speeds, that is the only real difference. 1. Startup and takeoff Idle the throttle and engage brakes. SAS needs to be off. Stage the first stage. The ring securing the propeller in place will come off. Switch to the propeller with " ] ". Start up the propeller. Hold down ALT and either Q or E. Hold the key until the roll indicator in the bottom left corner of the screen will reach it's limit. Remember to have SAS disengaged in this stage if you want the propeller to work. SAS, along with neutralising set roll trim with ALT can be used to stop the propeller post-flight. Switch back to the main vessel, engage the SAS (although the craft is perfectly flyable without it of course) and disengage the brakes. After the propeller has started rotating sufficiently quickly you can add throttle and begin the takeoff. The plane will take off by itself after reaching approx 65m/s. Tailwheel and rudder can be used to counter the torque generated by the engine which can be felt while the plane is low on speed (this also applies to real life propeller engines) 2. Flight Flying the Dora is rather easy. The plane is stable at any speeds above it's stall speed (which sits at about 50m/s), will reach speeds of up to 145m/s (and over 220m/s in a dive), and the fuel will last for a while. The drop tank is expended first, after it runs dry you can jettison it with staging. Turning is safe at any speed within it's flight envelope, but due to compression not being modelled it will lose speed in high speed turns rather quickly. Mild turns are advised if you are planning to keep your speed up. Just like in real life, roll rate of this plane gets rather sluggish when your speed is too low. Keep an eye on your speed during tight turns to prevent stalling. Optimal climb can be achieved at approx 90m/s TAS at most altitudes. 3. Landing To drop your speed quickly, feel free to pop the flaps. Get your speed down to about 70m/s, retract the gear and lower the throttle. Watch out not to come in nose-first, since this could damage your propeller. Engage brakes after touchdown, use the tailwheel to taxi into a desirable position. Engine can be turned off with methods described in "Pre-flight procedures and startup" section. I really think this is one of the better replicas I've created. I hope you will enjoy flying it as much as I did during all the testing. DOWNLOAD LINK https://kerbalx.com/EvenFlow/Fw-190D-9 Updated on 22-07-2017, V1.0 CHANGELOG 1.0 - initial release
  9. Note that this thread may be frequently updated with new content. Redesign:
  10. Download Album A fairly detailed replica of an Apollo 15/16 mission with Lunar Rover and many small authentic touches. 265 parts You can see me flying the mission until impacting the moon on my Twitch stream, another video is coming where I don't crash Control lander from RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit when landing/taking off Action Group 1 turns the red/orange lights on in the skirt to simulate stage II engine start (stole that) Action Group 2 extends Command Module dishes Action group 3 extends Lunar Module dish (retract for docking) Features For realistic seperation sequence: When going to S-II, stage the S-I seperation, turn on the lights with action group 1 while simultaneously staging the outside S-II engines at low thrust, stage the skirt, engage high thrust and center engine once the skirt has cleared. There is a fuel cell hidden underneath the heat shield for Bus B undervolt Role Play There is a fuel cell and docking port on the Lander base to dock and recharge the rover. The ladders on the Lunar Module are for decorative purposes mainly go up one into capsule and transfer internally to other capsule It should be good for Minmus as well, the third stage tank is not full.
  11. My first mod-heavy career (way back in 2013) got as far as an extensive colony on Duna before an upgrade broke my save file. But that was OK (or, to be more precise, I got over it eventually). The plan for my next career involves heavy use of kOS (which I'm still experimenting with), but in the process of trying to understand how real spacecraft work I ended up hooked on the idea of creating replicas using as few part mods as possible (with the exception of science mods ... I love me some science mods). Not highly realistic replicas, mind you, but replicas that try to capture some of the whimsy of Kerbal Space Program while using as few parts as necessary to suggest the real-life vessel. It's been a huge learning experience for me and a lot of fun, as I can now identify spacecraft on sight in movies or other media (my friends and family are less thrilled with this new geeky talent). Anyway, after sharing some of my creations for the weekly KSP Challenges I get the impression that others might like this style of spacecraft modeling too, so I'll start sharing some of my non-Challenge-related creations here. I hope you enjoy them! Launch Vehicles Kiwifruit (Electron replica) Ham NX (Haas 2CA replica)
  12. So after not playing KSP, I came back, and somehow got the motivation to actually make something. I've always liked the sleek looks of the SU-27 and its maneuverability. Now, I call what I've created a "semi-replica" because I didn't go over measurements and scale them, and the wings are a bit off, the top slope thing is a bit long, the landing gear configuration is wrong, but I think it looks close enough to warrant having the same name. It, just like its real life counterpart, is highly maneuverable with thrust vectoring engines ( I may or may not have abused cubic octagonal struts to put two on each side). However, sharp turns under 90 m/s can stall the plane. Stall recovery is simply, simply don't touch the controls, turn on the afterburners, and you'll be good. As the root part is actually a probe core as the cockpit is slanted, crew will not be automatically assigned. To have a cockpit view of the front, your pilot will need to be placed in the second cockpit appearing on the list. If you have two kerbals in the place, click IVA on the second kerbal from the left in the bottom right corner of the screen. Action group 1 for the afterburners. DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ldduz6ydu02h9l8/Su-27.craft?dl=0
  13. Hey, everyone, it's been quite a while since I posted a craft here, though as you have probably seen I have been working on some movie props (I really need a script writer). Anyway, I loved the look of the little Boeing XS-1 that got some media the other day. It's really hard to get the curved side square fuselage right but I gave it a shot. The payload can achieve orbit and the booster plane is landable. Though not both at the same time, because the plane never leaves the atmosphere. here is the clip of the planned XS-1 and then some pictures of mine. Edit: eh, it looks a lot rounder than what I remember oh well
  14. Hello fellow Kerbonauts today i want to show you guys my stock Formula One Car. I have found a couple of stock KSP F1 cars on the internet but i wasn't quit happy so i attempted to build one myself. This is what i came up with. My Car is a replica of the 2016 Mercedes Benz F1 Car which won the Drivers-and Constructors World Championsship with the drivers Rosberg (WDC) and Hamilton. My version is 5.9m long, 1.7m high and 2.6m wide. It has a docking port on the back end, so you can dock it to spaceshis. I tried to get it as close to the real W08 size as possible. It weights 3.699 tons. Thats actually a lot more than the original ). In the on KerbalX uploaded version i added a Mk1 Command Pod to the rear docking port, so the size and mass data looks different in the download version. Technically it has eight-wheel-drive. I added extra wheels to make them look thicker, and more F1-like. Electric Power is provided by a radioisotope generator (no solar panels). It has fuel celles, but only for optic purposes. The car has liquid fuel tanks but I left them empty for weight purposses. You can obviously fill them up and use the fuel sells too. It is the most stable an manouverable rover i have ever built in KSP (Eight Wheels i guess). The way the spoilers are addes i think it provides downforce too. It is safely drivable on the Mun also. Though, the spoilers obviously don’t provide any downforce there. If you wan to download it, heres a link:https://kerbalx.com/SpaceTrashCan/Formula-One-Car And here are some photos:
  15. Ayy!! Long time since I've been here! anyways, I've built 2 new aircraft, that have been through some extensive testing, and i'm ready to release them. Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_ZkNlM8j7rjcUpBVWZNOXY0MG8 4 engines CONTROL GROUPS 1. Flaps 2. Speed breaks (Have problems with direction of deployment) 3. reverse thrusters 9. toggle lights _______________________ 265 parts 162 tons 13.6m high 45.5m wide 49.1m long Embraer ERJ-145 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_ZkNlM8j7rjU0lOM2o2d1RVZ3M 1. Flaps 2. Speed breaks 3. Reverse thrusters ___________________ 106 parts 44 tons 4.8m high 20.2m wide 24.3m long Pics :
  16. Stock 1:1 F-14 Tomcat The F-14 Tomcat is one of the most iconic U.S. fighters, ranking along the P-51 Mustang, F-86 Sabre, and the F-4 Phantom in the lists of the greatest fighters of all time. Its wide versatility, immediately recognizable swing-wing, and appearance in Top Gun add to its appeal. In the air, the F-14 was a Mach 2.2, carrier based fighter-bomber designed with experience fighting MiGs in Vietnam. As a capable dogfighter, the F-14 earned 160 kills versus only 10 losses to enemy fire in the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s. And now, finally to you, so you can take the highway to the danger zone while reliving tales of aerial combat and trial by fire. This is a 1:1 scale replica of the F-14 Tomcat, complete with a pair of air-to-air missiles and swing wings. Controlling the wings is simple. Simple use action group 1 to toggle the wings forward, and action group 2 to toggle them backward. Note that you have to stage to release the wings first. Most of the time, the wings should snap into position by themselves, but sometimes you have to adjust the limit on the airbrakes manually in order to move the docking ports so that it docks. The F-14 can be flown without/halfway docked wings, but landing and time warp are discouraged. Takeoff is really simple. Pitch-up at 40m/s and it's off like a rocket. Landing is much harder. To land safely, come in really hot, at full throttle (non-afterburning), above 120m/s at a low glideslope. As soon as the wheels stick, kill the throttle and brake hard, and it comes to a stop quickly. Guide for Aerial Combat: Due to the magic of Target Hold on SAS, it is very easy to control a large number of craft in the air at the same time. When I was flying my dogfights, I had a single "lead" aircraft that each of the other craft were targeting. This made flying the entire swarm around very easy, once they made it into the air. Getting five planes airborne at the same time was a feat in and of itself. My method is extremely quick, and requires lining up aircraft slightly farther apart than their takeoff roll (this is extremely easy with the F-14s, which take off in under 200m). The intent is so that as soon as you lift off with one craft, you are passing over the next one in line (within 200m), so the entire chain takes off before the lead plane passes the end of the runway. From there, it is merely a matter of maintaining speeds (ideally, they should be equal, but 2-3m/s is excusable) so that one plane doesn't turn into a guided missile. From there, simply have the lead plane make a hard yaw to spread out the chase planes, and begin dogfighting. In order to fire the missiles, decouple them and select the target and the target hold on SAS. After you have done that, you can switch back to the F-14 and continue flying. The missiles are fire-and-forget, so multiple can be targeting a plane at the same time. This can lead to swarms of missiles chasing their target, as for what they lose in accuracy, they make up for in flight time. Often, unless the probe core is destroyed, they will follow their target all the way to the ground. I am also including the F-5 (or MiG-28, if that suits your fancy), as it has a very comparable top speed, and is armed with two unguided rockets. They can make excellent target dummies adversaries in dogfights. Download Links: F-14: https://kerbalx.com/servo/F-14-Tomcat F-5: https://kerbalx.com/servo/F-5-Freedom-Fighter I would like to give a massive thanks to the people upon whose shoulders this was built on, first and foremost @Torquimedes for his own amazing stock F-14, which inspired me to begin building swing-wing aircraft in the first place, and also to @Jon144 for designing the bearing which I ultimately used on the F-14 wings. Enjoy! -Servo
  17. So I made a replica of the Grumman F-14 Tomcat fighter jet, I call it the Kermman F-14 Tomcat. It's designed to be as realistically close in terms of specs and aesthetics, but its not 100% perfect and this is my 2nd try in making a replica of a fighter jet that actually looks somewhat like the original. Everything is functional, as well as the wings. Soon to be weaponized though. This is my first post in the forums, I hope I did everything correctly.
  18. Constellation Moon Mission Pack Initially worked on after I saw the Constellation Mission Packs Discussion Thread, I had neglected the project part way through, with the Ares I and Ares V mostly completed (if I recall correctly, it may have been to a bug). After almost two years, I've finished the once unfinished business—it's out! Ares I and Orion Ares V with Altair Going Home Now that you've seen the landing and take off, let's watch the kerbals get home! It should be noted that fuel reserves tend to be quite low at this point—be efficient with how the fuel is spent... DOWNLOADS Ares I and Orion Ares V and Altair If you've found any issues or if you have feedback on ships, feel free to note them in the comments, I'd be happy to fix it.
  19. Welcome to the official Ender Inc. Craft and Replica repository!! Here you will find every craft and replica I made Replica Crafts Fighter
  20. Been inactive for a while, and need to take a break from counter-strike due to a major slump, so i decided to fire up ksp for some craft building. Making it mostly with pwing, as i have done with my other crafts. Will update with more pics as i build. For now, the further down you scroll, the more progress will be seen. I'm going to update the OP with recent pics a bit later Can't get kerbpaint to work properly, some pwing elements can be colored, some can't, and some only get updated with new colours when coloring another part (mostly when i add paint to a stock piece), if anyone can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. Some additional angles and further progress: ------------------------------------------------------ OLD ------------------------------------------------------------ Decided the ejector seats (which actually work, just not right now because they get blocked by the dash, will fix though) didn't really look the part, so i modified them and replaced the existing ones. I do realise the upper seat part is slightly too long, but im going to focus on finishing the craft and deal with it later on, should be a pretty simple fix. Not really pleased with the way the turret section turned out, will smoothen and fix later on. It looks alot more 'blocky' than it actually is, the panels blend into each other in the screenshot. Some vent detail
  21. i did a thing and it's a cool thing. http://imgur.com/a/j6JEg Side note, how do i embed albums? If the demand is large enough i'll throw up a download, but it requires mods and i'm not %100 sure what all ones i used so i'd just be putting my gamedata folder out there for ya'll to use.
  22. okay ever since the launch of EFT-1 I have been obsessed with the Delta IV Heavy rocket I mean holly crape that rocket is AWESOME! I plan on build a 3.25 meter radius replica using rhinos and as soon as I build it I will post pictures (@Firemetal I want to see your replica)
  23. While I was playing darkorbit, I thought I can make the Goliath. Download link from KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/CCBs/Goliath-K2 And here is the result: and if you want here how I built it: Mods: B9 Aerospace - Legacy Parts Pack B9 Aerospace Parts Pack OPT Legacy Orbit Portal Technology [OPT] Spaceplane Parts Squad (stock) opt
  24. The Last of the Gunfighters, as it was known, the Crusader marked the end of an era for U.S. Fighter aircraft. It was the last fighter to use guns as weapon of choice, serving from 1957 until 1976 in the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps as a carrier-based supersonic fighter. The F-8, as it was later designated, served many roles during the Cold War. the RF-8 was a dedicated reconnaissance platform that captured important information during the Cuban Missile Crisis, while in Vietnam, F-8s served as carrier-based fighter-bombers. Now, the gunfighter is back in stock KSP. This model has a fully functioning variable incidence wing, actuated up and down by action groups. The wing can be raised 7 degrees for takeoff and landing, giving the Crusader superb STOL capabilities, plus excellent low and high-speed handling. True to the replica, the F-8 becomes tough to fly with the wing in cruise mode below a certain speed, requiring the wing to be raised for landing approaches. Once in the air, the Crusader is fairly nimble, and can break the speed of sound in level flight. Remarkably, it is also stable under high G-loads (tested up to 15) and at 4x time warp. Download Link: https://kerbalx.com/servo/Vought-F8U-Crusader Instructions for use:
  25. Hello ! So, a few days ago, I was in a French Air Force base for some reason, and near the entrance they had a few old birds, including a Mirage IV. And I thought "Hey, I like it ! I should make it in KSP" and after a bit of research I liked it even more, so I had to make a good replica of it. The Mirage IV (read 'four' of course, not 'I Vee') was a French nuclear bomber that entered in service in 1964. It was able to reach Mach 2.2, and was the first military aircraft to include partial fly-by-wire controls. It was, until 1988, the only aircraft in the French Air Force capable of delivering the nuke. Then in 1988 it was slowly replaced by the new and modern Mirage 2000-N, and they were completely retired of nuclear service in 1996. Starting in 1974, they started using it as a recon aircraft too (kinda like a smaller, frenchier, slower and not stealth Blackbird. Actually it's not that close to a Blackbird), replacing the nuclear ordinance with a recon pod. These 'Recon' Mirage IV's were used until 2005, when they were finally retired from service. For economic (and international peace) reasons, I could not equip it with weapons systems and a big ol' nuke. If you want that, get BDArmory. You will only need TweakScale to use this craft. Now that this is said, specs ! Imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/nVvV6 My Mirage IV can reach speeds of up to 840m/s (Mach 2.5) at high altitudes, even with external tanks. It is rather easy to fly, but tends to pitch down without SAS. I recommend Atmosphere Autopilot for excellent flight stability, fly-by-wire and a lot of cool stuff (trust me, once you use it, you can't fly without it). You can toggle afterburners with action group 1. For takeoff, afterburners, full throttle, and start pulling up at ~100m/s. Congratulations ! You are now flying. If you really want to give it a try, you can download it on KerbalX. Don't forget TweakScale if you don't already have it ! Hope you enjoy it ! Feedback would be appreciated ^^
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