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  1. This Contract....it now took me 1 hour to almost perfectly align my satellite orbit to this contract..but: +-10.000m on a 15 Million Kilometer Orbit... is this game serious? This isnt enough??? Any help? Is this really that absurd, that orbits have to perfectly align, at this orbital speed, where 0.1 m/s makes 10.000m Orbital difference? Holy. Im in career mode and need that money from that contract :/
  2. This isn't quite a rocket exchange thread, so I think this fits in more here. Looking for some inspiration on communication satellite carriers. I like having junior docking pockets on my satellites, so at later times, I can fly out to them and refuel and/or greatly change their orbits at need. Especially useful with some contracts stating an existing satellite needs it's orbit altered. Or you're just docking an upgrade to it, expanding it's capabilities. But that docking port usage tends to mean my generally sleek rockets have these ugly, lumpy sticks extruded at somewhat random intervals and I just can't seem to design something that does the job, without looking like my satellite emplacers have cancerous tumors. Note, I also usually play with RemoteTech mod, although sometimes I turn that off, so Im looking for inspiration on manned carriers, or something I can modify into manned.
  3. The name Heimdallr came from the Norse Mythology. Who is the god that can see everything. Craft files download and mod list on the botton. (On my potato notebook, so no good graphics) Heimdallr is equiped with 5 scan instruments: - SCAN SAR Altimeter Sensor [High precision altitude maping] - Multi-Spectral Imaging Plataform [For surface and compositon analysis] - Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons [Search for hydrogen molecules; specifically searching for water] - CA-SCB01 Torekka Science Boom [Cameras(wide and narrow fields of view), infrared and ultraviolet spectometer] - RPWS Antenna [Eletrostatic and eletromagnetic fields measurments] The satellite maps the planet so you can know everything about it, plan where to land a rover or where to build a base. Downloads[Dropbox]: Just the Satellite Satellite with fairing Satellite with my LS (Kerbin Low-High Orbit) Mods list (and mod version - used are highlighted in green): Toolbar - 1.7.12 B9 Part Switch - 1.3 Community Resource Pack - 0.5.2 DMagic Orbital Science - 1.3 Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.1 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.7 KSP-AVC Plugin - KWRocketryRedux - 3.0.10 NearFutureConstruction - 0.6.3 NearFutureElectrical - 0.7.4 NearFuturePropulsion - 0.7.2 NearFutureSolar - 0.6.1 NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.5 RealPlume - Stock - 0.10.7 SCANsat - SpaceY Lifters - 1.13 Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.6.3
  4. Hi, guys! I simply love KSP! I already read many things here, but i can't find a good answer to position a satellite. That is my first post around here. I have this contract, that I must position a satellite in a geostationary orbit around Duna "in line sight x". I can't find a good tutorial or calculator to do this. The orbit is quite simple to achieve, but I must do in a way that when the probe arrives at the apoapsis (in a Hohmann transfer) it must be at the line of sight. That is my problem. I know that should have a balance between the orbit radius and the "ejection angle". I found tutorials to do this in Kerbin, but i'm quite curious with anything and/or the mathematics. In my example, i'm at 238km and should go to 2880km. I don't know how to calculate where my relative angle to the sight area burning. Any one could please help? ps - without mods, pls
  5. I have my first contract to put a satellite in orbit in this game, I've done it a bunch in other saves. The contract is for an equatorial orbit around Kerbin, inclination of zero. That means the ascending and descending nodes are undefined. On the contract notes when in space, it says "Longitude of Ascending Node: Undefined" (correct) and "Argument of Periapsis: Nan degrees." And the orbit isn't drawn on the HUD. Is this a known issue with ? My ap and pe are different (14km and 12km), and I don't know where to put them.
  6. So I installed the RemoteTech mod and started doing the satellite omni network tutorial here: http://remotetechnologiesgroup.github.io/RemoteTech/tutorials/c16network/ Then I ran into this bug while trying to set the orbital periods: The omni network tutorial I linked above states that the satellites' orbital periods have to be quite exactly synchronized. I'm totally new to this mod and therefore I have to ask if it's still possible to sync these satellites' orbital period so that they don't drift out of contact even with the decay bug present? Or am I just wasting my time with this for now? I'm thinking of doing the savegame editing that's explained in the bottom of the tutorial, so that their orbits decay at the same rate. I read somewhere that the decay was dependent on part count or craft mass somehow. Therefore I assume this should work assuming that the satellites are identical?
  7. http://www.jhuapl.edu/newscenter/pressreleases/2016/160519.asp
  8. *** Recommended: BDA to function as intended Trajectories for easier orbital aiming *** Guys look! I made a video for it! Download this gloriousness from here CurseForge or SpaceDock (^Will be updated more often here^) What is planned? Why? Wanna see it? Thanks to Mr. Manley for being awesome and playing with this mod back when it was in its "hay-day"(?) and was actually maintained by the original dev. lol Log
  9. Hi guys, I've read a few posts regarding this subject, however I've failed to understand them. First. I'll explain what I am trying to do and why. I am using antenna range in lieu of the 1.2 KSP update which is alleged to add something similar. I currently have a probe landed on Minmus that loses connection when it cannot "see' Kerbin. I wish to place three satellites in an equilateral triangle formation which should be able to provide a constant connection. I have worked out that the minimum altitude required for this is 60km with 120 degrees of separation. I plan to put the satellites into a higher orbit than this to provide additional clearance for the signal from the surface of Minmus, I believe a higher altitude also provides longevity in terms of resonance between the three satellites. The three satellites are currently attached to a single vessel which is in an orbit of (or about to be in an orbit of) 60km x 20km. I understand the first satellite can deploy and burn prograde to 60 x 60 at any time. My questions are; What is "resonance" anyway? How do I work it out/alter resonance characteristics? And how do I work out when to deploy the second and third satellites from their given orbit into the desired orbit? I hope this all makes sense and my objectives are clear. I'm not an uneducated individual, however my maths skills are pretty poor, so terminology may need to be explained - though I did manage to workout the height of the orbit by simply constructing an equilateral triangle within a circle/orbit which is twice the radius of the given body (Minmus R = 60km. 2R = 120km. Altitude = 60km). Though please correct me if I have misunderstood this method. Thanks everyone!
  10. RELEASED! A new thread will soon be up in the released forum, but you can allready download the mod at SpaceDock: DOWNLOAD :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: First in line to be introduced we have the very first step in the K-Sat series: Pzl-BB 888. It's intended to be more of a DIY probe, with more flexibility but less integrated parts. As far as antennas go, it only features an always-on launch omni (500km) but it still provides a small battery bank and a trickle of power using a miniscule nuclear generator. The most interesting part of the design is without a doubt the fact that it is hollowed out, making it possible to place the fuel tank inside the probe, keeping the spherical shape of the probe intact. It is also the only probe core in the series that allows surface attachment, and it has it's own dedicated support pylon available, giving it lots of options for bringing scientific equipment along for the ride. To further help with that last part, I've also made an inline part containing all four basic enviromental experiments: Temp, Pressure, Grav and Acc. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: This probe is called PzL-LO 242 and it's the first of the LO models. It lacks a dedicated dish, but more than makes up for that with a powerful omni (5Mn). I carries 500 units of electrical charge in it's integrated battery bank, and a small nuclear generator provides 0.3e/s, slightly more than the BB 888. During this test flight we also attached our latest stand-alone battery bank, the EC-500, capable of storing 500 units of charge. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The next step up from the 242 is the PzL-LO 1138. It comes with a 2.5Mn omni and a 50Mn dish with a standard 45 degree cone. It carries 600 units of electrical charge and provides 0.4e/s using a slightly beefed up version of the K-Sat integrated nuclear generator. Provided that at least one solar panel is included, the power will last through Kerbins darkness time at altitudes of up to 1,500,000 meters. Also presented below is the K-Sat Fuel Tank A. It's half a meter tall (10 centimeters taller than the Oscar) and carries 27/33 units of fuel. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The last step in the LO series is the PzL-LO 1142. It comes pre-packaged with a medium ranged omni (3Mn) and a dish capable of reaching Kerbin from the edge of the planets SOI (80Mn). It is also by far the most capable model in the series as far as power production goes, with 0.5e/s produced and 700 units of charge stored in the internal battery banks, making it possible to operate trhoughout the darkness time at a keosynchronous orbit. We also get a look at the all-purpose structural girder, K-Sat Structural Support A, with cross-feed for fuel and... not much else. It's there to glue stuff to. Lastly, we have the first stand-alone dish, the K-Sat COM-D1, an interesting dish with a very specific purpose. It's limited range (15Mn) and an unusually narrow cone of angle (12.5 degrees) makes it more or less useless for all other tasks other than communication with The Mün, but the upside is that it requires much less electricity to run than most other dishes, and on top of that it has it's own small battery bank. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: K-Sat LFE-808 "Bolt" is PanzarLabs in-house engine. It's designed specifically with satellites in mind, and as such it is almost useless in atmospheric flight, but has a very good Isp in vacuum. The trust is slightly lower than that of the "Spark" engine, but the Isp makes up for it and then some. It comes with custom made engine FXs and heat emission. The actual values are subject to change as I'm still balance testing it, but right now it has an atmospheric Isp of 110 and a vacuum Isp of 340, with a maximum thrust of 14.
  11. I just took my first "build a satellite and put into X orbit" contract, and found myself completely lost. I get that the map shows you the circle it should be in when your done, but I have no idea of how to get there. Right now, after a bit of testing, I think I should: Burn to get my current AP to match the contract's orbits PE. Change inclination to the specified one (maybe on the way to AP (which will be PE)?) Burn to switch current AP to match the contract's orbits AP. This would leave my old AP as the new PE Is this at all right? If there are any tutorials you know of, please point me at them. The Tutorial Library here did not seem to have any. (I don't want to watch a 30 min video though, too boring ) P.S: I am VERY interested in using MechJeb to assist me, I just couldn't figure out how. Thanks for your time
  12. I made a craft that can send a satellite to orbit with only sepratrons! https://kerbalx.com/He_162/STO I also made a version that can take a kerbal up! Sadly, not down, that would require 200 more sepratrons at least. DOWNLOAD SOON
  13. I launched the pre assembled stock satellite launcher.
  14. I took a contract to launch a keosynchronous satellite and one of the conditions is that I must put it in orbit in such a way that it maintains a line of sight to "Site XM-3D". Exactly how does one fulfill that?? I have the satellite in orbit and as far as I can tell it has a clear line of sight but the condition won't complete
  15. For people who are unaware, the Pentagon currently uses its own satellite communications system, the WGS (Wideband Global Satcom) for remote communications. However, the DOD is considering ending that program, instead using commercial satellite communications systems to do so- their budget is limited, and bandwidth demand is increasing. Though commercial comsats seem like a good way to do extend capabilities for lower cost, (not to mention increase redundancy) and studies to do so have been made, but the process has been going very slowly so far. Obviously, there are people against this, but some believe that commercial comsats cannot deliver for specialized DOD needs. There is also the possibility that such a system would undermine the security of a currently very secretive system (something the DOD wants, for the obvious reasons that they are a military service, and communications are essential).
  16. Hello fellow Kerbals . I've got a problem with my recently launched satellite! Shortly after reaching a stable orbit it went dead and I can't control it any more, I've got electricharge remaining as well as solar panels. The only mod I've got installed is Advanced-Fly-By-Wire. The satellite is controlled by a Probodobodyne OKTO for remote control and Mk1 command pod! I'm wondering if these two are causing some kind of conflict for reasons unknown. (maybe I should check the atmospheric pressure :O) As mentioned before there is electricharge left on the onboard rechargeable batteries and command pod - The Probodobodyne OKTO is left with 0 electricharge though, although the info-window (when right click on part) says it is operational. Further the darn thing is placed right on top of the battery so I'm sure the connnections are in order Do anyone have an idea why my satellite suddenly went dead?
  17. I’m trying to build a launcher with a huge cargo bay that can carry and launch multiple satellites or other craft. For example, I could load up three science probes to boost to Kerbin orbit, then detach/undock each one in turn and boost them out to their destinations. (Or use the Burn Together mod to boost them as a fleet to one destination, whichever.) The thing is, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this in the VAB. I can build the probes, and I can build the Great Big Cargo Bay Launcher (GBCBL), but I can’t figure out how to attach the probes to the booster. I’ve read various posts about multiprobe launchers, but none I’ve found have actually explained how it’s done, short of building a series of probes in serial and then building a booster underneath them. I’m after something a little more modular, so I can design each probe separately and save (or subassembly) them, then add the ones I want to my GBCBL. So far, nothing I do allows me to attach the probes to the GBCBL, whether I try to use stack separators or docking ports to make it happen, except that I can sometimes attach the probe core to a docking port—leaving everything on top of the probe core clipped into the GBCBL’s body, which I definitely don’t want. So: is there a tutorial that goes through how to do this, step by step, with clear pictures and simple words? Recent is preferred, but as long as whatever the tutorial describes works in 1.0.5, I’m fine with it. Oh, and I’d greatly prefer the solution to be stock-compatible, but I’ll consider installing mods to make this work if there’s no other sane alternative. Is the root tool somehow the answer, and if so, how? I appreciate any help!
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