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Anti-grav rover?

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I just delivered this mega-rover via EL to my Mun base, among many things it has a K&K recycler on the back, attached to a K&K smelter. So I was driving it around, finally able to clean up the base from all the debris of a bunch of deliveries, when I stuffed in a 2.5m stack decoupler. As is often the case with something that big, it decided to explode instead of being scrapped, and my 30 ton rover jumped, seen that on explosions before, no biggy.

But then I noticed the rover didn't seem to be coming down. Valentina the pilot is missing, and although the cockpit RCS thrusters and the SAS wheel seem to be trying, it doesn't respond at all, just keeps drifting on a very-slowly tumbling trajectory. Oddly I could retract the ladders and extend the solar panels though.

The video below starts a bit post facto, but it took me a few seconds to notice something was amiss. I reloaded a save so no big deal, Just wondering if this one has been seen before.


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17 hours ago, Jas0n said:

Did you by chance turn on hack gravity in the debug menu? If not then I have no clue, other than aliens :P


Nope, sequence was Mitdin Kerman stuffs (or tries to) a 2.5m decoupler into the recycler, boom, rover jumps and.... just keeps going, at .2m/sec with a very slow roll.  As you see everything seemed to work, but nothing affected the new and scientifically unique trajectory it was on.

If you watch to the end of the video I have it saved with it floating off, if anyone at Squad is interested in looking at it please let me know.

9 hours ago, Just Jim said:

Wow... this is a bug I haven't seen before...

BTW, nice mega-rover design!!!  :wink:

Thanks :) Goal was to make something that drove very well, had tons of space, and was basically impossible to flip over.  Or put a better way, why settle for half or even full measures when massive overkill is perfectly legal. It's basically an Octo-Girder Modular Truss for the front "fuselage" with the top of the T being a Spinal Modular Truss. Provides massive amounts of room, is light and strong, and sets the rear wheels so far outside the CG that you can't even make the wheels lift in a turn - on Kerbin you can do a quite tight max turn at 30m/s and I noodled around with the front wheel geometry until it turns equally well at 1m/s. Procedural wings for panels, full science suite for road trips, MJ and BV modules. It'd work just as well with Drill-O-Matics and an ISRU for fuel.

Oh, but I had to hack the KF wheels. This did not make sense to me, that a wheel half the size of these with much lighter structure was twice as strong:


And my wheels kept breaking, so I changed the "Medium" wheels to have the same load-bearing capability as the single truck wheels.

And then I decided to try some serious jumps to see just how much it could take. Skip ahead to 1:20 or so if you're not interested in a how effectively a high-speed hovercraft moves over the Mun's surface. And then to 4:30 or so to see the jump out of the crater.



Edited by vossiewulf
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28 minutes ago, vossiewulf said:

And then I decided to try some serious jumps to see just how much it could take. Skip ahead to 1:20 or so if you're not interested in a how effectively a high-speed hovercraft moves over the Mun's surface. And then to 4:30 or so to see the jump out of the crater.

Nice! :cool: 

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