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Time for a serious science program on Laythe!

It strikes me that flying fully-reusable planes that take a few years to get to their destination is a bit silly: by the time your plane gets home, all its parts will be obsolete. Still, it's interesting to see how small a plane you can make: this thing is just 220 parts with a big payload.

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That is awesome. What mod is those greenhouses?

It's Lack Luster Labs, it an awesome mod if you like boxy stuff. Currently the greenhouse from the mod doesn't do anything so I modified to make some stuff.

In the mean time, it's time to populate the station!

Come on guys, it'll be fun!


Precise docking.



Inspecting the connection. All good.


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My Kerbal engineers set to the task of reducing the weight and size of a rocket-powered four-wheel-rover by half. The result was this...


Oh, I see Emmergency Rescue Donut :)

Nice bike here. Now stable and controllable it is? Ho easy to turn it? At which speed when you turn it start to scratch ground and disinegrates?

I've built two-wheeled rover too, but it looked more like Segway than like motorcycle.


Edited by koshelenkovv
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My quest to conquer Eve; it has begun...


The Kerbin ascent test has proven successful. In fact, the vehicle made Mun orbit, then de-orbited onto Mun before crashing due to misjudging the time needed to slow down.



(Those four outer engines ran out on the Mun descent, ultimately resulting in the crash as the small central engine couldn't slow the vehicle down enough).

The next test is to be on Eve itself. Only that will suffice to truly determine the ability of the vehicle.

Meanwhile, on Eve, my rover will attempt to find a good landing site. Attempt. I may have to send more rovers to scout the land out:


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