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The Clones of Bill Jeb and Bob (What should I do?)


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Okay, I already have Bill, Jebediah, and Bob up in orbit in our space station. But I'm launching a new rocket, so why are they ALSO in my current rocket launch? Do I need to get them killed to have any new astronauts at all? >.>

Edited by sadron
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If the ship has docking ports, dock it to the space station. The evil doppelgangers will try to overpower the real Jeb, Bill and Bob in a knife fight, but the good guys will win, because Good Always Prevails.

Alright, the "evil-clone-knife-fight" bit is some artistic license on my part, but putting two of the same kerbalnaut on the same ship seems to cause one of the duplicates to vanish, since there's technically only one in the actual persistence file; he's just showing up in two places at a time. At least, I think that's how it works.

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If you try to put them on the same vessel, sometimes the doppelgängers will "merge" and become one. Sometimes they both vanish altogether, though. It may be a Kerbal/Anti-Kerbal thing.

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Either that or the four will meet, come into physical contact, and the resultant explosion would wipe the station out of space.

Ah. That would explain my second space station.

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Funny thing is, I think you posted just a second before I did, and we were following the same logic. I'm concerned for you.

Nah, great minds and all that. Right?

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They can teleport between nearby craft too. Landed a craft with Corald next to another craft with his clone and he vanished from the first craft and was present in the other. I tried to go IVA and cycle throu the crew on the first craft and the camera went crazy and then I got this;


the main command pod became see-throu, quite cool, but wtf!

tbh I really hope they don't fix this bug anytime soon. I have plans for the clones, and a short KSP film idea around it if I have the time.

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This is a bug actually, KSP should not reselect in-use or dead Kerbals, but sometimes does :)

I killed Bill, Bob, and Jeb in one of my first rocket launches (the Blocky rocket). The later re-appeared in one of my launches of my Super Engine rocket. I killed them again. ;.;

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I love this thread. I've had this problem, too. Although I took the "Double the Jeb, Double the Awesome" mindset. Until I docked at my station the first three were inhabiting with a ship carrying the other three and they ALL disappeared. Now, I subscribe to the Kerbal/Anti-Kerbal theory of mutual annihilation.

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This is a bug actually, KSP should not reselect in-use or dead Kerbals, but sometimes does :)

I really REALLY hope they don't change this bug, at least still make it sometimes possible to have identical Kerbals. I just love the thought that they come into some kind of quantum conundrum when they meet and their existence cancels each other out.. It's just so...Right...

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Well I did the most practical thing, and killed them, I now thankfully have 3 new kerbanauts while the original Bill, Jebediah and Bob are safely still on board the Kerbal Space Station - Alpha

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