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Things you can do in KSP that no real space program would be stupid enough to try . .


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A manned Grand Tour. No space agency would ever consider doing something this dumb, no matter how many fuel stations they'd placed around the system.


Honorable mention: a mission aiming at our moon, but which can't get the angle right for a transfer orbit, so the astronaut decides "meh, I'm going to Mars instead". (Aimed for Minmus, but Mun kept getting in the way, so I decided to go for Ike instead, then screwed up THAT orbit and ended up landing on Duna and barely returning.)

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Taken from the flight recorder of last night's mission:

Bill: "Well, after de-orbiting Explorer 1, I was able to transfer the rest of the fuel to our own tanks."

"So, we have plenty of fuel for our de-orbit burn"

Bob: "Jeb, why are you burning for Minmus?"

Jeb: "Taking the scenic route down."

Bill: "Via Minmus?!?"

Jeb: "You just said we got the fuel."

Bob: "Via Minmus?!?"

Jeb: "With a return slingshot around Mun too. At a 7km periapsis."

Irony: They're now stuck in an eccentric orbit around Kerbal without enough fuel to return to Low Kerbin Orbit. I'm going to try to aero-braking straight into the return tonight.

With Deadly Re-entry mod.

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An manned grand tour in an ship who can mine fuel makes a bit sense actually if you don't have to wait forever for an Jool to Eeloo transfer.

An grand tour without refueling does not.

Neither does this for interplanetary trips:


However the go to Duna instead of Minmus wins,

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"We have taken some early steps into investigating the mission requirements to rescue the kerbanauts stranded on Duna. However that seemed kind of boring so instead we built this giant rocket that we're going to fire directly into the sun.....cool huh?"

"What about the stranded kerbanauts?"

"I'm sure they'll be fine. Now if you look closely, we've put like 20 engines on this new rocket. It's going to be so awesome when it launches."

"Are you sure this is the best method of utilising government funding?"

"Your mother is the best method of utilising government funding!"

"Ex...excuse me?"

"This interview is over!"

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"They're stuck on Eve."

"No they're not."


"They set up a permanent base, that was totally the mission goal"

"I thought..."

"You think too much."

"...Yes, sir..."

Meanwhile on Eve

"Uhhh...what do you mean we're staying?"

Edited by Rage097
Forgot quotation mark. OCD
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