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Martians on Earth


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Let's say we have a humanoid Martian on Earth's surface. It gets crushed, and its body overheats.

Now, we want to make a suit that will let that martian survive on Earth. But what kind of suit could do that?

Martian dependencies:

Atmospheric pressure: 0 atm minimum, 0.1 atm max, 40 atm (adapted)

Temperature: -260F minimum, 43F max

Gravity: 0g minimum, 0.50g max

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It could lay down on its back in a pressurized pod with wheels and Robotic arms and a video screen above its head so it can see the surroundings.Thats my best bet.

Alternatively we can place it in a low pressure diving suit (like 1of6billion suggested) but in an aquatic habitat so that the water can offset gravity.

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Is there a reason we couldn't base the system off SCUBA gear & deep diving techniques. Liquid environment would provide buoyancy (offsetting gravity) plus cooling, whilst as long as the pressure is raised slowly as in a compression chamber for deep diving there's no reason that they couldn't function at 1 atmosphere ambient pressure. Humans can push past 30 atmospheres before needing to look in the direction of a hardsuit.

Though I'd suggest that if something is killed by 1g of acceleration then it's not going to survive reentry to be on Earth in the first place ;)

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Though I'd suggest that if something is killed by 1g of acceleration then it's not going to survive reentry to be on Earth in the first place ;)

Let alone take of from Mars in any reasonable fashion?

I think you found the loophole in this! :D

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Well, it wouldn't be impossible to think that their heart or cardio-vascular system in general wouldn't be strong enough to counter gravity. They might not even be capable of standing for any period of time past a few minutes without passing out, never mind them standing up too fast.

Most other issues can probably be solved with an ex-skeleton/suit, but if you can't even stand vertically without blood continuously draining from your head, there probably won't be anything that can be done to help.

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Most other issues can probably be solved with an ex-skeleton/suit, but if you can't even stand vertically without blood continuously draining from your head, there probably won't be anything that can be done to help.

Hmmm - possible solution to that being a set of mechanical counterpressure trousers? Works for fighter pilots :P

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I guess something like a deep sea diving suit. Enough room for a vacuum installation and cooling equipment.Can't do much about the gravity. But I'd assume a Martian could adapt to the difference of gravity between Mars and Earth.JIMsuit.jpg

I..I am sssso s-scared!

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Hmmm - possible solution to that being a set of mechanical counterpressure trousers? Works for fighter pilots :P

Those don't necessarily help to push the blood up. Plenty of pilots go without and rely on clenching which actively forces the blood up. The worse they do though is force blood to pool in the stomach rather than the legs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, what if the martian didn't use / need blood? (it's a radiovore, so...)

Or could survive / adapt to / stand in environments of 5 g's for atleast 1 hour? (on Mars, this strength is to take advantage of the low gravity and jump to really high ledges.)

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I guess something like a deep sea diving suit. Enough room for a vacuum installation and cooling equipment.Can't do much about the gravity. But I'd assume a Martian could adapt to the difference of gravity between Mars and Earth .http://www.history.navy.mil/museums/keyport/SkinThey'reIn/Photos/JIMsuit.jpg

Two diferences, you don't need a so strong suit as it only have to resist 1 bar, suit don't have to be totaly rigid either, so you can use fabric for joints as long as you have some bracing to keep it out.

However it need to be powered like power armor because of gravity, diving and space suit don't have the gravity problems.

Gravity on the astronaut would not be an huge problem he would have multiple points of contact, think harness around body to take weight of legs, something inflatable would also work as a g-suit.

Cooling might be an issue, however an refrigerator should work, litle problem getting rid of heat from this and the power system on earth.

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One other design direction to consider is a pressurized reclining powered wheelchair.

By keeping the Martian only partly upright it is easier to pump blood up to the head and there is less strain on the bones.

Something much more like a mini rover than a spacesuit.

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  • 2 months later...

Must i mention once more that martian's don't USE blood? They "recharge" themselves by standing near a radiation source and absorbing it into their entire body's volume. They only need to do this once every day. (The're battery sponges.)

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Iron-Man-style powered suit for the gravity issue. I also recommend he visit the gym frequently and bulk up before flying over.

Regarding temperature, the suit should keep him safe from excessive sunlight. I suggest sunglasses.

The thing doesn't have to be a full spacesuit, mind. Something like a scuba suit plus robotic actuators to assist in standing up should be fine. Humans have little trouble withstanding high pressures when diving, so I imagine the Martian should be okay in one atmosphere.

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