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Fun Facts


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Quasi moon? :huh:

According to XKCD, if you press the first link in Wikipedia that is not Bolded, Italicized, or in Paren's, you will always end up at philosophy. But that is not true. There is a providence in India that links to a town, and visa versa. See if you can find it!

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I'm not sure if it's a fact. How would adding many numbers together get a negative fraction? If it is though, that's cool.

Fun fact: Putting a nail gun up against your screen and pulling the trigger a few times will break your screen.

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That is very true and a not so fun fact to realize too late.

(that sum is in fact true and it can be shown. It is also true that it is being used in physics. What's more, all the facts I have posted, how weird they might sound, are indeed facts :))

Fun fact: There is more than one set of rules in maths and if you follow some basic rules of logic, you can pretty much come up with your own set of rules that are as valid as any other accepted set of rules.

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Is that a probable fact?

Fact: Pants were invented by sailors in the sixteenth century to avoid Poseidon's wrath. It was believed that the sight of naked sailors angered the sea god.

(The pants wearing people from around the 6th century BC would like to say something about that.)

Huh, that's new *snip*

(That's how we got non-Euclidean geometry, by renouncing Euclid's 5th axiom about parallell lines)

Fun fact: The word 'factoid' originally meant an unsubstantiated or false statement believed to be true only because it's been repeated many times. It later got a secondary meaning of being a trivial fact which indicates the meaning of the word factoid has become a factoid.

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Fun fact:

The longest word in use is 189,819 characters long. Albeit a scientific word, and it's validity is in dispute. It is the chemical name of titin, the largest known protein.

The 45-letter word pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest English word that appears in a major dictionary.

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