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Everything posted by Frank_G

  1. Maybe SpaceX has a big KSP Logo on the side of the rocket Would be... taking deep breath... soooo cool. And a well deserved reward for the developers.
  2. 12 vertical could not be Gagarin... it should be related to ESA: Galileo 20 may be YANG
  3. With fun and moar boosters, as usual I will add SCANsat and RasterPropMonitors as Mods, as they give me that extra bit of spice i like. However, i will take a look at the vanilla 1.0 version first.
  4. Thank you, Sir I recently took a little break playing KSP and wandered over to roam space in Elite: Dangerous, because i felt a little burned out, concerning good ideas about what to build next and how. But i will get back to KSP as soon as 1.0 is released. I am really looking forward to add some nice functions to my existing craft using the new fairings and other parts. There are already some nice ideas forming up... Sometimes a little break is all you need. In the meantime i keep an eye on the forums from time to time (still every day, to be honest... this game is simply awesome). Can´t really wait for 1.0 now...
  5. The claw only works with craft and asteroids. No chance to grab landscape.
  6. Thats what i do. Quite expensive to change your Duna ground base crew on a regular basis in career mode. It makes the game more fun and challenging, but it doesnt need a game mechanic in my opinion. Being forced to do things isnt the way KSP works. And i have always two complete lightly experienced crews standing by.
  7. Those IVAs are really something. Glad you help out, because these were seriously needed. Well done
  8. The current content of the game and the stuff you will throw in it with 1.0 will be a pretty solid base to continue development. In my opinion it is the time to focus on the detail. Get everything shaped, polished and tuned, fix the issues that are currently known and then put a nice clean release on the market. The magic 1.0 (being actually nothing special, considering the way KSP went so far... all releases were really awesome) will surely attract a lot of players, giving the project some good cash to continue. And as you say the game is now feature complete, it is the best time to deliver and then continue with all new shiny explosive thingies to stick to rockets n´ stuff. Edit: I´d really love to see fairings, resources and new aerodynamics with 1.0 - just to clarify
  9. A long time since i posted here in this thread... actually a long time (almost 5 weeks) that i didn´t touch KSP. I seriously needed to take a pause from orbital mechanics and ship construction... currently i am waiting for the launch of the mac beta of Elite: Dangerous... to shorten the time... well, i fired up KSP again and did something to sweeten up the time until it arrives. And here´s the result... a Kidewinder... or a Kobra... make it what you want... it looks Elite though Enjoy.
  10. Hello and welcome to the forums, elMestre! You have chosen to come to a real nice place on the web, so i am sure, you will find some friends and fellow kerbonauts here soon. Your picture looks quite nice. If you did all that in vanilla on hard campaign, you have done some pretty big steps already. So, keep them pictures coming and enjoy your stay. Godspeed, commander!
  11. Godspeed, Starwhip! Take care and don´t try exploding in RL. Be seeing you
  12. Everything that explodes flies...
  13. Squad is a small team and they have very much to do. 1.0 is the most content intensive update so far, so i can understand the situation. If MaxMaps is buried in work or too busy with keeping his schedule, it just is a polite and respectful gesture to wait in patience. And i will do so. Maybe they can give us a new screeny or two in the nex DevNote Tuesday. That would return faith and satisfaction i guess
  14. It proofed much use when exploring Duna. I had a permanent refueling base installed on the surface that provided fuel for the various craft on the surface. I was able to perform suborbital hops to places far from the base with all the option to either return or to ascend to the orbital station at will. This will have a massive impact on stock gaming.
  15. I hate kerbals being green... that is unrealistic. Ask Bruce Banner.
  16. I simply cannot vote here. To me its all of the above in all of it excellency.
  17. A lot of complaining about the eyelashes here. I personally like them, but i think a similar effect could be achieved when darkening the area above the eye with a darker green. Would be worth a try to make her even more kerbal. (To me she is a kerbal for sure right now).
  18. Welcome to the forums Soheil! Nice subdivision mesh there. I am eager to see some more of your talent. Give us some rockets
  19. Just beautiful. The game was really missing such gear variety. Can´t wait to get my fingers on these beauties.
  20. Yes, but those green guys really add some life to the game. But i bet replacing them with cartoony astronauts would have had a similar impact.
  21. I would like a DLC focused on discovery (telescopes and satellite stuff to find new planets, probably new systems) and the parts you need to get there. I would also pay for a new set of parts, science equipment and mission that would bring more depth to space stations and ground bases. I see a lot of people lamenting about a paid DLC... from my point of view, i gave 20 bucks to a handful of people and they worked about 3 years to get me entertained... who the hell would care about giving another 10 bucks to them? Even if i dont get anything for it?
  22. I clipped together a capsule, a chute, an engine and a tank, took to to the launch pad, hit space... and watched the parachute partially deploy...
  23. Welcome to the forums. Nice to have you on board, Katie! Be seeing you in orbit. Godspeed!
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