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Everything posted by Frank_G

  1. Well, i did nothing yesterday and i wont today... I am at the amphi festival in cologne over the weekend, for some nice hard industrial and ebm music... Watched the mexican band Hocico yesterday as well as bands from canada, usa, belgium, england, france and germany of course. I am back in ksp business tomorrow... Already have some ideas for my new tylo lander...
  2. As much as needed, as less as possible, when a specific task is planned. When doing large scale missions like the Jool Grand Tour i pack some reserves for sure, as you never know... In general i like to achieve my goals with as much optimization as possible. Especially since i started first contract career mode.
  3. And just to mention... Kerbals without helmets in a space scene... Com'on... Thats not Squad... [edit] @ r_rolo1 - it is known that the intro scene is not in the game universe. It is a separate scene with no relations to the actual planet positions. However i like your explaination [edit2] The size of the kerbals in comparison to the capsule is wrong too. The shovel in the second picture has no shadow. I dont believe this. Proof me wrong!
  4. Hmmm... When looking at the rock in the front left and the new props i still see lighting inconsistancies here... The shadow of the front left rock is projected to the right, while the kerbal and shovel shadows are going to the left. If it would be a distant light source, shadows would go in the same direction. If it would be a centered point light, shadows would go away from the center of the screen, not inward... 2 solutions... 1) Crappy placed multi light sources in the scene, affecting different object layers (not the usual Squad style) or 2) fake...
  5. Is that the Spathi Eluder from Star Control 2?? Man i loved this game back then.... [edit] well now that i looked at the written link, it seems obvious that it is
  6. Firefly is a great series . Maybe i should try to build the Dortmunder as some sort of space station, with all those spaceplanes on the lower hull...
  7. Since i joined this forum it became part of the game for me. And its a nice place to be, talk and look around. So, welcome on board
  8. I like the contract system a lot, but playing right through it? I dont see fun there. Contracts are some spices added to your regular KSP adventures. F.e. when you want a mapping satellite around Duna, look for contracts around Duna, so you can get something besides the science and the map. I like to lead a space agency, construct, test, explore, proof... and i like doing it more, with some opportunity and reward in for me and my future plans. Dont be a slave of game mechanics. This isnt Diablo.
  9. Talking of KurtJMac... He recently postet an old intro video of his KSP series, no comments made. I bet, there are things on the move behind the scene. If you havent watched his 103 part KSP series, its worth the time. Fun pure. Hopefully there is stuff to come.
  10. There are specific values you can reach in one science field. If you transmit some, your kerbals will retrieve less when going there. And you cant transmit data above a certain limit. You must send kerbals there to get the rest.
  11. Well besides building more efficient now... the new career mode brought me back to those nice small rocket designs. It just reminds you, that building big is not always best... and they are fun to fly
  12. Well, i try to build more cost efficient and much more mission orientated. However i still only launch "real" rockets, meaning no asparagus monster setups and no payload without a nice fairing. I use the NEAR aerodynamics mod with procedural fairings, besides scansat and rasterpropmonitors as the only mods.
  13. The same problem occurs in my install too, also on a Mac. I'll try the click and hold stuff mentioned by Starwaster this evening.
  14. When i PLAY KSP, i have a working space agency in mind. I want my missions completed, my contracts fulfilled and my designs up in space. I never try to beat a game, i want to play it. And watching some numbers climb or getting more out of nothing is simply not a good gamers way. Entertainment starts with the wish to be entertained not by cracking the system.
  15. I take a look at this thread almost every day to get new ideas or just to enjoy the awesome creations some players did, regardless if they are pictures or youtube movies or else. And i post often here myself, even if i am getting no response. I bet some people enjoy my posts also, so i am totally with Xacktar here. [edit] seems like i am not the only one feeling like this
  16. I went through some old screenshots from my Duna Mission back in .22 and thought it would make a nice album...
  17. Congratulations! I remember that moment of my first interplanetary touchdown, yes also on Duna, like it was yesterday (maybe because i just posted an old mission log today )... Well done!
  18. No, you dont have to click the hatch. You left-click the hatch only for EVA of those kerbals inside the lab. To clean your experiments, you must have 2 kerbals inside the lab. Then right-click the lab and select "Clean experiments" from the context menue. It requires time and electricity to do so. Progress can be monitored in the appearing dialogue.
  19. Thank you guys! I just finished up an album with an older mission back in .22. It is a constellation type mission to Duna. I hope you enjoy it! I was using lots of mods these days. Mods used: KW Rocketry, ScanSAT, VOID, Hullcam VDS, Environmental Visual Enhancements, Infernal Robotics, Kerbal Attachement System, Future Propulsion (for the solar arrays of the station) and Kethane. I think Ferram Aerospace was included as well.
  20. That is a problem in general... i dont launch without the payload packed in fairings... Procedural fairings make so much out of a weird looking rocket... And for your question, i go with Wampa842´s version. I clipp them to the bottom of the lander (then i wrap the lander / rover in fairings ), so i can release it with ease, or even re-dock it, to take it back to orbit. The usual way: The more extreme way...
  21. Welcome aboard! Good luck on your missions
  22. I absolutely agree. .24 is by far the update that adds most to gameplay, fun and challenge. I´d never thought that contracts would have such a big impact on the gameplay. And it gives you good amounts of funds fast enough to do the experimental and personal stuff anyway. Very nicely balanced.
  23. Here is my rescue launcher. Adwig, Lofred and Rodrigh are the first 3 kerbals i rescued from Kerbin orbit. They bravely volunteered to lead all upcoming rescue and emergency missions, regardless when or where.
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