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Everything posted by Clockwork13

  1. Not really a reason to worry about over population. They are already preparing to colonize mars, but if we don't evacuate to mars soon enough, I believe we are going to die to nuclear war. Russia and Korea already hate us, so the chances of a nuclear war are rather high.
  2. I was doing some science, and I managed to safely land on Kerbin's shores to recover my vessel and whatnot. When I got out to do an EVA, my screen when black right when I hit the ground, and then the game crashed.
  3. Basically. Get too close to a black hole and you will start to get sucks into it. THEN you die.
  4. All the parts got disconnected, and started sliding off, and when they did it exploded.
  5. 1. Asteroids. Asteroids occasionally spawn around the edge of the solar system. Also, asteroids occasionally spawn in the asteroid belt. Asteroids can be mined if you manage to land on one. 2. Explosives. Why explosives? You can use explosives to blow up asteroids, make a smoother area to land on asteroids, and you can use explosives to make temporary craters on planets and moons that last about 2 minues before they start filling up again. 3. Comets. Comets are like asteroids but they can be seen from far distances and come from outside the solar system. Comets occasionally pass by Earth, and if close enough, can be seen in day time. 4. Mining outpost: With a new range of mining drills, you can dock yourself on planets and moons and mine for resources, gaining you coins and science. What you mine and where: Moho: Space rocks Eve: Amysist Kerbin: Rocks Duna: Iron Dres: Preserved water Jool: Gas Eeloo: Freshwater ice MOONS: On ice: Preserved ice On rocks: Rocks On normal land: Alien soil 5. Other solar systems. After you leave the solar system, and after you travel for a while you might come across another star system. The cool thing about foreign star systems is the ability to name the planets, moons, and star yourself. Types of star systems: Normal star systems: Basically like the solar system you came from, but with unique planets and moons. Double star system: 2 stars orbiting each other. These star systems rarely have planets. Dying double star system: These systems never have planets. The two stars are on an orbit that is slowly becoming smaller. They eventually collide and explode. Red giant system: These systems only last for around 20 kerbin years. They then have a 50% chance to explode and a 50% chance to turn into a white dwarf system. White dwarf system: These sometime spawn naturally, or they can be from red giant systems. Supergiant system: These systems last for about 10 years until turning into a black hole. 6. Black holes. These spawn far away from the solar system. They are extremely rich in science if you come upon one. 7. Eas-5 struts. Eas-5 struts are like struts, but they are lighter grey, and they are twice as powerful as normal struts. 8. Space outposts. Space outposts are like space stations, but they are meant to explore deep space with something more than a small capsule. 9. Void engines: Harness the power of black holes and equip your planes with black hole engines. These make the area around your ship turn black when on, and they go extremely fast, and do not require air. However, they require twice as much fuel, even though they start off with some of its own. 10. New gas giant. It would be called Caliisti and is meant to represent Saturn. It has rings, causing gravity assists. It is very hard to land on because of this. However, if you can manage yourself onto an asteroid, you can get some pretty valuable resources to bring back to Kerbin to study. 11. Gas giant storms: Whenever planets are gas giants, they will often have storms. They can last for as short as a month to as long as 10 years. Jool usually only has 1 or 2 storms on it at a time. In rare cases, it might have 3 or 0. 12. Nebula, It would be so cool to have nebula to try to navigate. 13. Custom astronaut skills: In sandbox mode, you should be able to customize your own astronaut's skills. Tell me what you think of these ideas.
  6. Well, it was about half way out of the atmosphere when it happened, and I used a lot of struts.
  7. I was launching a space station into orbit, when suddenly I noticed the ship was tilting over and half of my gas tanks were somehow disconnected! Then the entire thing blew up and rockets were flying everywhere.
  8. The Kraken likes to confuse its victim. I've never met the mighty kraken, but it does sound like you met him.
  9. Change your computer's graphics down. You should be able to by right clicking the desktop. It worked when I was getting only 1 fps while playing Minecraft, so I'm not sure how much it will work on KSP. It should work though. If that doesn't work, I recommend buying a new computer.
  10. What do probes do? I am planning on researching the science to be able to make probes, but I don't know if it will be worth it. And quick side question: Who is Mechjeb?
  11. Thanks for the tips everyone, but quick question; How do I set maneuvers? What white columns?
  12. You have a point, but there needs to be some stable way to have an unlimited supply of science without running out of options. Maybe 1 science per 5 minutes would be better.
  13. Graphic settings are basically how clear the image appears. More/better graphics = better image. Less/worse graphics = less clear image.
  14. Pfft, my Kerbals are plain stupid. They have gotten themselves lost in space like 5 times so far.
  15. Telescope facilities are basically what you can spend science on after you unlock all the upgrades in career mode. The telescope has two big features. The one based on career mode is that you will gain a certain amount of extra science per mission. The telescope facility requires 300 science to build. It is pre-built in sandbox mode. It can also be upgraded. It has 3 upgrade paths: Distance, quality, and filtering. Distance is (obviously) how far you can see. The first upgrade costs 20 science, and it costs +10 science added onto the previous amount for each upgrade. Each upgrade increases the distance it can see by 40 km. It starts off by seeing 40 km farther then with eyes. Quality is how clear the images are. This path is limited. In fact, the only endless upgrade path is distance. The upgrades start by costing 10 science but they increase by 50 science each upgrade. There are 10 total quality upgrades available. The last type of upgrade is filtering. Filtering has two purposes. Dimming sunlight and letting you see past other spacecraft. There are 5 total upgrades for filtering. The top dimming upgrade also makes other stars 50% dimmer so you can see planets and moon, aswell as other objects easier. The dimming upgrades start at 20, and increase by 80 each time. Telescopes are basically floating telescope facilities but without upgrades. There will be a series of lenses and other telescope materials in the part selection area while building ships. Telescopes have 2 purposes. The first one is similar to telescope facilities. You can see farther through your telescope depending on what lenses and how many you used. The other feature lets you gain .5 science per minute for every telescope you have in orbit. Telescopes on land only earn you .2 science per minute. If your kerbals have access to telescopes or the telescope facility, they can write telescope reports. Anyway, tell me what you think about the idea of telescopes! And yes, telescopes will have their own appearance on the orbit map.
  16. Once upon a time, I set Jebediah into orbit around Earth, passing all the way around Minmus, to get a better view of the distant moon. I got a pretty cool view of it, even though I was pretty far away, and I decided to warp time some more to get an even better view, and possibly get into orbit around it. Unexpectedly, while I was looking at map view, Jeb's ship appeared to get extremely close to the moon. The orbit outline turned yellow, and somehow Jeb survived the crashed and was rocketed into orbit around Kerbol, sharing a similar orbit to Kerbin, probably due to collide one day. I warped time, but it didn't look like it would happen any time soon, so I had to terminate the mission. I sent another rocket up into orbit around Kerbin again to get a better view of Minmus. The exact same thing happened, but instead of crashing into the moon, I made the orbit too far. Luckily, I had a working communicom on this one, with some magical Mystery Goo, and I got some science from that. The end. So Jeb really is invincible if he can survive crashing on the Mun at full speed...
  17. I shall go there and kidnap a pet kerbal.
  18. What I've found out is that a common case of it is if your ship a lot of spherical objects. One of my rockets was pretty much spinning all over the place and I found out its because it had a lot of Mystery Goo containers attached. (Like 12)
  19. I never knew I shared shoes with a ton of people from the internet. (pun)
  20. 1. Nibrel is a gas giant and is 1.8 times the size of Jool. It's apospsis is right beyond Eelloo, and it's periapsis is in between Kerbin and Eve's orbit. 2. Terbaal is a planet the size of Kerbin. It's size is the same as Kerbin, but the gravity is 2x denser. 1 parachute won't be enough to land safely on this planet. It orbit in between Jool and Duna's orbit. What makes Terbaal unique is how its orbit is vertical, instead of horizontal. 3. Valtine is a very large and distant planet. It orbits right at the very edge of the Kerbal's Solar system. If it were to have an orbit at all bigger, it would lose its orbit around the sun entirely. Valtine has 3 moons and a 2 rings. If you get into the rings, your ship will take serious damage, and eventually explode. It's first one is called Salge. Salge is basically a moon with a very dense atmosphere, 5x as dense as Kerbin! It's atmosphere is also quite small, so if you can put a spaceship or probe around Salge, it's very rewarding. The second moon is Kerbona. Kerbona is a moon with no atmosphere, low gravity, pretty small, but a LOT of volcanic activity. The volcanic activity means its hard to land safely here. The final moon is call Deralt. Deralt has a lot of mountains, a lot of caves, and a lot of ice deposits. Deralt has an atmosphere, but a very thin one. Using only a parachute probably won't slow you down enough for a safe land
  21. So 2 days ago, I joined KSP, and its really fun and addicting, even though it can get frustrating at times. I have so far managed to launch 2 ships into orbit around the sun in career mode, both happened by mistake while I was trying to flyby by minmus but I end up getting thrusted away from kerbin by Mun. I don't know what else to say here, so fly safe everyone!
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