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    Ship Destroyer

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  1. When a PC game or console game is being ported to another platform i can't help but laugh about it. It mostly just break games and add an extra delay between updates since there would be two versions to maintain. But hey, it's their own decision and I don't play enough to even have a word to say about how they operate. Furthermore, seeing how they have developed this game so far, I don't even have to worry about that.
  2. Me and my friends are patiently waiting for the multiplayer feature to come out, doing war is only one of the many possibilities offered by such feature. We tried the multiplayer mods out there and we kept getting trouble related to either time warp, ship duplicating, random explosions, and more. If someone does not want multiplayer, so be it, he can still play in single player. Also, griefing is most likely to happen when playing with strangers, just don't play on publicly announced servers and there should be no problem.
  3. I have a concern about the look of the new forum, it might sound like nothing but would it be possible to have "square" avatars? I wouldn't like to sacrifice my avatar's details just to have a supposed "modern" look, if it's a circle, it would use the same space as a square, just with lost details. But as it's still in development i doubt the apparence is final, i just wanted to express my opinion. (If it was already brought up by someone then i'm sorry, i didn't want to read [I]all[/I] these pages)
  4. No need to modify the base model on load, you could just swap the model to a human in runtime, would just need the same animation names and job's done i would guess xD
  5. I do have one, but i will suggest you the one i've been suggested by others, as mine is modified to suit my needs http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43839-0-21-KSP-Interstellar-%28Now-with-Heat-Radiators%21%29-Version-0-6-%28Beta%29 source code is probably mentioned in that thread. As for the cryo pods and models, not sure if i can provide xD
  6. Omg, thank so much... Honestly i never thought checking mod sources xD Was fixed on searching online docs all that time
  7. I searched a bit on inernet and couldn't find any pertinent information on how to place a custom partmodule action in the action groups. I have: [KSPEvent(guiActive = true, guiName = "Activate")] public void ActivateEvent() { StartWarp(); activated = true; ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Warp Activated!", 5.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); Events["ActivateEvent"].active = false; Events["DeactivateEvent"].active = true; } [KSPEvent(guiActive = true, guiName = "Deactivate", active = false)] public void DeactivateEvent() { EndWarp(); activated = false; ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Warp Deactivated!", 5.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); Events["ActivateEvent"].active = true; Events["DeactivateEvent"].active = false; } Is that the only piece of code i need to have? I'm kind of frustrated to find nothing about that... :/ Thanks for your time.
  8. *Woups -delete that reply ;D
  9. Just a question like that, i tried setting my avatar in my profile and the only option i see is "Do not use an avatar [o]" but no choice to change anything... It's kinda frustrating :c Any why i can't? Do i need more post counts or something?
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