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Everything posted by Holyvision

  1. Thanks for this! I had totally missed this setting in options! You rock! "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to xEvilReeperx again." It'll come!
  2. Can't wait to start using these in my new 1.0 game! Take you time and thanks for all your hard work!
  3. SO EXCITED! Thank you so much for all the work! Gotta' go play with it all RIGHT NOW!
  4. Try reading back even one page, and you'll usually find your answer.
  5. In addition to the prior mentioned issues, I have found that if I recover a vessel while my "orbit info", "vessel info", or etc windows are still opened -- the next time I am at the controls of a different vessel, these windows will refuse to open what-so-ever until I restart.
  6. To whom it may concern: New Module Manager 2.6.2 released to support modded tech trees in 1.0. Link: https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/88/artifact/ModuleManager.2.6.2.dll
  7. I use this and RealChutes 100% of the time, and this is correct. Just install RealChutes and set your parachutes for recovered stages on a 5-10 second delay, and just stage them with the decouple for a easy recovery. I always stage the chutes with the separation, sometimes when I don't activate the chute first I would not get the recovery by just having the part attached. This could be something to do with RealChute; regardless though, I don't care as it is more realistic and makes the most sense anyway! ::EDIT:: As an aside, sometimes have a parachute help to yank-off a separation stage is just the trick to have a clean separation on those more.... imaginative ship builds. But 99% of the time just set them to a delay.
  8. Just a random thought: If I have a manned-lander on the surface somewhere that I haven't taken a surface sample on yet, would it be possible for Science Alert to detect this and display a grayed out "Surface Sample" option in the alert window to remind me that I need to actually make a Kerbal get out and grab some dirt, which is not clickable until a Kerbal is in range to collect it? The EVA always reminds me to collect my EVA science, but I might of forgotten once or twice to make someone climb down or jump in the water to gather some physical science as well! A tiny minute thing, been using this mod a long time and love it! Thanks for all you do for KSP!
  9. In case anyone else had this issue (100% not RealChute issue): I was using the Phoenix Industries Stock Bug Fix Modules that included a fix for the parachute drag to make them more in-line with what they should of been (while I was waiting for RealChute, of course!). When I installed the newest version of RealChute and tried to load a ship, the game would never load the ship -- only showing a black screen with "NULL" on altitude, speed, and etc. I went and deleted the parachute fix folder from the StockBugFixModules, flushed my PartDatabase.cfg file, and then everything is working again. Again, RealChute just plain rocks and this is in no way a RealChute issue; just posting in case someone else might of done this and has unexpected issues! - - - Updated - - - /facepalm Yes it is out. The download link is on the first page in the OP, as always. Here: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/71
  10. Thanks for the additions. In my situation, career was the first mode I played, and it started with all the functions unlocked after the first control node was researched. I just tried deleting the MechJeb folder from GameData and reinstalling it, and it still has me "fully unlocked" in terms of functionality. I suppose I will try flushing out MM's cache and see if that somehow helps..
  11. Does anyone else's mechjeb have all the tools available in career mode from the first node where the case is unlocked? I have rendezvous, landing, and etc all unlocked when I definitely have not unlocked those nodes yet in my new career game. If others have this "issue" it's a bug otherwise I guess somehow this could be caused through a mod conflict? Suggestions?
  12. Can't wait for my KSP v1.0 to look great with KSPRC! Thanks for all your hard work for the KSP community!
  13. Read back a couple pages -- you'll need to enter in a custom ascent path for the guidance to use, thanks to the fancy new KSP aero system. Several people have posted what they are currently using if you look!
  14. I know it's been mentioned by people already -- but if I take a crew report and transmit it back, I will gain no science, and ScienceAlert will tell me that the exact same crew report should be run again. Rinse and repeat, but no science until recovery. As an aside, I don't seem to experience this issue when a crew report is transmitted from the launch pad, but it 'does' happen in the upper atmosphere, space, and etc.
  15. I can re-re-confirm this as well -- when I'm using the sounding rockets on a new game, I make the science-holding truss the first part, and everything always works out perfect. I have also had zero issues with the parts not being able to survive a landing when using the sounding rocket parachutes as well. The small truss + 2 experiments + 2 sounding batteries + sounding control module + small parachute nosecone will always give me ~7.1m/s touch-down speed.
  16. Can't wait for the update -- thank you for all your work for the KSP community!!
  17. Have not noticed this myself -- would upload logs and screens to help!
  18. Don't underestimate the usefulness of caps-lock key to those gentle control movements.
  19. This is all I have to say: "CARTMANBRAH"
  20. Yea, my Chrome did this as well. Just go to your downloads menu and select "recover removed file"; it's safe and works fine.
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