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Everything posted by Holyvision

  1. Interesting, I am getting a lot of red entries in the log, but the chatterer sounds still seem to function for me. I have no button to open menu to change settings, but it still seems to willpower through and work thus far, have no tested a probe yet. This is my only mod currently in 1.0 as I wanted to try it first.
  2. Can't wait for some sick new smokescreen configs to go with the new 1.0 effects!
  3. Thanks for all your work! RealChute should be stock imho!
  4. So we know that something is haywire with the new heat shields, understood. But these crazy parachutes... Can this can be confirmed to be working as intended or not? Surviving a 3000m/s re-entry when deployed/armed in atmosphere, without burning up, ripping off, or flattening Kerbols? What new magic material did they discover on Kerbin??!?
  5. Thank you for the work for .90's update -- the BREAK ALL THE MODS edition! This is one of my favorites, much appreciated!
  6. Exact same thing to report here. I'm getting the maneuver planner disabled in my career game as well, nothing left to make it unlock again.
  7. Same issues as both. New game doesn't work for me either. KSP.90, the BREAK ALL THE MODS edition!
  8. Thanks for all you're work on this mod -- I loved using it to help me grab science at the right time on EVA missions. It shall be missed!
  9. Can't wait to play this in .90! Thanks for all the hard work you're doing for this!!
  10. Confirmed here too. .90 install, no other mods but this v2.4.1, stock basic asparagus ship -- shows wrong in staging in VAB, shows right after moving to pad. Everything else fine so far; thanks for all the work!
  11. Also remember that in .90, only the higher end probe cores can actually control the SAS system whatsoever!
  12. Bug? If you quick save on a parachutes-deployed-already landing attempt, and then load the quick save, the parachute(s) will not reload and the parachute part will look already deployed (right clicking gives you the option to "cut" the now-non-existent chute) resulting in a ship falling to its doom (or a really lucky suicide burn!) Happens on kerbin, all stock no mods, .90
  13. I cannot say how much I agree that this should be 100% stock.
  14. With the building upgrades now going on, and the job count limits and other challenges these introduce, playing the game where part research has a monetary expense (as I normally do) makes the game pretty much impossible without giving yourself %based handicaps to a cheating point at start. I bow to any mad skills that can pull it off to endgame, stock, with it research expense on, in .90, without cheating. /balance suggestion #1 P.S.Edit -- This is the most fun I've had in KSP... ever. The new stuff you can build; this is a whole new game ladies and gents.
  15. *Sings* "All I want for Christmas is a .90 build, a .90 build, a .90 build...."
  16. Ah -- no worries! If you ever need an idea, would be funny to see a "Jeb's origin's" trailer, that shows off how he started as a wet-noodle rookie and "experienced up" into the legendary pilot of Kerbal kind! Starts with "Training: Day 1", and rapidly flips through his experiences up to today; could also show how the space center grows as he does. Regardless, thanks for the update and all you guys do!
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